Doom, Doctor - PL20

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Doctor Doom: PL 20

Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 17 (15 flatfooted); Spd 30ft; Atk +6 melee (+14S/Reach 5'/Critical 20 punch), +7 ranged (+13S/Range 130'/Critical 20 varies); VP: 10, Dmg +2, Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20 [76]

Skills: Bluff +15, Computers +27, Diplomacy +19, Gather Information +20, Handle Animal +20, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (Culture (Latverian, Occult, Science) +20, Perform (Oratory, Grandstanding, Storytelling) +20, Profession (Tyrant) +10, Repair +30, Ride +9, Science (Archaeology, Engineering, Physics) +27, Sense Motive +10, Taunt +20, [From his Super-Intelligence ranks, Doom may use Demolitions, Disable Device, Knowledge (Current Events, Geography, Religion), Medicine, Search, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics) untrained] [70]

Feats: Assessment, Connected, Detect-Magic, Headquarters, Indomitable Will, Infamy, Inspire, Iron Will, Leadership, Minions (numerous), Sidekicks/Allies (varies), Startle, Technical Analysis,Toughness, Trance, Vehicles, Wealthy x5 [42]

Powers: Scientific Genius +15 [Extras: Clever Inventor; Power Stunts: Tech Specialty (Duplication, Time Travel, Transfer); Cost: 2pp; Total 36pp], Sorcery +6 [Spells: Snare, Energy Blast, Dimensional Travel (Flaws: Requires Assistance of Someone with Sorcery +10 or higher), Force Field (Extras: Impervious; Flaws: Magic Only), Possession (Flaws: Mind Swap, Slow), Summon Minion (Extras: Type-Demons; Flaws: Slow); Flaws: Verbal Component; Cost: 6pp; Total: 36pp] Spontaneous Inventor +13 [Talented Inventor, Versatility; Power Stunts: Technological Mastery: Armor, Flaws: Limited-Doom Armor Only; Cost: 2pp; Total 28pp], Super-Intelligence +10 [Extras: Innate, Super-Charisma; Power Stunt: Eidetic Memory; Cost: 3pp; Total: 32pp] [132]

Equipment: Doom’s Armor – Via Spontaneous Inventor Armor +13 [Extras: Close Quarters System-Electric, Computer Analysis, Energy Blast-Kinetic (Power Stunts: Create Attack-Boulders [Extras: Area; Flaws: Uses (3)], Energy Blast-Electric [Extras: Scatter Gun; Flaws: Dispersed Firepower], Energy Blast-Heat, Mind Blast [Flaws: Obvious], Neutralize [Flaws: Super-Science Only], Paralyze, Slow [Trigger Effect-Strike; Flaws: Always Triggered, Dispersed Firepower]; Power Stunts: Dual Damage), Flight [Power Stunt: Super-Flight], Force Field (Extras: Continuous, Impervious; Flaws: Immobilizing), Immunity, Energy Control-Kinetic (Extras: Slow, Flaws: Full Effect – Pushing/Pulling Only), Super-Senses, Super-Strength; Features: Easily Repaired, Hard Point-Gauntlets, Storage Compartments; Voice Modulator; Power Stunts: Radio Broadcast, Radio Hearing; Cost: 13pp; Total: 178]

Inventions – Via Scientific Genius

Doombot – These specialized Doom-Bots are made to look just like Doom and serve as decoys or representatives in his stead. Their primary function is to keep Doom alive… one way or another. Their stats are identical to Doom’s with the noted excluded power, and ranks limited to PL 15. Duplication +15 [Extras: Remote; Power Stunts: Mind Linked, Flaws: Device/Construct, Excluded Powers-Scientific Genius, Sorcery, Super-Intelligence: Cost: 2pp; Total: 30pp]

The Time Machine – Perhaps Doom’s most infamous device… this thing set a whole bunch of things in motion that still affect the Marvel Universe to this very day. Time-Travel +15 [Extras: Remote, Triggered-Teleport; Power Stunts: Extended Teleport; Flaws: Device, Size (Huge), Limited-Triggered Teleports Only; Cost: 2pp; Total 30pp]

The Power Transferal Apparatus – This device was used against the Fantastic Four to steel their powers… linked to a set of capture tubes that held the team immobile the plan was pure genius… needless to say, things didn’t go quite as planned. Transferal +16 [Extras: All Attributes (powers), Additional Targets x3, Expanded Powers x4, Slow Recovery; Flaws: Complex Operation x5, Device, Fragile, Size x2 (Gargantuan), Tainted; Cost: 2pp; Total: 30pp]

Weakness: Disturbing Unlucky/Antagonists (F4) – The reasons that despite being a virtual god of a villain… why Doom fails… time and time again. He gets the shaft a lot… both in battle and his personal life (just look at the events leading up to him becoming Doom… geez…). Even his genius can’t overcome the fact that most of the time… the fates are against him. Sometimes its even implied that he is truly cursed. The other half of his problem is the Fantastic Four… through his unnecessary obsession with them (both as a team and as individuals) and their vigilant eye over him… he often finds his bane.