Session 59

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Chapter 8

Knockwood: well, going by my handy-dandy thesaurus, one of the synonyms for capricious is cavalier.
BethE: I think the Brian-plot of dealing with the transformed would help lead into the SaraPC.
Random_Nerd: Well, cavalier is less like capriciousness and more... disregarding things, perhaps, in an airy way?
Sara: Cavalier doesn't cover the actions per se, though. More the intent. Caprice is more the action. It's close to whimsy.
Sara: If nothing else, cavalier is an adjective, and caprice is a noun...ish.
Knockwood: true
lazarus: nounish?

  • Sara checks to see if it's a proper noun.

lazarus: how can something be sort of like a noun, without being a noun? Or a pronoun?
Sara: Yes, yes it is.
BethE: Sanity is a crutch.
lazarus: yes, Beth. Brian thinks that. I don't ;)
Random_Nerd: Well, ti is a proper noun in a way, but meaning something very different.
Sara: Mundanity is shackles something something.
Knockwood: I suspect Caprice is either archaic or poetic
lazarus: go crazy?
Sara: I use capriciousness as a word in regular use...
Random_Nerd: Be the Power of French Knights!
lazarus: Capricious - the adj form - is the normally used one now days.
Sara: Yeah.
Random_Nerd: Yeah. Caprice is borderline-archaic.
lazarus: only because the noun-form isn't really used.
lazarus: so people nounise the adjective
Sara: I'm only using it because it's shorter than capriciousness, and more of a noun.
lazarus: (nounalize?)
Knockwood: en-noun-ificate. :)
Random_Nerd: Works for me.
Sara: Nominalize, actually.
lazarus: so, RN, do we get points for the previous storyline? ;)
Sara: And one sec, cat's making loud bangings happen...
Random_Nerd: Yep. One character point each, and MPs refresh.
lazarus: (ah yes, that's what it is. I was trying to verbalize the noun :p)
BethE: *cuddles the MPs* So long since I've seen you, my DMPs...
lazarus: bah! Should be 3! :-P (2 CP to next level of gift now)
Sara: (back...she knocked over a glass in the sink so I gave her an impromptu bath)
BethE: Hmm, RN, what would I need to spend to up Irresistable?

  • Knockwood tries to remember what he has...

Random_Nerd: Up it in what way?
Random_Nerd: Character sheets are all on the game wiki.
Knockwood: oh, Beth, I put a copy of that dragon-girl drawing I mentioned once on the RPGnet Wiki...
BethE: Well, at the moment, I think it's currently local and one-person only. Just thinking about what I can improve-on with my CP.
Knockwood: which reminds me: RN, have you seen ShannonA around?
Random_Nerd: Uh, no, not that I can think of.
BethE: *looks at Wiki*
Knockwood: Beth: (Link:
Knockwood: RN: I ask cuz the backdoor he put in so I can fix the @#$#%^^! wiki when the search index gets 'clogged' no longer works...
Random_Nerd: Making it multi-person, but only people near you, would cost one point.
BethE: Nice...sandwich.
Random_Nerd: That... is an unusual picture!
Knockwood: not mine, of course, I make shaky stick figures...
Knockwood: one of my favorite artists on deviantArt did it. :)
BethE: Why the leather belt around the leg or is that like the belts on Abyssals, one does not ask why...
Random_Nerd: Okay, I'll use the random number generator. On an odd number, it'll be a PC-motivated plot, and on even it won't. This how you want to do it?
Knockwood: good question. Artist's notes said she was a character for a comic set on a pirate ship, I think
Knockwood: Hold on...
Knockwood: I think we should tie up loose ends.
BethE: Which ones?
Random_Nerd: Bird, excrucian, Barakiel, Consequences, Maple, that kind of thing?
Knockwood: any & all of them. Any signs of more Ex activity in the Chancel? Has King John forgiven me? Has the Lance? What happens when we look at my artifact collection under a heavy-duty microscope?
Random_Nerd: Artifact collection?
Random_Nerd: Oh, the drop?
Knockwood: Kudzu's tear, the blood drop, the ash from the vision...
BethE: Kudzu's tear, the pigeon circulatory system, the ash, the blood drop...
Random_Nerd: Oh, and you guys still have the mythical creatures, and the otherkin.
Knockwood: ah... reminds me, we should check with the Prof.
Sara: I have yet to finish the logs, btw. Just in case that matters.
Knockwood: logs are Beth's department.
Knockwood: (and that statement can be interpreted 2 ways, both of which work, oddly enough.)
Random_Nerd: Which Prof? Brian's anchor Jim?
Knockwood: the one that's now an ogre. Literally rather than figuratively.
Random_Nerd: Oh, yeah, him.
BethE: I thought he was a werewolf.
Random_Nerd: Potato, potato.
BethE: There is a difference tween an ogre and a werewolf. For one thing, silver is an issue with only one.
lazarus: only in some myths
Random_Nerd: He's neither, really.
Random_Nerd: Closer to ogre, perhaps, because that's a vague category.
lazarus: oni.
lazarus: there, done.
Random_Nerd: But he's also a human who was turned into a creature with canine traits. So, werewolfish, too.
lazarus: Oni.
Knockwood: it-from-heck.
Random_Nerd: Thingy.
Random_Nerd: But!
BethE: Well, we can deal with Dante's Preciouses and then go out to deal with otherpeople.
Knockwood: he's a butt?
Random_Nerd: So that's what you guys want to do?
Random_Nerd: Have this one revolve around you doing such things?
BethE: Siunds fine with me.

      • You are now known as Theresa.
      • Sara is now known as Snow.

Theresa: Ack! *makes many signs against evil!!!*
Snow: (*raspberries*)
Knockwood: works for me
Knockwood: plus, we should intro Sara's char.
Snow: (one sec, crazy heartburn here)
Knockwood: hello?
Knockwood: connection glitch. What did I miss?
Theresa: No, see, snow is my current nemesis. And ice and sleet...
Theresa: Didn't see you leave, Knock. What was the last you saw?
Random_Nerd: I mean, I have two ways thought of to intro Sara's character.
Knockwood: me saying 'plus, we should intro Sara's char.'
Random_Nerd: One of them, however, only works in the context of something happening that would probably dominate the storyline.
Snow: Back!
Theresa: Knock - you didn't miss anything except Sara having heartburn.

      • lazarus is now known as Brian.

Snow: Excitement abounds here in #nobilis.
Theresa: It's out of bounds, actually.
Knockwood: lemme guess--a lab accident involving the Transmogrifier greates a new being immediately enNobled by Kudzu. :)

      • Knockwood is now known as DanteE.

Theresa: I can see some of the Tower being turned into a laboratory.
Snow: I'm gonna go with a "no" there.
Random_Nerd: Okay, dice time.

      • -RPGServ- <Roll for Random_Nerd [1d10]: 8>

Random_Nerd: Even! Okay, external forces intrude!
Theresa: Set up the scenery, then?
Random_Nerd: Hmm. How does a week and a half of downtime before we start sound to you guys?
Brian: sounds fine
DanteE: OK, can we say I did a Harvest, like I said?
Theresa: Sounds good.
Theresa: The week and a half, I mean.
Random_Nerd: Okay, you were going to drive out the gangs and scare them enough that they'll have less courage from now on?
DanteE: yep.

  • DanteE is cleaning up this town, dammit...

Random_Nerd: That works. Shall we start the first scene with you finishing that up, and then move from there?
DanteE: OK...
Random_Nerd: Very well. Could you describe the scene, and I'll take it from therE?
Random_Nerd: There, even.
Theresa: (Typo fairies! *smacks with racket over to Sara*)

  • Snow Caprices it. The typo fairies decide to fly to Argentina for fun.

Random_Nerd: _______________START______________
DanteE: All right... the BureauMobile pulls up to the tower one fine afternoon. Oddly enough, Lesson is driving with Dante riding shotgun...
DanteE: The reason is soon obvious when they get out. Dante is gingerly holding a softly glowing ball.
DanteE: "Lesson, get the door... and this time, I mean 'open' as opposed to 'snap in half'."
Random_Nerd: Lesson twists his body a bit, and gets out, and then opens the door for Dante.

  • Theresa sits in a pool of sun in her tower 'office', reading a book Sam has given her about Dionyls. She's still learning the language.

Random_Nerd: L: "These things aren't really designed for anyone more than about six feet tall."
DanteE: (ah, remember, the new Bureaumobile is a sort-of-Hummer)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah, but even still, conventional vehicles aren't good for Lesson.)
DanteE: "Few things are, Lesson. Except for basketball hoops."
Random_Nerd: (He's about 7 feet tall, and oddly proportioned.)
Theresa: (His chiropracter will be rich...)
DanteE: "Maybe we could repurpose a city bus."
Theresa: (... 'Speed' Amyra style...)
DanteE: (OK, where's everybody else?)
Random_Nerd: Lesson looks over at Theresa, and inclines his head.

  • Brian will be in the office, tapping away at a computer for some reason
  • Theresa looks up and smiles. "Hello, Lesson. Busy day out with Dante?"
  • DanteE heads up to his office.

Random_Nerd: Lesson shrugs oddly.

  • DanteE sets the sphere in a receptacle on his desk.

Random_Nerd: L: "Whatever did happen to my master? Did he just go away?"
DanteE: "Let's see... remind me of who we scared off... gangs on 5th, 8th and 13th streets..."
Random_Nerd: L: "Reminds me of working with him. Clearing up the gangs."
DanteE: "Good question, actually. I haven't seen him in ... what, two weeks?"

  • Theresa blinks. "I'm...not sure, Lesson." *looks down* "I don't have the connection with the rest of the realm that I could see what he's up to. Can you feel a connection with him still?"

Random_Nerd: L: "Believe so. Still feel loyal to this place. To the Wild. To humanity."
Theresa: "Well, glad to know he hasn't disappeared on us. Maybe he's on a mission for Kudzu, like Carrie. She had to go to...I think Serpenthaven."

  • Theresa closes her eyes and uses her Gift to search the Chancel for Noble-spots.
  • DanteE looks over the blood drop.

Random_Nerd: It glimmers a bit in the light, shiny and semi-translucent.
Random_Nerd: Several spots show up.
DanteE: (Several? Either the punch was stronger than we thought...)
Random_Nerd: There's you guys, in the Tower. There's the "blank but smaller" marks of Lesson, and of Carrie's parents. And there's another Auctoritas in the Realm's Heart.
DanteE: (gee, I wonder who that is... :)

  • Theresa frowns. "Okay, the only other Noble Auctoritas in the Chancel is in...the Heart. How about we go see how James is doing? He might like an update on the gangbusting."

DanteE: "James came back and didn't say hello?"
Brian: "Lead the way!"

  • Theresa gets up, stretches. "Could be. Might have just gotten back from somewhere or such.

Theresa: "

  • DanteE goes up with the others.
  • Theresa heads toward the Heart, wondering if this time she would have a 'gear' in the workings yet.

Theresa: (She won't, but Theresa wouldn't know that.  :) )
DanteE: (no, just the usual monkey wrench. :)
Brian: (rabbit bomb the city? :o)
Random_Nerd: The gears associated with the characters seem mostly the same, but much of the mechanics of the clock seem to have been rearranged.
Theresa: (In what way?)
Theresa: "James? Are you in here?"
Random_Nerd: There are gears and shafts that weren't there before, and some of the ones that were are differently placed.
Random_Nerd: James' gear is still there, but it's in the back, and doesn't have much connecting to it.
Theresa: *to the others* "Have one of you been redecorating?"
Random_Nerd: And not too far from the place where it is, there's a new one.
Random_Nerd: It's a bit larger, and it's got a silvery shine to it that seems a bit off given the amount of light in the inner workings.
Brian: "Not much ... put up a new painting in my office ... why?"
Random_Nerd: And it seems to bend, slightly, as it turns.
DanteE: "Not me..."
Random_Nerd: Also, there's a coyote resting on it.
DanteE: "Not here, anyway"
Random_Nerd: And a cinderblock.

  • Theresa goes up to the new gear and, oh, coyote.

Theresa: "Uhh, because there's a new gear and someone on top of said gear?"

  • Snow looks up at Theresa...and grins.

Brian: "Why do we have a trickster god in our Chancel?"

  • Snow leaps up and promptly begins to lick her face.

Random_Nerd: Cinderblock: "Because I said so."
Snow: (Her = Theresa, sorry)
Theresa: "Uh, hello there. Pleased to meet...oh, hi Boss. How are you?"
DanteE: "It's Kudzu's, why _don't_ we have a Trickster god in residence?"
Random_Nerd: It doesn't open a mouth or anything, just... resonate, slightly, with the air.
Theresa: (Oh, I thought Snow was licking her own face. <g>)
Snow: (;))
Random_Nerd: "This is your new sibling, a part of myself that I'd not previously manifested physically. You'll need to show her the ropes, but do it quickly, so she knows what's going on before her estate is attacked by the Excrucians."
DanteE: "Lord Kudzu... hello."
Random_Nerd: The cinderblock splits in two, lengthwise, and falls apart.

  • Theresa blinks at the coyote. "A new..sister, I think? And what estate?"

Random_Nerd: "I believe you should have at least three hours."
Random_Nerd: "Capriciousness."

  • Snow flicks into another form...that of a human girl, somewhere in her late teens. She stops licking Theresa's face, but she's still grinning.

DanteE: "Three hours?"
Random_Nerd: "More or less."
Theresa: "Three...crap. Well, at least there's a warning. Pleased to meet you, Capriciousness."
Snow: "Hi!"
DanteE: "... what's coming?"

  • Snow doesn't seem concerned about Kudzu at all.

Random_Nerd: (And this rather unusual, for Kudzu to know about an attack ahead of time.)
Random_Nerd: The brick crumbles to bits, and then draws together into a little pile.

  • Snow grabs Theresa's arm and snuggles up to her, rubbing her face against her shoulder.

Random_Nerd: "I'm sure you can deal with it, whatever the details are."
Theresa: (... Sara, is this revenge in some way for my Buffy game? <G>)
DanteE: (time, IC?)
Snow: "Kudzu says you're my new People and he smells funny kinda like you guys not like the old Chief at /all/ but that's okay he smells like smoke mostly and smoke's no good unless you're /that/ kind of People which I am /not/ --overwhelming sense of frigid wind being forced up your nostrils-- says I am but she's just a magpie but don't tell her I said that because then Chief will say --the sweet smell of melting snow in spring-- you s
Snow: (Whoops. That's what I get for pre-writing something. And yes.)
Theresa: (You cut off at spring you s)
Snow: "...-- you shouldn't talk to --the cold wind again-- like that or she'll peck your eyes out and put them in the sky where you can't reach them."
Random_Nerd: (It's late morning.)
Random_Nerd: (Not quite noon.)
Brian: "Pleased to meet you?"
DanteE: (If the Excrucians interrupt Oprah there _will_ be hell to pay. :)

  • Theresa blinks at the overwhelming data upload. "What's your name?"
  • Snow gives Theresa one more affectionate nuzzle before bounding over to Brian. Flick, flick, flick...she's a coyote, briefly a porcupine, then a human again. She rubs her face into his shirt.
  • Snow ghost miracles the smell of snow melting in the spring back at Theresa.

Brian: "um..."
Random_Nerd: The mound of gravel starts growing.

  • Brian looks a little confused, but hugs her

Snow: "You smell funny!"
Snow: "Like rabbits. But LOTS of rabbits."
Theresa: "Ahh, I think I recognize your name now. Mind if we call you Snow for short, since our sense of smell is probably weaker than water compared to yours?"
Snow: (You're a kind lady, Beth. ;) Thank you.)
Snow: "Okay," Snow says absently.
Brian: "I'm Numbers, little one. I'm lots of lots of stuff."
DanteE: "Dante, Blades and Courage..."
DanteE: (did Lesson follow us?)
Theresa: (How old is Snow compared to Carrie? Carrie's 17-18ish, I think?)

  • Snow glances at Dante, but doesn't bound over quite yet. "Blades like sharp steel? I don't like that."

Snow: (About the same age, physically. In reality, she's about two, having originally been a coyote.)
DanteE: (Kudzu enNobled a coyote?)
Theresa: "And I'm Plants, but I'm also called Theresa. How did you come to be here, Snow?"
Snow: (At least it's a mammal!)
Brian: (why not?)

  • Snow scurries back to Theresa for a better sniff.

Random_Nerd: (Just be glad he didn't EnNoble Monty yet.)
Brian: (woot!)

  • DanteE mulls over shaking her hand vs. skritching her ears...

Snow: "Plants, huh? That's pretty neat! Kudzu just kinda picked me up and dropped me off here. Do you have food?"
Theresa: (Theresa probably smells of about anything plant-based you want to name. Mostly strawberries, vanilla and cinnamon, given a preference.)
Theresa: "What do you like to eat?"
Snow: (Mm!)
Random_Nerd: (Cows, probably, knowing this game.)
Brian: (/sentient/ cows)

  • Snow gives Theresa a Look. "I eat anything, sister Theresa."

Brian: "I doubt you eat anything. Stone's pretty inedible, most of the time."
Theresa: "Ahh, but there's a difference between eating something because you have to and eating something because you like it."
DanteE: "I think there's still some roast beef in the fridge..."

  • Theresa will Create a bowl of strawberries for Snow and then turn toward the gravelmound. "Sir, a quick question, please?"
  • Snow rolls her eyes at Brian. "Moss is tasty!"

Random_Nerd: (She reminds me of Red, a bit.)
Random_Nerd: (Makes sense, they both have the "just made sentient a bit ago" thing.)
Brian: "Moss can be. Stone can, but only rarely, and through the use of lots of magic"

  • Snow also regards Dante with increased interest...until she spies the strawberries. She plops herself on the ground and promptly goes to town.

Snow: "So don't eat rocks."
Brian: "So you don't eat anything"

  • Snow munches another strawberry. "You talk too much."

Random_Nerd: Big Pile of Gravel: "Oh, yes, eating."
Random_Nerd: It starts to pull itself into two roughly humanoid shapes.

  • Brian will toss in an Endless Bowl of Fruit Miracle onto that bowl of strawberries
  • Snow glees! and eats some more. "Want some, brother who talks too much?"

Snow: She offers a handful to Brian.
Brian: "Thank you, but I just ate."
Theresa: "Sir, we were wondering how our Brother James is? We haven't seen him in quite a while."
Random_Nerd: They crouch down a bit, and then one jerks to the left for a second but then dives at the other's legs.

  • Snow smiles cheerfully at him and stage-whispers, "Me too. But don't tell her that." She nods to Theresa.

Brian: (Brother James had the misfortune to Anchor Luc... :p)
Random_Nerd: "James. The dead one in the stone?"
Random_Nerd: "I got tired of him."
Brian: "Theresa will be happier not knowing ;)"
Theresa: "Uh, yeah, Urbaniz...what?"
Random_Nerd: The second figure takes a bite out of the first's shoulder.

  • Snow looks over at Dante. "You can have some too, if you don't bring any of those shiny knives around. They give me the --ghost miracle of the smell of frost-- shivers."
  • DanteE takes a few. "Thank ya ... Snow."

Theresa: "Got..tired of him?"
Random_Nerd: "Yeah. Didn't you?"

  • Snow will lean over to smell Dante's pant leg when he comes close, then go back to eating strawberries

Theresa: (*sees her retirement plan flying out the window...*)
Random_Nerd: First figure shaps off the second's right leg and devours it.
Theresa: (You're blaming this on _us_? How can the Curse of James be our fault? I _married_ you to keep you around.  ;) Just kidding.)
Snow: (I thought it was because he was teh hawtness?)
Random_Nerd: (That also!)
Snow: (The old attractiveness+Influence roll again.)

  • Theresa 's face goes through some emotions. "But...I mean...we hardly ever _saw_ him or got to know him, okay, partially our fault, but still..."

Theresa: (Well, yes, also because he's hawt, he's an awesome GM, and he was willing to drive 12 hours straight to see me...but still, I wanted the White Book!)
Brian: (ok, this scene is hilarious in my mind. T and Kudzu are having a heavy discussion, while in the background, Brian and Dante are playing with Snow)
DanteE: "Is he dead? ...again?"
Brian: "So, Snow, what form do you like best?
Brian: "

  • Theresa shakes her head. "Lesson would have felt it...right?"

Random_Nerd: "Not... not dead in the conventional sense. But you won't be seeing him for some time, I don't think."
Snow: (*shy!* I don't mean for her to be stupid. Uh. Bear with me.)

  • Snow looks thoughtful.

Random_Nerd: "If you do... then perhaps you should tell me about it. Soon."
Brian: (She's just ... young. And playful.)
Random_Nerd: Second figure swallows the first's arm to the elbow, and strains to bite it off.
Brian: (Coyote fits her flawlessly :-P)
Snow: "Coyote form is best for being a coyote. Human form's best for being a human."

  • DanteE tries to interpret that... uhoh...
  • Snow looks as if she'll continue, if you like.

Brian: "That's ... an interesting viewpoint. Never saw it that way before."
Theresa: "Uh, okay, Boss. Sure. What about Lesson, thought?"
Theresa: (though even.)
Random_Nerd: "What about him? Would you prefer for me to make him the next Urbanization?"
DanteE: (remind me to put up the charsheet for Tpyo, the Power of Typos.)

  • Theresa looks at Lesson to see if he feels anything about this idea.

Snow: "Well, it would be silly to try to be a coyote if you were really a human."

  • DanteE tries not to belie the thought of 'REALLY BAD IDEA!'

Brian: "What forms can you be?"

  • Snow shrugs. "I dunno. Things. People things. Not things to eat."

Theresa: (She _was_ a hedgehog.)
Random_Nerd: "Because, the demon was Urbanization's only anchor, it's not time for the rabbit yet, and I don't even think he had a heart."

  • Theresa perks up that there is at least some kind of a plan for Monty. Comments with "Lesson has a heart. Made of wood."

Snow: (Wait, Lesson's there, right?)
Brian: (waiting outside?)
Theresa: (I thought he had come in with us.)
Random_Nerd: He's there, but he's being quiet while his bosses speak, and Kudzu's talking about him like he isn't there.
Random_Nerd: "Not him. The James."
Snow: Given Kudzu and Theresa's conversation, Snow comes to realise that there's someone else in the room. She craaaaanes her neck around Brian to look at Lesson.
Theresa: "Ahh. Didn't know that. Wasn't up on gargoyle physiology." *trying to think fast*
Snow: "Ooooooo...I bet he smells WEIRD!"
Brian: "He'd probably find it very odd if you went up and smelled him."

  • Snow flicks to coyote form and bounds over to twine around Lesson's legs.

Random_Nerd: Lesson looks down, and adjusts the tilt of his hat.
Random_Nerd: He looks at Dante and Theresa, with a "something is very wrong here" expression on his twisted-old-man-made-from-wrought-iron face.
DanteE: "Lesson... meet your new boss.

  • Snow presses her nose to Lesson's leg, whuffling in every scent.

DanteE: "Snow, power of Capriciousness, meet Lesson."

  • Brian starts laughing

Theresa: (Would inner-Noble knowledge tell Theresa if someone can take over an Anchoring while the first Noble is still somewhat alive?)
Random_Nerd: He pauses for a moment, and then bows his back down, and tilts his head far down, exposing the back of his neck to Snow.
Theresa: (I want that picture of Lesson on a freeze-frame for my wall.)
Random_Nerd: The position this requires, with her by his legs, looks really uncomfortable.
Random_Nerd: (She'd know, and they can't.)

  • Snow looks at him, briefly confused, then falls back. In doing so, she turns back into a human who appears to be laughing hysterically.

Random_Nerd: (At least, not without simple-rite technobabble and jiggery.)
Snow: "You're weird!"
Theresa: (Ahh. So Snow can't keep Lesson while James is....hmm.)
Random_Nerd: L: "Do you have any new rules for me?"

  • Theresa facepalms.

Snow: (Who's he asking?)
Random_Nerd: The second Kudzu seems to be winning over the first.
Random_Nerd: (He's asking Snow.)
Theresa: (You.  :) Dante just said that Snow is Lesson's new boss. )
Snow: "Um...what did you do before?"
Random_Nerd: He counts on his fingers.
DanteE: (We're watching out Imperator eat itself while a shapeshifting coyote Noble sniffs around, and _Lesson's_ weird?!? :D )
Random_Nerd: "I look after the chancel and those who live here. I follow specific requests of my masters. I don't harm human beings save to defend myself or the inhabitants of this chancel. I prepare the Bureau of Monstrosities to deal with the people who have been changed. I serve freedom, and act to prevent humanity from becoming extinct."
Random_Nerd: He looks at Dante.
Snow: "Hm...that's good. You do that then. Maybe we can go hunting together some time."
DanteE: "Once we're done here... prep for action. We have an Excrucian attack coming in roughly (how long?)
DanteE: "We may need you to evacuate people... maybe blunt their attack until we get there."
Random_Nerd: "Hunting. Humans, like with my master or with Dante, or animals?"

  • Snow switches to porcupine form to get in a good itch behind her ear, then it's back to human.
  • Theresa notices that urbanization doesn't come up in Lesson's speech.

Snow: "Humans aren't any fun to hunt. They make too much noise. We can hunt rabbits?"
Random_Nerd: (That's not one of the Rules, to him. It's just something he feels like doing. But I believe he was specifically told by James to follow his Codes.)

  • Snow appears to think that this is a very generous offer on her part

Random_Nerd: "Don't want to hunt rabbits."
Random_Nerd: He looks at Theresa, in a nervous way.
Random_Nerd: "That... does not seem like a good idea."
Theresa: "Maybe it's a good thing Snow didn't meet Monty."

  • Snow appears to wilt a bit.

Random_Nerd: "When rabbits are scared, they break the Chancel. Have to look after the Chancel."
DanteE: "Lord Kudzu... are the Excrucians coming after Snow specifically?
Snow: "Okay..."

  • Theresa flexes her newish arm unconsciously.

Random_Nerd: Kudzu #2: "After her estate. And not yet."

  • Snow slinks...then walks...then bounds back to Theresa. She grabs her arm again and snuggles against it.

Snow: "We're gonna have fun?"
DanteE: (which means Snow will be hurting soon...)
Theresa: "Maybe, Snow. What do you know about being a Noble? Or Excrucians?"
Snow: "I'm a Noble. You guys are Nobles. Excrucians are like fleas, only they're big, like bears."
Brian: "Surprisingly accurate description."
Brian: "Except that they hurt from a distance. Oi."
Theresa: " If we touch these fleas, they dissolve like..." *thinks* "Ice in a fire."
Random_Nerd: Lesson bows to Kudzu in the same way as he did to Snow, but even more deeply: "Ymera Kudzu, is... there anything... you would require of me?" It sounds like he's translating on the fly.

  • Snow looks thoughtfully up at Theresa. "Like the big blue ice at the end of the world, or like little ice that falls from the sky?"

DanteE: "Not always, remember":
Random_Nerd: Kudzu #2 waves a hand dismissively at him. Kudzu #1 seizes the distraction and bites a chunk out of #2's torso.
Snow: "It'd take a long time to melt all the blue ice."
Theresa: "I'd say...little ice, then. It'd do-able. Sometimes hard to do, but doable."
Snow: "That's good. No problem then."
Theresa: "How does your Estate feel to you, Snow?"

  • Theresa keeps an eye on the Lesson thing too. Impressed with the bowing.
  • Snow thinks, and Divines if anything's funky with her estate?

Random_Nerd: (Not at present.)
Random_Nerd: (If it was being significantly attacked, you'd know about it, the same way you'd know if your leg was on fire.)
Snow: "Pretty good. Like the sun when it's all warm."
Theresa: "Okay..." *looks at the others* "What else is there in the Noble-crashcourse?"
Theresa: (What's Snow's stats, if I may ask?)
Snow: Aspect 0, Domain 4, Realm 3, Spirit 0. In RN's words, "Gank the mage."
Snow: (Whoops, sorry, brackets there.)
DanteE: (Realm _3_? Ooh...)
Snow: (My gear's bigger than yours!)
DanteE: " much can you feel of Amyra, Snow?"

  • Snow divines that as well, if possible.

Random_Nerd: (All of it.)
Brian: (can we wrap up soon?)
Random_Nerd: (You can do free lesser divinations of anything in the Chancel.)
Theresa: (She should be able to feel the atoms of Amyra with that stat...)
DanteE: (of course A0 S0 means you're _fragile_, sort of...)
Snow: "I dunno. Feels warm. What're all the hard things underground? They're shiny?"
Theresa: (True. Her Auctoritas is tiny.)
DanteE: "...gems?"
Snow: (That's what you guys are for."
Snow: (Bah, more brackets!)
Theresa: "Are they orangish or white? Orange are topaz, white are pearls..."
Random_Nerd: (That works for me, Laz.)

  • Snow blinks, then "looks" harder.

Random_Nerd: (Amyra has lots of topaz.)
DanteE: (Let's see, she can create anything for 1 RMP, right?)
Snow: "I...I don't know. Not white, I guess."
DanteE: (anything small)
Random_Nerd: (And yes, Amyra has pearl mines.)
Random_Nerd: (Ground oysters, you see.)
DanteE: "How about green or red ones?)
Snow: (Very popular, I imagine.)
DanteE: (now I'M doing it! :)
Snow: (*laugh*)

  • Snow looks perplexed. "I don't know..."

Snow: (She was a coyote before, remember. No colours.)
DanteE: (D'OH... right)
Theresa: "This is not the time to go gem-diving. Do we wait the shorter-than-three hours until the Estate comes under attack or does Snow poke at her Estate until something shows as hurt? When Brian got attacked, it was...dramatic and sudden."
DanteE: (Well, canines have deuteranopia, not complete color blindness...)
Theresa: *sudden thought* "What if it's the cult again?!"
Snow: (Bah, I was hoping someone wouldn't bring that up. I don't know much about deuteranopia.)
DanteE: "Good point..."
Brian: "I say she exercises, to know what she can do, first."
DanteE: (We know about how specifically Cults screw with our miracles, right?)
Random_Nerd: (Well, either way, you can see colors with divinations.)
Snow: (And with languages, she can probably name them too, actually. Good point.)
Random_Nerd: (Yes, you know that in the presence of the members of your cult, Domain and Realm miracles and gifts go... wrong.)
Snow: (AHAHAHA...I am so screwed.)
Random_Nerd: (They still work, but they have unintended side effects.)
Snow: (Snow throws peanuts at the bad guys.)
DanteE: (Domain and Realm?)
Random_Nerd: (Domain and Realm!)
Brian: have we experienced Realm?
DanteE: "We need to prepare..."
Brian: (bah! ()'s!)
DanteE: "Lord Kudzu, you've told us when, can you tell us where?"
Brian: "Part of preparing is not having a Sister who doesn't know what she can do"

  • Snow huffs a bit. "I know what I can do!"

Brian: "Have you exercised with your new powers yet?"

  • Snow looks bashful.

Snow: "Well, no..."
Random_Nerd: Kudzu: "Probably Earth."
Brian: "Well, why don't you try something easy?"
DanteE: "ah, can you be more specific?"
Theresa: (So helpful.)
Snow: (Hm...)
DanteE: (Ghosts are a gimme)
Theresa: "How about we practice at the Grove and keep an eye on Snow's Estate from there?"
DanteE: (Then again, if it's on Earth, Realm won't help much.)
Brian: "Sounds good."

  • Theresa will bow toward Kudzu if we're leaving then.

Brian: (stop here, and introduce Snow to cars next session? :p)

  • Snow appears to think briefly.

Snow: (Can we get to the enclave first?)
Theresa: (Theresa has something to say to Lesson before we close...)
DanteE: (and I have a little prep, too...)
Snow: (Enclave = Grove, sorry)
Brian: (well, really up to RN.)
Random_Nerd: (A little longer, then.)
Random_Nerd: (But you can leave now if you want, Laz.)
Theresa: As they leave the room, Theresa tells Lesson that he's doing a correct and fantastic job on keeping his Rules and protecting the Chancel.
Brian: (nah, I'd rather like to be around for Snow's introduction to vehicles :p)
Snow: (And he gets a mug!)

  • DanteE debates bringing 'shock troops' to Earth...

Random_Nerd: Lesson perhaps smiles a little, and tilts his hat to a more jaunty angle.
Random_Nerd: (Cut to the Grove, or did you want to talk on the way there?)
DanteE: (One thing first...)

  • DanteE heads into his office, where he's been collecting swords and knives...

Brian: (We travel there by car, right?)
Theresa: (It'd be quite a walk if we walk it, I thought.)

  • DanteE grabs a small arsenal.

DanteE: "Theresa, Brian... some party favors for the upcoming gathering.
Brian: "I don't need any, Dante. I come fully equipped with reality-bending magic."
Brian: "Some might say reality-breaking, but they just can't reimagine what reality is on the fly. Shame, that."

  • Snow will stay close, but not too close to the pointy things.

DanteE: "Reality-bending _Domain_ magic?"
Brian: "Well, when you go around doing things like making pi exactly 3, reality starts kicking you in the face."
DanteE: "Humor me, keep these handy. Remember, blades are 2 for 2 on the Shards we've met."
Random_Nerd: (Not really. Brian could do that, and it wouldn't break the world. On the other hand, lots of mathematicians would, in layman's terms, "shit a brick.")
Theresa: "Well, how about having a really athletic body?"
Brian: (tends to break people looking at the world. Which is Brian's statement, really.)
Theresa: (I think Dante is thinking about the mystery cult out there.)
DanteE: "It's always good to have more than one way to defend yourself against beings that want to eat reality."
DanteE: "Just on general principle, really..."
DanteE: (Also means I can save some DMPs should worse come to worse)

  • Theresa takes a knife on general principle and to make Dante happy. Tucks it away somewhere.

Random_Nerd: (Tell me when you want to have arrived.)
Theresa: (I'm good with the fastforward.)
Brian: (I'm fine with it)
DanteE: (Me too... Brian, you taking a knife or sword?)
Brian: (you can toss whatever you want into the trunk)
DanteE: (ah yeah... remind me to take my old car so we don't need to sustain it)
Random_Nerd: You arrive at the Grove, which is filled with rabbits.
Random_Nerd: Conventional-size rabbits.

  • Snow beams.

Snow: "Told you I knew what I could do!"

  • Theresa blinks with a slight twitch at the sight.

Brian: "You can make rabbits?"
Snow: (And for the record, that's all I wanted to do before ending tonight. ;))
DanteE: "Heh... OK....
DanteE: "Now what can you do with Domain?"

  • Brian opens the door and gets out of Snow's way ;)

Snow: "Well, no. I can make them come. See?" She points at a trio of apparently pet rabbits who are running eagerly into the fray.

  • Theresa looks at them with the Sight,
  • Snow looks thoughtful.

Brian: (I'm going to take off now. See you guys next week, or earlier)
Snow: "That was my domain, I think."
Snow: (G'night!)
Random_Nerd: (G'night, Laz.)
Theresa: (Night, Laz! *HUG*)

      • Brian has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: Leaving.).

Snow: "I guess I could make all the rabbits /stay/..."
Snow: (Lesser Preservation, if anyone wants a Realm example. ;))
Theresa: "They might not like it all here in the Grove, Snow."
Snow: "Yeah, I didn't think it was a good idea."

  • Snow picks up a rabbit, gives it a close look, then puts it back down.

Snow: (Lesser Preservation of Realm on the rabbit.)
Snow: "There. Now he'll be all healthy, forever."
Snow: "That's good, right?"
DanteE: well... depends...
Theresa: "Boy or Girl Bunny?"
DanteE: "You know how much rabbits breed... right?"

  • Snow looks down at the milling rabbits.

Snow: (Lesser Divination to find the rabbit again?)

  • DanteE tries to remember about Ecology and predator-prey relations...

Random_Nerd: (You find the rabbit!)
Random_Nerd: (Well, you guys did go get some rabbits from Australia. That's a good example of rabbit-induced trouble.)
DanteE: "What do you remember from before you were enNobled?"
Random_Nerd: (Rabbits basically screwed their ecology sideways with a shovel.)

  • Snow flicks into coyote form, terrorizing the other rabbits into a stampede. Her rabbit seems inclined to stay where he/she is, however. (Lesser Creation of Realm, taking away Capriciousness from the rabbit.)

Random_Nerd: (Err... you can't take it away with a Creation. That's a Destruction.)

  • Snow picks up the rabbit in her teeth, then flicks back to human form. She transfers it to her hands.

DanteE: ( that why Kudzu specifically wanted Australian rabbits?)
Random_Nerd: (It is!)
DanteE: (that's a LD Domain miracle)
Snow: "I remember the sun, and food, and winter, and the People," she tells Dante.
Random_Nerd: (But you can make him stay where he is with a Preservation of Location.)
Snow: (D'oh!)
Snow: (Good idea, sorry.)
Random_Nerd: (S'fine, it takes a while to get a handle on the system.)
DanteE: (s'okay, we're stumbling through this too. :)

  • Snow checks the gender of the rabbit. GM's choice.

Random_Nerd: (Male.)
Snow: "He's a boy rabbit."
Snow: "Is that okay?"
DanteE: "Probably petrified, too..."

  • DanteE gently takes the rabbit and zaps it with a Ghost-LC-Courage

Theresa: "Well, that means that we wouldn't have lots of baby bunnies continuously."
Theresa: (What's Dante's Realm?)
DanteE: (1)
Snow: "Okay! Let him go, then. Maybe I can hunt him over and over again now."
Theresa: (Hmm... Can he do a ghost of Monty for Snow?)
DanteE: (or we can just look up. :)
Snow: (Aspect 0)
Random_Nerd: (Well, Monty's moon is part of the Chancel. You can do divinations on it.)
Theresa: (Yeah, that low of Aspect wouldn't go far enough...)
DanteE: "Snow... you see that green moon up there, with what looks like a big brown spot on it?"
Theresa: "What can you tell us about that place?"
Snow: (In that case, presumably Snow already knows about Monty, having taken a look-see around the Chancel already in Div form."
Snow: (About the moon?)
Snow: (You are not allowed to ask me questions about the one chapter I have yet to read at all. Sez me.)
Random_Nerd: (It's a moon. It's much lower and smaller than the actual moon, but it's still pretty big and close to the ground.)
Random_Nerd: (It has a rabbit the size of Godzilla, and a bunch of plants on it. It's greenish.)
Random_Nerd: (I mean, still pretty big and far off the ground.)
Snow: "It's a moon. I don't remember it from before though..."
Theresa: "It's kinda new."
DanteE: (our tides are probably interesting...)
Snow: "It's got a big rabbit on it."
DanteE: "How are you at judging size?"
Snow: "Oh! Want me to turn into the big rabbit? I can be all, 'rrr!' and you guys can be all, 'eee!'"
Snow: (With Divination, pretty good.)

  • Snow shrugs at Dante.

Random_Nerd: (I think turning into Monty would be out of the scope of your Gift.)
DanteE: "No, that's quite all right! The one is plenty.
Random_Nerd: (He's... wierd. Probably doesn't even qualify as an animal in the conventional sense.)
Snow: (Dang. Well, she doesn't know that. But thanks for mentioning it.)
DanteE: "You can turn into any animal?"
Random_Nerd: (He's largely a big storm of demon blood and shards of angel-feather that happens to be shaped like a rabbit. And that grows.)

  • Snow shrugs. "I think so."

DanteE: "...ever hear of a Bengal Tiger?"
Snow: (FYI, I have nothing more to add in particular this evening.)

  • Snow shakes her head. "Nuh uh."

Theresa: (Brain fall down, go boom..)
Random_Nerd: (Stopping now sound good?)
Snow: (Just in case we're waiting for me or something.)
Theresa: (*nod*)
Snow: (*NOD*)
DanteE: (Ok.)
Snow: (One o'clock hurts my brain.)
Random_Nerd: ____________STOP____________
Random_Nerd: Okay, thoughts on the game?
Random_Nerd: And, the mandatory question, which things did you like most and least about it?
Snow: It was fun! And I really appreciate everyone being tolerant to Snow.
DanteE: we have a thing for clumsy starts...
DanteE: and we know a) she's One Of Us, and b) she's about to hurt like hell.
Theresa: Liked the introduction of Snow..a little disappointed by the disappearance of James, but then again, I've been thinking of Kudzu eating him at the party for possibly a year + now.
DanteE: well, Kudzu went and intimated that he's not dead... but rather turned.
Theresa: More disappointed in Kudzu-speak, I think.
Snow: On this note, I am going to crawl into bed. Thursday is unfortunately the only early class day I have.
Snow: G'night all!
Random_Nerd: G'night, Sara.

      • Snow has left #nobilis.

Theresa: And plus the three-hour time limit puts a cramp in the 'scream and shout' mode.

      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.
      • You are now known as BethE.

BethE: I think the whole 'James disappeared' thing is one of the reasons why Theresa spoke nicely to Lesson before they left.
Knockwood: not sure how I like how slow we're going...
BethE: Slow we're going in what part?
Knockwood: but that's partly my fault, damn it.
Knockwood: why like Yoda you're talking now? :)
BethE: Because when brain you get this tired, talk so well you will not?
Random_Nerd: Well, I imagine you guys will jump into action when the Excrucians spring their Cunning Plan.
Knockwood: Right. Then we'll _really_ look stupid. :)

Chapter 8