Session 50

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Chapter 7

Random_Nerd: ___________________START_________________
Random_Nerd: (So, we're agreed to jump ahead to when William returns?)
Brian: (sounds good to me)
DanteE: (Sure)
Theresa: (Lead on.)
Random_Nerd: Title Card: One Day Later
Brian: ("Ok, who ghosted that?")
Random_Nerd: William walks into the clock tower, wipes his forehead with a handkerchief, and mutters "Okay, I officially hate Mexico City."

      • Etheric has joined #nobilis.

DanteE: (can we assume Theresa somehow got the plants to the moon? :)

  • Theresa looks up from her book "Nature and You."

DanteE: (Hi Eth)
Theresa: (Hi Etheric! *HUG*)
Brian: "Well, hopefully you won't need to go back anytime soon."
Theresa: (Yep, miracled. 4 points.)
Random_Nerd: (He says it far enough away that it'd be out of earshot to a normal person, but anyone with even a little Aspect can hear it.)
Etheric: (Hi, people! Sorry for lateness!)

  • Theresa calls out, "Do you have a list you're going down for that, William?"

Brian: (Aspect 0 counds as "a little Aspect" yes?)
Random_Nerd: (Heck, sure. Even Aspect 0 is a bit better than regular human, as you're never off your game.)
Random_Nerd: "Oh, ah, sorry about that, ma'am."
DanteE: "So, how many soldiers did you find?"
Random_Nerd: "The soldiers are returned, all of them."
Brian: "Well done."
DanteE: "All?"
Random_Nerd: (To spare me from checking my notes to get the exact number, shall we just say "all"?)
Random_Nerd: "All of them, at least, that showed up there."
Theresa: *curls up in her seat, tucking legs underneath her* "So, what happened? Where are the soldiers now?"
Theresa: (Oh and we didn't say who was all in there, Etheric, so Carrie can be right there, just hasn't said anything yet.)
Random_Nerd: "They're in chancel. Currenly at a bus stop, actually, going off to their homes."
Brian: "How'd they take it?"
Random_Nerd: "If I may, I'd suggest giving them some leave. They spent a certain amount of time in prison, and a few ended up in a mental hospital."

  • Theresa frowns.

Theresa: "Were they hurt?"
Random_Nerd: "Not seriously. One got grazed with small arms fire, but nothing serious. Just be glad they were disciplined enough not to start shooting when the cops tried to arrest them."
DanteE: "What was the reaction of the locals?"
Random_Nerd: "Well, what you'd expect if a division of fully armed soldiers appeared in the middle of a large town."
Random_Nerd: "Panic."
Random_Nerd: "Now, what can I do to help you?"

  • Theresa hides her eyes in one hand.

DanteE: "Speaking an unknown language as well..."
Random_Nerd: "Fortunately, some of them spoke Spanish."
Random_Nerd: "The soldiers, I mean. Naturally, the locals did. Err, may I sit down and have a glass of water?"
DanteE: "Certainly, William"

  • Theresa gets up and pulls out a chair for William. "Pick a fruit juice."

Random_Nerd: "And if I may, sir, I'd suggest some sort of commendation or recognition for Lieutenant Davidson. As I understand it, he had a major role in negotiating between the local police and the other soldiers."
Random_Nerd: William stops by the water cooler, and then takes a seat.
DanteE: "Anyway, we were thinking of something more in tune with your skills...

  • Theresa writes down about the soldiers' leave and the commendation for Lieutenant Davidson. Maybe a medal.

Random_Nerd: "Yes, sir?"
Theresa: *pondering* "Hey, Dante, can you make a medal in honor of courage?"
Random_Nerd: (You can. Falls under your domain just fine.)
DanteE: (I wondered. :)
DanteE: "I could, but is it really courage, or intelligence that typifies what he did?"
Random_Nerd: W: "A bit of both, as I understand it. Keeping your head while guys with guns are yelling at you in the language you took classes on in highschool can't be easy."
Theresa: "I'd think courage, intelligence, discipline...his squad didn't hurt those locals, he tried his best to keep them all together and he was trying his best to get his group out of there when William came to bring them home."
DanteE: "In that case, he should get a standard Amyran commendation."

  • Theresa scribbles that down. "Okay, okay...but it might be nice if one of us gave it. Or whatever they do with commendations."

Random_Nerd: "Ma'am, the people who run the country are all in this room. They do it the way you say they do."
DanteE: "I just wonder how he'd take it... 'oh, while you were gone the world changed and 5 random people are in charge now. One of them made you a medal!'"
Theresa: "Very true, William. And Dante, the world already changed a lot before they left. That's why they were sent out. It's just that the names on who are the Highest Ups got changed."
DanteE: "Hm...."
DanteE: Div-Courage to check on what exactly Davidson did
Random_Nerd: (Successfully talked the other soldiers into standing down and the MC cops into not trying to shoot them before they did. He still feels bad that he couldn't talk them out of doing jail time on weapons and disturbing the peace charges.)
DanteE: "Hm... looks like he saved his platoon and prevented an international incident... er ... inter-realm incident?"

  • DanteE pulls put a red Edelweiss.

DanteE: "You're right, he does deserve something...."
DanteE: LC Courage to change the flower into a commendation medal.
DanteE: (2 DMP)
Random_Nerd: William drinks his water.
DanteE: (... hello?)
Random_Nerd: (Yes?)
Random_Nerd: (The miracle works. Do you want me to describe it?)
DanteE: (If you want. Or I can. :)
Theresa: (It's your medal, Dante.  :) Go for it!)
Random_Nerd: (Feel free. You know what you want it to look like better than I do, after all.)

  • DanteE loosely holds the flower in his palm and concentrates for a moment. The flower seems to follow his will and extend itself to its full size, and just for a moment, seems to collect motes of light from the air itself...

DanteE: Soon, it's extended to a shiny silver disk, in which the petals of the original flower are now the points of an embedded star.

  • DanteE makes a showy flick of his wrist, producing the attached ribbon-red, with gold stripe- as if in a magician's production.

Theresa: "Oh _nice_."
DanteE: "What do you think, too showy?"
DanteE: It's a silver star-and-disk, with 'Republic of Amyra' on top and the latin word for 'Courage' at the bottom.
Theresa: "I think it's perfect, Dante." *smile*
Theresa: "Oh and William, the job we were interested in is a party to be held here in the Chancel for some other Nobles. Soonish or so."
DanteE: "Who has the best rapport with the authorities?
DanteE: "We should check and see if we can locate the ones who are still missing, then we can announce their return and give this away at the same time."
Random_Nerd: (With which authorities?)
DanteE: (Amyran)
Random_Nerd: "Okay. A party. Fancy dress, I assume?"
Random_Nerd: (Brian, then. He has that Gift.)
DanteE: "Ah... we need to find the stragglers first."
Theresa: (Yep, Brian would be good. Watch out for girls throwing themselves though.)

  • Theresa puts this on her notes.

Theresa: "We hadn't decided a dress code yet, William. I believe togas may have been mentioned."
Random_Nerd: "In, ah... a classical sense? Or in a more contemporary one?"

      • Etheric is now known as Carrie.
  • Carrie happens to come in just at that moment. "Oh, for Heaven's sake! Semiformal dress is fine! I didn't think you all were serious about the toga idea."
  • Theresa grins at Carrie.

DanteE: "Especially considering that a 'contemporary toga' is really just a repurposed bedsheet. :)"
Random_Nerd: William has a facial expression that combines mild horror with partially repressed college memories.
DanteE: (he wasn't nicknamed Bluto by any chance? :)

  • Carrie takes a seat.

Random_Nerd: (There are some questions even the Power of Courage should fear to ask.)
Random_Nerd: "In any case, how may I be of service?"
Theresa: "Ahh, but see, with me, they can be _really good_ bedsheets."
Carrie: "We were hoping you might act as something of a protocol officer for the party... Letting us know the conventions so that we may consciusly choose whether to follow them."
Theresa: "Well, we think we have a guestlist. We need to know how much time to allow tween sending out the invites and the actual party, appropriate party length, any Noble-wide party taboos and also if there is any etiquitte to the invites."
Theresa: (Or, what she said.)
Random_Nerd: "Ah."
Random_Nerd: He smiles.
Random_Nerd: "Okay, shall we go over the guestlist?"
Random_Nerd: "As for the protocals, those may depend on the guests, and a few choices of your own."
DanteE: "Let's start with Consequences and his Familia..."
Theresa: "And Night..."
DanteE: "Do you know them?"
Random_Nerd: He thinks for a moment.
Random_Nerd: "Ah, one of the Watchers, correct? Long-enchanced, angel of Jupiter and his Familia?"
DanteE: "Let's see, he told us his age when we first met...
Random_Nerd: "You met Barakiel? Or one of the Nobles?"
Random_Nerd: He seems a little surprised.
Theresa: "The Noble Consequences. He brought us one of his Imperator's feathers...which later became part of Monty."
Random_Nerd: "The rabbit?"
Random_Nerd: "That reminds me. The other moon... that /is/ new, correct?"
DanteE: "Ah yes... he was coming up on 117."
DanteE: "And yes, Kudzu created Monty's moon from scratch."
DanteE: "From our perspective, about 2 days ago."
Theresa: "Sorry, William. You missed Monty's...coming out party."
Random_Nerd: "Do I have your permission to not think about the moon thing?"
DanteE: "Yes. The cleaning lady would not be happy if your brain oozed out one ear."
Random_Nerd: "Thank you, sir."
Random_Nerd: "Coming out party?"
Theresa: "Monty...smashed through the wall of his room. Took out a bit of the city on his way toward the ocean."
Random_Nerd: "Was this... a deliberate choice on your part? Or, ah, 'just one of those things'?"
Brian: "Nice word choice. Yes, it was one of those things that happen..."
Random_Nerd: "At any rate... okay, Night. I'm not familiar with Night, I'm afraid."
Theresa: "One of those things. Definitely one of those things." *turns a bit red with embarassement and rubs at her still sticklike injured arm*
Random_Nerd: William maintains eye contact with Theresa.
Theresa: "I think we were also considering inviting Physics, History and...darn, I keep forgetting. Did you have someone you wanted, Carrie?"
DanteE: "Anyway... Night helped us in cleaning up, which also settled part of his debt with the you-know-who."
Random_Nerd: "Which 'you know who'? I can think of at least... four You Know Whos offhand."
Brian: "The C one."
Random_Nerd: "Great. Well, at least it's not the E one or the L one."
Random_Nerd: "Okay, now, are these all going to be terrestrial Nobles?"
DanteE: "It would probably be for the best..."
Theresa: (Now I wonder who that last 'you know who' is....)
Random_Nerd: (You can ask...)
Theresa: (I'm pondering that. Maybe later, since we're trying to finish up the party business.  :) )

  • Carrie looks at Theresa, uncertain if she should respond. "I was at first rather interested in meeting the Power of Choice, until I learned of that Power's alignment with Hell."

Theresa: "Oh, yes...hmm."
DanteE: (I'm guessing large red guy that's really into Darkness)
Theresa: (Cams, Entropy, Lucifer...the 4th is...who?)
DanteE: (Good question... the lord of Splintering?)
Theresa: "By the way, William, who's the 4th 'you know who'?"
Random_Nerd: "While those adhering to the Fallen code are more likely to be distasteful, they're not really /that/ much worse than other Nobles. Present company excepted, of course."
Carrie: (There's a single Lord of Splintering? I would expect the Imperators of Splintering wouldn't agree on much...)
Random_Nerd: He ticks off on his fingers. "Lord Entropy. Lucifer. Ha-Qadosch Berakha. The Cammora."

  • Theresa raises an eyebrow. "Who's the third one, the mouthful of name?"

Random_Nerd: "He's on the Council. A Wildlord, like Lord Kudzu. He's the only one on the Council of Four who can be bought, although his vote is far from cheap."
Theresa: "Oh and is it kosher to talk Noble politics at a party? Or rub one's affliation in someone's nose or protruding facial parts?"
Theresa: *to William* "Hmm. I can see why he's on the list."
Theresa: "What is he the Imperator of?"
Random_Nerd: "Well, it can be. Parties tend to be more small talk, but there're exceptions. Really, as long as you don't talk about overthrowing the Council or breaking down the doors of Heaven, you should be fine."
DanteE: (Damn, there goes Plan A...)
Random_Nerd: "He's actually not made that publically known. I don't believe he's even enchanceled himself."
Random_Nerd: "No, I'm sure he hasn't. If he had, I'd have heard of it."
Random_Nerd: (What was Plan A?)
Carrie: (Dante's being facetious, pretending he wanted to talk about overthrowing the Council or breaking into Heaven.)
Theresa: (And take their stuff.)
Carrie: (When did this become a D&D game?)
DanteE: "Anyway... we were considering some activities and entertainments...
Theresa: "We were thinking about holding a small contest. Best domain miracle or some such, I thought?"
Random_Nerd: "Challenge of Threes?"
DanteE: "Nothing directly competitive.
Carrie: "I'm unfamiliar with the term, I'm afraid."
DanteE: "Just a chance to show off."
Random_Nerd: "It's a way some Nobles handle arguments. They take the situation that they disagree about, and each one of them gets three miracles to change it."
Random_Nerd: "Or there're ghost miracle duels, of course."

  • Carrie nods slowly.

Theresa: "I think a game with minimum harm to the Chancel would be prefered."
DanteE: "Part of this was thought up when we thought we could have the Angel of the Moon as a Guest of Honor... but Kudzu said that would be a bad idea...
Carrie: "Would we want to limit our contest to Ghost Miracles? That might be the best way to prevent harm."
Carrie: "As well as, well, convincing them we're not simply trying to get favors
Random_Nerd: "That's generally the Done Thing. Bigger miracles in direct conflict tend to get... messy?"
Carrie: "on the cheap."
Carrie: (Sorry, didn't mean to hit enter so soon.)

  • Theresa nods at Carrie. "Good idea."

Random_Nerd: "Now, are these generally Nobles that you haven't met personally?"
Theresa: "We've only met Consequences. And that for for only a little bit."
DanteE: "Part of this is so we can meet Nobles, in fact/"
Random_Nerd: "In that case, I would suggest sending a significant servant of yours to bear a message to them through a significant servant of theirs. An Anchor would do, or a blood relative, or myself or my associate, or I suppose even one of the Camorra."
Theresa: (A blood relative? One of the _Cams_?!?)
DanteE: (Reminds me of something we haven't played with yet....)
Theresa: (Oh?)
DanteE: (haven't done squat with _my_ family)
DanteE: (Granted, it'd be tough for RN to mediate an Aspect-2 headlock...)
Random_Nerd: "Oh, or a mythical beast. Those always go over well, if they're unique and you didn't just make them yourself."
DanteE: (D'OH... we never dealt with Wolfman!)
Random_Nerd: (Well, you set the groundwork.)
Random_Nerd: (Lesson and his guys have been gearing up towards dealing with such cases, when last you saw them.)

  • Theresa ponders. "Well, we have a wolfman and possibly some other transformed Chancelfolk. Oh and the three-armed guys of Lesson's gang. And Lesson."

Random_Nerd: (I believe you guys had talked about getting some mortal psychologists to help deal with people experiencing species dysphoria, as well, and they could easily be on the list of people and organizations Samuel was building ties with.)
Theresa: (I didn't even know Dante _had_ a family...)
Random_Nerd: (Figured he was just born from an egg incubated by a toad?)
DanteE: (That's cuz I never mentioned them, as part of letting you guys have spotlight. There's a quick mention on my char page.)
Theresa: (Ahhh. And RN - *raspberry* Wouldn't that make him a basilisk?)
Theresa: (Oh, and I would like to meet Dante's family.)
DanteE: (me and my big mouth... :)
Theresa: "How would we find their 'significant servant', William?"
Random_Nerd: "It would be best to send him to their Chancel, and use one of the traditional 'knockers' to indicate that you come with peaceful intent."
Random_Nerd: "They would meet your envoy shortly."
Random_Nerd: "Much in the same manner as my associate and I first came here."
DanteE: (So, while the Nobles are staring at your knockers, you convince them to come? :D )
Theresa: (Works for me!)
Theresa: (Oh, wait...urk, that turned even dirtier in my head...)
Random_Nerd: (Indeed.)
Theresa: "Hmm..who would be best to send..."
DanteE: "First thing's first. William, should we invite Night's family?"
Random_Nerd: "I don't believe I know of them in detail. Shall I check with headquarters?"
DanteE: "Good idea, actually, and you can also check for the latest conflicts."
Random_Nerd: William puts a finger to the silver ball in his ear, and closes his eyes."
Random_Nerd: "Okay, the current Night is named Laurence, and he's Light-aligned. His Imperator is Dark-aligned, and also has the estates Martyrs and... ah, translational issue. Angst, in the Kierkegaard sense, perhaps? Something along those lines."
Random_Nerd: "Those are Dark and Wild, respectively."
Random_Nerd: "None of them have had dealings with the Aides."
Random_Nerd: "However, none are blackmarked in our files either."
Theresa: (Beth's mind - ~"Laurence...Laurence of Arabia...Charge of the _Light_ Brigade..."~)
Theresa: "It must be interesting to have those conflicting alignments in a Family."
Random_Nerd: "Well, aren't you just as assorted?"
Random_Nerd: "We've got Heaven, Light, Serpents, right?"
Carrie: "I believe my Sister meant the Dark and Light together."
Random_Nerd: "And they don't really contrast that much. Light and Dark have a common origin, and Dark and Wild have always gotten along fairly well."
Theresa: "Ahh, I see. I thought Light and Dark might have trouble communicating or getting along."
Theresa: (*possible subtle nudge conversation-wise for Carrie*)
Random_Nerd: "Well, they're Nobles and Imperators. That happens all the time. But there's a war on, after all."
Theresa: "United against a common front."
Carrie: (*possible tired player not even getting it*)
DanteE: (There's also what William just said about Dark & Wild getting along...)
Random_Nerd: "Beside, it's not unheard of for Light and Dark to collaborate. The Personal faction of the Dark and the Absolute faction of the Light even have a tentative accord at the moment."
Theresa: (*smile* Sorry. Just thought that William's comment might help Carrie about Light and Dark working together. Carrie was worried about the Power of Choice being of the Dark.)
Theresa: "What are those factions about, William?"
Random_Nerd: "Ah, I believe the Personal faction of the Dark is that which insists that the choice to cease must be freely made by each individual, rather than by the whole. Their focus isn't on the end of humanity, rather on the ideal of each individual human ending his life by his own hand."
Random_Nerd: "And the Abolutists are the ones who favor a guaranteed survival for humanity at some cost, over a more pleasant and preferable sort of survival with a risk of failure."
Theresa: " long as one human being survives and he has the choice to end his life...they're happy?"
Theresa: (they're both even)
DanteE: "Until he actually chooses..."
Random_Nerd: "Well, say you've got humanity down to about a hundred guys, and say they've got indefinite lifespan."
Random_Nerd: "Say each one of them, finally, dies by freely chosen suicide, and another's born to replace him."
Random_Nerd: "Both groups win."
Random_Nerd: "Now, the status of Nobles is the one sticking point. Most Dark Nobles claim to not count themselves as human, but most Light nobles do see themselves as human, at least, if they were so originally."
Random_Nerd: "So, whether the Light Nobles must themselves commit suicide is something of a tricky issue."
Random_Nerd: "But on the whole, it works out well. After all, with such a group of humans, both Light and Dark would have every reason to protect them from all possible danger, and a situation where the protecting Imperators outnumber the humans is pretty much ideal for the Light, of course."
Theresa: "The Power of Debate must get a lot of requests to play mediator."
Random_Nerd: "Is there one? I didn't think there was, other than the Power of Disputes."
DanteE: "But, hey, that's not going to be a factor in the party planning unless the punch is horrible."
Carrie: (No Ianthe? *pouts*)
Random_Nerd: (I reserve the right to not use canonical NPCs.)
Carrie: (Of course, I'm just expressing disappointment.)
DanteE: (RN's statement translates to "I'm covering up a HUGE brainfart." :)
Random_Nerd: (Nah. I've said, like, that exact quote before.)
Random_Nerd: (I just have no use for Ianthe as is. Unlike Luc, she doesn't give me any ideas for how to use her.)
Brian: (wasn't she the one doing all the GM advice? That would be ... nifty)
Random_Nerd: (Yep. She wrote the GMing advice for the second edition.)
Brian: (she's obviously the Noble of Breaking The 4th Wall :-P)
Theresa: "It makes sense, under Disputes. I guess, for me at least, it's hard at times to know where a Noble's domain territory comes into play and where it's not a specific named Noble Estate."
DanteE: (Which means there's a good chance she's RSB' GMPC. :)
Random_Nerd: (First edition was the Regent Automicus or something, right?)
Random_Nerd: (My actual brainfarts are things that, so far, none of you has spotted. Or if you have, you haven't commented.)
Brian: (or cared :-P)
Random_Nerd: __________STOP________
Random_Nerd: Okay, thoughts on the game?
Etheric: I know I'm partly to blame for this, but I've noticed a spate of energy the last few sessions. Is it something we should be aware of?

      • You are now known as BethE.

BethE: Sorry for the question, but what does spate mean?
lazarus: dearth? :-P
Random_Nerd: I thought spate meant the opposite of that, but okay. S'probably regional usage.
lazarus: no, opposite.
lazarus: shows what I know ...
Etheric: Huh, I thought it meant dearth too.
Random_Nerd: I'm not sure what's up with the lack of energy.
BethE: Ahh. I'm not sure either. It feels very...I don't know. Nitpicking. Plodding.
Random_Nerd: I'd like to fix it, but I'm not sure how I can with a session like this, where the only onscreen NPC is William, who's always been rather dry.
Etheric: I think it's mostly that we're not experiencing much that's new and interesting.
lazarus: I've been waiting to get the party started for about 2-4 weeks now.
Knockwood: well, we've just been talking for severeal sessions as opposed to _doing_ something
Etheric: The party might be an opportunity for some injection of interest.
Random_Nerd: A suggestion? Don't argue about how to do things. Just do stuff, and Entropy take the hindmost.
lazarus: but for some reason, we always have something more to do before the party
Etheric: Or, we could do as I proposed a few sessions back, and go exploring the World Tree looking for party favors.
Random_Nerd: I mean, you're Nobles. If someone doesn't like the party, just smile enigmatically or whatever.
BethE: Either jumping ahead to the party or party shopping in other worlds sounds like fun to me.
Knockwood: or I could stop being so polite and move you guys along. >:>
Etheric: I wouldn't mind jumping ahead. The other worlds thing was an idea mostly to get things moving again.
Random_Nerd: If the Wild thinks the way they do about /sanity/, imagine how they feel about politeness?
Knockwood: Have we settled the guest list?
Random_Nerd: I don't think so. I really don't.
lazarus: IC, I think we basically have. Do we, the players, fully know what it is? Not necessarily.
Etheric: Well, here's the thing. Do we NEED to settle all these details in character? Can't we just, you know, assume our characters found something that worked and skip ahead?
Knockwood: We could settle it now, OOC, and hop ahead to the party next session
BethE: We basically did that, offscreen, with the plant stuff from last week.
Random_Nerd: Okay, how about this. In the next three sessions, the two characters who in my estimation do the most to move things along each get a free character point above and beyond the story arc one. Sound good?
Random_Nerd: That's one for all three sessions, not one each, of course.
BethE: Hmm, sounds like an interesting incentive. Maybe I can make that Destruction of Evidence gift later.
BethE: (If I get such a point. I may come down with brainlag for the next month...)
Etheric: I'm not turning down free character points for two of us.  :)
Random_Nerd: Hmm. Okay, here's a question. While we play, how many of you are reading web pages or talking in other channels or something?

  • Random_Nerd raises a hand.

lazarus: I stay as focused as possible.
BethE: Umm, I'm reading web pages.
Knockwood: me.,
lazarus: but there's times when there's nothing going on, and I have no input.
Knockwood: Then again, some of it's relevant... like Session 3, where Conseq told us his age. :)
lazarus: (read: yes, but not really paying attention to what else I'm doing, mostly)
Random_Nerd: How about this. We all try, including myself, to do nothing but the game during the next game or two, and see if it makes a difference.
Random_Nerd: That's how we'd do it if we were face to face, after all.
Etheric: I am helping a friend of mine with a personal crisis right now... I would like to be more focused on the game but there are times when I just can't manage it.
Random_Nerd: Well, okay, barring real life trouble. But when it's just catching up on forums or whatever, at least.
BethE: Okay, I agree to that.
Knockwood: well, a lot of online gaming is type-type(-correct)-wait...
lazarus: like I said - I try to keep as focused as possible.
Etheric: I agree to spend my time on the game unless something genuinely important needs attention.
lazarus: I'll try to do better, though :p
Random_Nerd: Let's at least try it for the next couple sessions, and see if it makes a difference.
Knockwood: (/me prepped, ate & cleaned up after dinner this session... :/ )
Random_Nerd: (And don't see this as me chiding you. I'm sure I'm as guilty as anyone.)
BethE: I hate to ask this, but what is the Noblis version of the Chandler Solution?
Knockwood: So, we're inviting Conseq's family and NIght's family?
lazarus: I also admit that I sometimes have focus issues - I do sometimes need several tasks to flip between or I just start getting ... antsy(sp?)
Etheric: I would question whether we really want to invite whole Familia, but if it's what people want to do, sure.
Random_Nerd: Entropy breaks down the door with a shotgun!
Knockwood: OK... when do we whack the orc chief?
Knockwood: :)
BethE: I was thinking whole families because otherwise we outnumber our guests and that might be intimidating.
Etheric: I mean, the point is to get in touch with a variety of Nobles. Wouldn't one per Familia be enough?
Etheric: And we should be able to get enough guests to prevent that.
Knockwood: well, don't we kinda have to invite Night's Familia is we invite Night?
Knockwood: ...and don't we have to invite Night for saving our bacon?
Random_Nerd: You don't owe Night anything.
Random_Nerd: You owe the Cams.
Random_Nerd: S'different.
Random_Nerd: Wanna invite /them/?
lazarus: NO!
Random_Nerd: Do it! It'll be fun. (for me)
lazarus: No Humans Allowed!
BethE: Night probably doesn't even know who we are/that we used his favor.
Knockwood: ...then we need to invite the power of Pigs who provided the bacon, and the power of Farms, and the power of Bread, and so on and so on... :)
Etheric: Say we invite five Familia. That's at least fifteen Nobles. Hard for RN to keep track of. Ten Nobles from ten different Familia are likely easier.
Knockwood: No, I think he does, because 1) he had that ad when we did it and 2) it means he doesn't owe it to the Cams anymore
BethE: We could just invite Consequences' Family and Night's Family and that's it.
Random_Nerd: I can handle fifteen, if you guys don't each talk to five at a time.
Random_Nerd: If you do that I will of course have to kill your entire families.
lazarus: RN: ... you realize the result of killiing Beth's family, yes?
Knockwood: no in-laws.
Knockwood: actually, last session got bogged down in that whole debate about using Domain miracles to move stuff.
Random_Nerd: Since it's always /something/, I figure that stuff's just a symptom.
lazarus: kw: husband/wife is generally included in "family" ;)
Knockwood: (which I still contend is too trivial to require a Change miracle...)

      • Etheric has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

Knockwood: (I mean, with a Change miracle, I can either move a knife to the other side of the table, or turn it into a tap-dancing bunny rabbit. See what I mean?)
BethE: Well, if we have the two Families, that's about 10 already...who are the other 5? Physics, History, Change...
Knockwood: The question is, what existing Domains with Nobles are 'close' to ours
Random_Nerd: Well, we did houserule that.
Random_Nerd: Now it's the same as a creation. Two steps down.
Knockwood: are there Nobles of Valor, Fortitude, blunt weapons, paper cuts, what?

      • Etheric has joined #nobilis.

BethE: *thinks*
BethE: re Etheric!
Etheric: Sorry about that, lost Internet for a bit.
Random_Nerd: Valor's probably the same as Courage.
Random_Nerd: There's probably something for blunt weapons.
Knockwood: WB Eth
Random_Nerd: Paper cuts probably not, unless it's under Trivial But Really Annoying Things, which /has/ to be a pillar of creation.
Knockwood: OK, let's think of 'close' domains...
BethE: (What was the last you saw, Etheric?)
Knockwood: ooh... Victory, for me. Is there a Power of Victory?
Random_Nerd: Is there an obvious reason I'm missing why you should go for close ones?
Knockwood: (Or is he subsumed under the Power of Munchkins? :)
Random_Nerd: Victory, yes. Almost certainly Heavenly. It has their flavor.
Knockwood: Because we should meet them to smooth over any conflicts should our activities bump into each other.
lazarus: RN: Paper Cuts has to be under Pain. a shallow but long cut is one of the most painful.
Knockwood: (I'm gonna go twitch for a few minutes, scuse me...)
lazarus: (...)
lazarus: (so did not need to know that ;))
Etheric: (I don't have it anymore. I said a lot of stuff about possibly inviting one person per Familia?)
BethE: *cut and pastes*
Knockwood: BTW, are you still trying to recruit a James?
Random_Nerd: Not at the moment.
Random_Nerd: If I do recruit, it'll probably be from one of my other games. Random recruitment's more likely to get us a third vanishing James.
lazarus: argh! I can't open my Bits & Bites! :(
Random_Nerd: Anyway, I'm out.
Knockwood: is that a euphemism?  :)
Random_Nerd: A brainless GM isn't any good to anyone.
Random_Nerd: Except possibly his wife.
BethE: No comment. *smile*
lazarus: no, they actuall made the tear-off strips apparently at the wrong spot :(
Random_Nerd: G'night, all. And even though it dragged a little, I did have fun gaming with you tonight.
BethE: I liked Carrie's entrance. <G> I could hear the exaspiration _perfectly_.

Chapter 7