Character:Li Jian Chu

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Li Jian Chu "Black Ice Dreamer"
Crow Totem No Moon
Kung Fu Scholar

A handsome young man of slight build with the fair complexion and almond eyes common to the region. Swirling Moonsilver tattoos cover every inch of his skin with fractal patterns. His glossy black hair of which he is quite proud and which he always keeps perfect condition reaches down his back where it is kept together with a silver ring. Most days find him clad in a scholar's robe of dark blue covered with geometric patterns of white lines and made of the finest silk. Li Jian Chu almost never carries any weapons, though a walking-staff of white wood he sometimes keeps with him has often seen misuse as such. He moves as if every motion is considered and part of a greater design or dance, often slow but smoothly and without any wasteful gestures.


To make the Hundred Kingdoms safe for travelers and merchants.


My parents and brothers are dead, only my sister Yue remains. Together we will lead the Li family into a golden tomorrow.
Knowledge is power and wisdom the crown of a true magus.
Never will I let go of my hatred for the Fair Folk. Even though I fear them I will root them out wherever I can.

Totem, Tell and Anima[edit]

Li Jian Chu's totem is Crow, embodying intelligence, wisdom and agility but also unsavory practices, dark secrets and death. In his human Spirit Form this nature becomes apparent in Jian's eyes which are black like those of his totem and unnervingly penetrating. When he assumes his Hybrid Form black feathers replace Jian's hair, running down his back to join the powerful wings that spring from his back and allow him to fly like his totem. His features become sharper but remain human and his form remains slight and increases only little in size.

Jian Chu's anima is composed of shadowy tones of blue and indigo, edged with silver. Attuning his anima causes a -1 external penalty to attackers who cannot see through darkness and reduces the cost of all Charms involving an Occult roll as well as Spells by Ess*2 motes at full strength (though by half the normal cost at most).


PHYSICAL: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
SOCIAL: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
MENTAL: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 3


Favored Abilities[edit]

Survival 1, Occult 5

Unfavored Abilities[edit]

Archery 1, Martial Arts 5 (Unarmed +2), Integrity 1, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Craft (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Wood) 3, Investigation 3, Lore 3, Awareness 1, Bureaucracy 3, Linguistics 3 (Riverspeak, Old Realm, Forest Tongue, Clawspeak), Socialize 1

Knacks & Charms[edit]


Humble Mouse Shape (allows the assumption of shapes as small as a mouse)
Twin-Faced Hero (transcend gender, becoming male, female or neuter at will)
Deadly Beastman Transformation (Wings, Small) (assume a winged hybrid form, gaining +1 to all physical attributes)


1st Dexterity Excellency (1m/die, adds dice to any Dexterity roll)
Golden Tiger Stance (2m, removes up to Dex points of DV penalties)

Secrets of Future Strife (--, double the unmodified Join Battle roll)
Flight of Mercury (1m/action, Reflexive, reduce speed of attacks by 1)
Joy in Adversity Stance (5m, Reflexive Step 5, for every successful defense roll Ess and regain 2x sux motes)
Blade of the Battle Maiden (2m/die, conditionally 1wp, Reflexive, deal/parry lethal damage unarmed, add dice to attack and defense)
Violet Bier of Sorrows Form (6m, Simple, minimum damage equal to MA rating, successful hits damage virtues)


3rd Appearance Excellency (4m, allows re-rolling of Appearance rolls or doubles the static rating for one action)


1st Intelligence Excellency (1m/die, adds dice to any Intelligence roll)
Counting the Elephant's Wrinkles (1m, 1 sux on Int+Lore recalls anything the Exalt has learned or observed with perfect clarity and in flawless detail)
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (1wp, allows the casting of Terrestrial Circle spells)

  • Emerald Countermagic (10m/20m, breaks spells of the Terrestrial Circle)
  • Summon Elemental (10+m, summons an elemental to serve the sorcerer)
  • Death of Obsidian Butterflies (15m, calls forth obsidian butterflies in a 100x30 meter cone, roll Per+Occult +Ess sux, 8L base damage)


Essence: 3
Personal: 19/19
Peripheral: 42/42 (44)
Committed to Charms: None
Committed to Artifacts: 2m (Steelsilk Robes)
Anima Status: None

Dodge DV: 4
Soak: 6L/6B/5A (7L/7B/5A in DBT)
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
(wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


OOOOO OOO (Willpower 8/8)


Compassion: 2 - Mercy is the mark of a great man. Guess I’m just a good man. Well, I’m all right.
Conviction: 3 - Genius alone is not enough. Determination is the key to excellence.
Temperance: 2 - If you don't drink deeply of life's pleasures how can you ever truly live?
Valor: 4 - I have sacrificed my childish fears on the altar of power and chosen honor and duty to be my guiding principles. Never again will I run where I should fight.
(Virtue channels used: None)

Limit Break[edit]

The Curse of the Lone Wolf
The character needs no one. He feels no fear, and doesn't respect others. The Lone Wolf does not wait for help before wading into combat, and he doesn't share the glory for success. He feels nothing but contempt for "the pack" and will always proceed without waiting for the others to catch up.

Limit Conditions: Resisting Valor, UMI, the full moon.
Limit: None


Join Battle: 8

Hand: Spd 5, Acc 13, Dmg 3B, PDV 7, rate 3
Kick: Spd 5, Acc 12, Dmg 6B, PDV 5, rate 2
Clinch: Spd 6, Acc 12, Dmg 3B (P), rate 1

Perfect Staff: Spd 6, Acc 14, Dmg 10B, PDV 7, rate 3
Perfect Self Bow: Spd 6, Acc 8, Dmg 5L (broadhead arrows), rate 3

Hand: Spd 5, Acc 14, Dmg 4B, PDV 7, rate 3
Kick: Spd 5, Acc 13, Dmg 7B, PDV 5, rate 2
Wings: Spd ?, Acc ?, Dmg ?, PDV ?, rate 2
Clinch: Spd 6, Acc 13, Dmg 4B (P), rate 1

Perfect Staff: Spd 6, Acc 15, Dmg 11B, PDV 7, rate 3
Perfect Self Bow: Spd 6, Acc 9, Dmg 6L (broadhead arrows), rate 3

Coral Snake Venom: Dmg 6L/1 tick, Tox 3, -5 internal penalty


Resources 4[edit]

Though his Moonsilver tattoos preclude him from taking an official and influential position within the clan - should he become too visible it would render the family vulnerable to accusations and political ploys - Jian Chu has access to the wealth of the Li family and draws a generous stipend for himself and his own projects. His sister Yue knows how great an asset he is to the clan's interests and that his little 'experiments' usually end up benefiting her in unexpected ways.

Allies 1[edit]

Li Yue is Jian Chu's elder sister and head of the Li clan. Although the two of the them never were very close as children and their reunion almost ended in a disaster they are now the only members of the head family. With the the rest of the world against them and many of the clan jealous of their position Jian and Yue are now united in their determination to steer the Li through these troubled times and into a golden future. While not very powerful personally Yue wields great influence as head of one of the ruling clans of Chosaten as well as enormous wealth.

Artifact 2[edit]

During his apprenticeship with He Who Makes The Rivers Cry Jian Chu has created for himself beautiful robes of durable steelsilk in dark blue and white. While grumbling about the city-born man's preference for luxuries and dislike for sensible armor the elder No Moon assisted him in laying the self-repairing enchantments which are yet beyond Jian's grasp. The essence-charged and extraordinarily tough silk doesn't have the mutability of Moonsilver, but through a clever trick of design it can make openings for the wings of Jian's War Form without being destroyed in the process. Even so it needs a few minutes to reconstitute itself after such a transformation.

Heart's Blood 1[edit]

Through the Sacred Hunt Jian Chu has gained himself a few useful animal forms: Mouse, coral snake, black panther.

Renown 0[edit]

Jian's cunning during his trials was deemed impressive but his mettle left much to be desired. The Crossroads Society knows him as a promising initiate of the first degree but he has not distinguished himself enough for many to bother remembering him.

Merits & Flaws[edit]

Enemy 3[edit]

Ei-Zen Hon is a Chosen of Endings no more than two centuries old who went ronin after a series of disastrous missions left him with wounds both bodily and mental. As his hiding place from the Bureau he choose an old and secret manse fatefully claimed by He Who Makes The Rivers Cry, who was teaching his new apprentice there. The Elder No Moon's powers healed the physical scars but more than anything else it was the friendship of Jian Chu who was also recovering from great mental trauma that helped the unfortunate Endbringer cling to sanity and find back to himself. In time they became more than friends and when the young No Moon told him of his failings one evening Ei-Zen Hon began to look for a way to help his lover in turn. And perhaps the Sidereals are indeed the greatest masters of the martial arts for where all his previous teachers had failed Ei-Zen Hon found a solution and the right style for Jian Chu. But their happiness was not meant to last. As the Infallible Messengers describing the consequences of the Reckoner's absence on Fate and Creation became more and more dire he realized that he could not avoid taking his place among the Five-Score Fellowship again. Upon his return he - and worse yet, his own sifu - realized, what he had done: In a moment of weakness he had betrayed Bureau secrets to an outsider. There could be only one solution that would simultaneously hone his conviction and salvage Ei-Zen Hon's position, the ancient Sidereal told the Endbringer: Li Jian Chu had to die by his own hand. And so it is that with great regret Ei-Zen Hon has begun to pursue his former lover's death. Nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of duty, thus is the lonely life of a Sidereal.

Valor Vice 1[edit]

Although he has given up many of his fears during his initiation into sorcery one fear remains with Jian Chu since his terrifying experiences in the haunted forest: Though he is a great admirer of beauty in its many forms there are people and entities that approach too close to perfection for comfort, that recall in him the horror of the Fair Lord and his inhumanly beautiful hunter-tormentors. His courage fails him in those situations. Thankfully, perverse though it may sound, it is rare to find such beauty in this fallen age.

Greater Curse 2[edit]

Among the previous bearers of Jian's anima is counted Marzak of Many Colors, a notable researcher into the nature of the Wyld. Following the Ursurpation he came to tragic fame by being one of the first Lunars to succumb to Wyld influence, lose his Caste and descend into chimerism. By the time this was discovered nothing was left of the one proud and noble Marzak but a gibbering protean mass without a shred of humanity left in it. Other chimerae have been observed since then but few ever progressed as far as he did. It was his unhappy fate along with the other early cases of chimerism that drove the other No Moons to begin the research that would culminate in the protection of the Moonsilver tattoos. But despite Lytek's loving restoration and the caste-fixing that was bestowed on every following incarnation the Exaltation of Marzak of Many Colors still carries damage, a certain tendency toward instability, to this day.


Jian Chu was born into the Li family, one of the most powerful clans in Chosaten. As the youngest son he wasn't expected to take over the reigns of the family's trade empire and so his education was focused more on scholarly matters than on the mercantile arts. His parents had chosen well, for Jian excelled in these subjects, learning history, sciences and languages with almost playful ease and even progressing far in the theories or mortal essence manipulation. His instruction in the martial arts - for without kung fu no education is complete! - went less well. Though he was quick and persistent in his efforts Jian wasn't very strong and had trouble remembering the correct movements whenever he had less than a few seconds to mentally prepare himself. "The boy is simply incapable of forming muscle memories," his teachers despaired. Though bothered by his failure Jian compensated through intellectual capabilities and grew up to be a valued scion of Li, representing the scholarly side of the family.

It was on the return journey from Sijan where the Li's founding ancestor lay buried that things changed forever for Jian. A powerful army of bandits attacked the caravan and while his parents and older brothers fought valiantly Jian could only run, fleeing from pursuing bandits until he entered a nearby forest where they would no follow him. With good reason it turned out, since this forest was cursed by the presence of a noble of the Fair Folk, who had claimed it as his territory and played cruel games with all mortals who dared to enter. For days Jian stumbled through dense woods, tormented by confusing glamors and inhumanly beautiful hunters. Finally, terribly weakened in body and mind he reached the other side of the small patch of forest. Appreciative of this mortals mettle the Fair Lord appeared himself now, claiming the young man for himself and reaching out to bring him back over the line demarcating the border of his territory. But another power had been impressed by Jian Chu endurance and cunning in evading his hunters. As a silver-haired woman helped Jian to his feet and offered him water the Fair One hesitated, then cursed mightily as he recognized the Silver Lady herself. Incapable of opposing one of the Incarna he had to turn back and return to his palace empty-handed.

Soon after his Exaltation Jian Chu was found by the Silver Pact and began studying under the ancient No Moon He Who Makes The Rivers Cry. His aptitude for matters intellectual once more showed as he quickly mastered the sorcery of the Emerald Circle. But even more importantly to Jian, who had had to leave his family behind during the bandit attack, this wise mentor found a teacher for his young pupil, one that could instruct him in the martial arts in a way he could comprehend. Maybe the Lunar Exaltation breaking open the channels of instinct and body awareness was another factor, but that mysterious sifu about whom Jian can remember few details was the decisive one. For the first time in his life Jian could *understand* what he was learning and that made all the difference.

A full year after that fateful day of the bandit attack Jian Chu, now adorned with silvery tattoos and carrying the full power of one of Luna's Chosen, returned to the Li family holdings. There he found his oldest sister, who had been too sick to follow the pilgrimage to Sijan, leading the family with an iron hand. Suspicions abounded and accusations flew back and forth as the brother who was believed dead had suddenly returned. But as the days and weeks went on with neither Jian becoming a man-eating monster nor Li Yue turning out a patricidal tyrant the two slowly began to mend their cracked bonds. Family has to stick together after all, especially with so many lost to the wheel of reincarnation. Although his Moonsilver tattoos make it a political necessity to keep him in the background Jian's skill at managing complex accounting books and deal with problems of the occult sort is invaluable to the family. But his true goals he has set much higher. Rendering the Hundred Kingdoms safe for all travelers and allowing commerce to prosper without fear, that is his dream. And one day he will return to that haunted forest and visit his righteous vengeance on the Fair Lord.


A serious expression, formal language and diligent attention to courtesy, that is the face Li Jian Chu presents to the world but it does not take much to see the young man underneath, curious, vivacious and with a sophisticated sense of humor. He is quick to take offense but just as quick to make friends once the scales are even again. Growing up a scion of one of the Hundred Kingdoms' richest families and a genius besides has inculcated Jian with a certain easy arrogance. He is self-aware enough to recognize his faults in himself, but not much inclined to do anything about them most of the time. The same sense of superiority however also moves him toward a feeling of responsibility and to kind deeds toward those less fortunate than himself. Honor and duty are - troublesome though he often claims them to be - central to his character as is the determination that has driven him to excel as a scholar. Those willing to look past his quirks can find in him a compassionate helper and a loyal friend.

Goals and Motivations[edit]



XP gained:
XP spent:
XP unspent:

XP spending plans: Socialize 2 (2 XP), Changing Plumage Mastery (8 XP), Presence 2 (2 XP), Claws of the Silver Moon (12 XP), Death-Parrying Stroke (10 XP)

BP used: 10 (Essence 3) +6 (Virtues) +2 (Willpower) +3 (Attributes) +8 (Abilities) +2 (Backgrounds) -6 (Flaws) = 25



The Holy Kingdom of Chosaten lies at the northern edge of the Yellow Forest and is in fact neither holy nor truly a kingdom. There is the old bloodline of the priest-kings who traditionally are held to be of great spiritual power and to intercede with the ancestors on behalf of their people. But like his fathers and grandfathers before him the current 'ruler and high priest of all Chosaten', Priest-King Akewara holds no true power and is little more than a convenient figurehead for official ceremonies. Rulership lies in the hands of the High Council, a body composed of the representatives of the major clans with a token presence from the minor clans. These ruling families of Chosaten are between them in control of nearly all the nation's lands and wealth and are involved in a constant struggle for supremacy. The internal politics of the High Council are vicious and alliances can shift quickly. Currently the White Shield Alliance holds the majority and its leader Dao Tseng is the most powerful man in the country.

The common people of course don't care much, which of the great and powerful holds sway in the Council this year. They are more inwardly focused, polite, private and often suspicious of outlanders. Ancestor worship is widely spread in Chosaten which accounts in part for the priest-kings high popularity among the people despite his ineffectualness. There are few devout Immaculates and even fewer Immaculate monks in the kingdom, but they are accepted and sometimes even revered, though more on their personal merits and those of their faith. However despite the Immaculate Faith's insignificant influence there are ancient scriptures going back to the one of the early priest-kings that list Solars and Lunars among many others (such as redheaded and left-handed children) as harbingers of doom and catalysts of destruction. These are believed only by very few for they resemble the writings of a madman in places, but they have often provided useful pretexts for aggressive political moves within the families or even in the High Council.

In response to Nine Oaks's demands the High Council has 'suggested' to the priest-king that a delegation be sent to negotiate a better deal. Secretly several of the major clans have sent their own agents to try and make alternative arrangements to meet their quota of sacrifices while leaving their rivals burdened.

Huan Zhao[edit]

Huan Zhao (previously Li-Deng Zhao), a cousin from the Deng branch of the family, grew up together with Jian and shared the same strict instructors. After a protracted duel of academic and mindgame one-upmanship the two boys so close in age and with similar gifts of intelligence became the best of friends. This friendship continued as boys became men with their own, different responsibilities even when occasional letters were all the contact they had after Zhao was married into the Huan family a few months before the fateful day of caravan attack. When Jian returned to the family from his enforced hermitage a few weeks ago he sent Zhao a cryptic note to tell him him that contrary to general knowledge he was still alive, but he has not yet met him in person, unsure how he would react to his tattoos and their personal and political implications.

Custom Charms[edit]

Blade of the Battle Maiden
Cost: 2m/die, (1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 3, Ess 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife
Charging his hands with disruptive essence the Exalt deals lethal internal injuries even with the lightest of touches. Activating this Charm is a complicated process involving difficult internal channeling techniques - after the initial Charm invocation the Exalt can continue to increase the essence flow as a reflexive non-charm action. Spending more than 2m per Action on this Charm requires the additional expenditure of one point of Willpower to control the forceful release of energies. No more than two times the Exalt's Martial Arts rating in motes can be committed to this Charm.
For the rest of the scene the character’s Martial Arts attacks (including clinches) inflict lethal damage. The character can also parry lethal damage from physical attacks (including ranged attacks) without using a weapon or stunt. What’s more, every two motes spent on this Charm add one die to each unarmed Martial Arts attack, and one to the pool used to calculate Parry Defense Value. Neither armor nor weapons (even Form Weapons) can be used with this Charm.
Example 1: Waiting for his opponent to finish taunting him Li Jian Chu can take his time activating Blade of the Battle Maiden. He invokes this Charm for 2m and on the two following actions spends another 2m each as a reflexive non-charm action. He now has 6m committed and adds three dice to unarmed attacks and PDV calculation.
Example 2: Ambushed by dangerous enemies Jian needs the maximum effect and fast! He activates the Charm and commits 10m - his maximum, since he has MA 5. He also has to spend one point of Willpower since he puts more than 2m/action into BotBM. He now adds five dice to attacks and PDV calculation. Let's hope it is enough.

Comment: I'm balancing this version of BotBM off Water Dragon Form (5m), which in addition to its primary powerful soak effect adds three dice to all Martial Arts rolls. In comparison BotBM costs slightly more essence per die, is either much slower to activate or costs WP, and dealing/parrying lethal damage is much less powerful than Water Dragon Form's soak boost plus reflexive soak adder. On the plus side BotBM can add more than three dice (a maximum of five barring Ess >6), is more flexible and doesn't have the drawbacks of a Form Charm. Disallowing weapons is a neutral factor in Jian's case, since Claws of the Silver Moon (once he learns it) enhances his natural unarmed attacks and is equivalent to using Moonsilver Tiger Claws with Water Dragon Style.

Jian minus tattoos[edit]