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Reaper. By his real name Thomas Benson, he is, without a doubt, the greatest serial killer of the Avatar's World - so much that he has become a member of Global Might.

It is unknown when exactly Benson began to commit his murders, or at what point he began using a scythe and a costume reminiscent of the popular image of Death, but at a certain point, "Reaper" had become far more than just another serial killer - his body count was in the hundreds, and included a few super-humans. Clever, ruthless, and deadly like no else, it has been said that he needs to kill at least one human being every day, and at least one superhero every week. After years of operation, one can imagine the death toll.

Around the time he joined Global Might, Reaper was mysteriously upgraded - his scythe was replaced with another one with a mono-molecular edge, and his already impressive combat skills went up a notch, and have kept improving since, as if he gets top-notch training. The combat skills might be a result of sparring with Global Might's Jack of all Trades, but the scythe's origin remains a mystery - though the leading theory is that he, and some other members of Global Might were equipped by Shadow.