Survivor Press Conference Questions

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  • Do you plan on taking litigation against Celera?
  • What level of involvement did the Government have with Celera and the holding of the Survivors?
  • Mr. Redford, what is your standing on alliegence to the US Military considering your history with them?
  • So, you say that you have 'super-powers'.
    • Care to give us a bit of a denonstration of what you're talking about?
  • OK, then what can you tell us what these powers are even?
  • Do you have full control of these abilities?
  • So how much damage do you cause to the city?
  • What sort of arrangement do you have with the city's law enforcement?
  • Has your team been deputized, or do you make citizen's arrests?
  • Do you have to read Miranda rights and follow authorized arrest procedures?
  • How do you plan on dealing with the identity issue?
  • Will you be (or have you already) legally changing your names, so that you can testify without giving out the names of your families?
  • What's your opinion on [issue of the day, the war, scientology, martha stewart, abortion, gay marriage, the patriot act, heroes using guns].
  • Are you going to take over the world? (It's a 'dumb' question, but it's probably in the fears of everybody, and needs to be answered...)
  • Do you plan to participate in any military conflicts?
  • Do you read comic books?
  • Are you interested in reality television?
  • Is corporate sponsorship on your radar?
  • What is the extent of your powers?
    • How can we know for sure?
  • What do you think of the current proposal of power registration?
  • What are you doing to minimize property destruction
  • What do you see your role as, in relation to regular law enforcement?
  • What do you have to say about the [X] group, which is claiming that supers are the new gods?
  • What do you have to say about [X] religion's statement that supers are tools of [evil entity goes here]?


  • Based on what is theorized that you people will be able to do, it is rumored that country leaders such as CHINA and ISREAL is offering tax free living status in exchange for military development of your abilities. Would you consider this? And how do you feel it would change the balance of power among the Super-Powers.


  • To a flier Do you have to file a flight plan? Do you and the FAA have some sort of arrangement where they tell you what 'zones' to avoid, to prevent any sort of disastrous interaction between you and local air traffic?
  • To a technologist What do you think of Intel's new uberwhatzis? Does your communications technology have to be vetted by the broadcast commision to make sure you're not stomping over signal traffic? What sort of firepower do those wrist-cannons have? Can they be used non-destructively within city limits, or in non-lethal confrontations?
  • To a shapeshifter What's your stance on the idea of a persons unique look, or even their DNA, being copyrighted? A celebrity impersonator functions as satire or parody, but at what point do you feel that appearing as another deceptively becomes fraud or even identity theft?
  • To an animal controller / metamorph What do you think of PETA's latest attacks on the fur industry? With your affinity for animals / ability to 'walk in their skin,' you must have some unique perspective on the issue.
  • To a telepath Just checking if I actually needed to ask the question out loud... [Nervous laughter] Seriously though, the idea of mental privacy is being hammered out in courts even as we speak. How will a ruling in favor, which seems to be guaranteed at this point, affect your ability to function?
  • For heavy bricks Do you have any plans to work with the DoT with regard to the potholes you make when you jump around town?
  • For magic-using types Do you have any comment on the accusation that you are glamorizing witchcraft and should be burned at the stake?
  • For heroes from the future Can you give me next week's lotto numbers?


  • "Ok, any one here with a Mind Control power, please raise my hand." --Rob Cordry, Correspondant from The Daily Show.