Session 63.5

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Chapter 8

Random_Nerd: Okay, so, Sara is almost certainly not going to be able to be here, because she's away from her regular internet connection.
Knockwood: That may be a wee bit problematic...
Etheric: Ah, I see.
Knockwood: anyway, Navero's at: (Link:
lazarus: guys: I think I'm going to have to go on hiatus for a bit, given how little time I can be around anyway
Knockwood: urk.
BethE: We're dwindling a bit...if we're not careful, it'll be just RN playing with myself. <g>
lazarus: Beth, at least, knows the reason. I hope that about 6 or 7 weeks from now I'll be able to attend again, and for full sessions
lazarus: also: we don't need to know the Beth/RN roleplay that goes on.
Etheric: Hm. Well, I fully intend to return soon, but it's possible that tonight is not the night. I'm not really feeling very up to a game so far this week.
Knockwood: ...
Random_Nerd: So, hmm. Shall we say the game is called until next week?
Knockwood: laz, what is your story?
Knockwood: and game-wise, I've been wondering if I should just go ahead and use my points to become a Combat Monster
Etheric: I have no objection to calling till next week, personally. But I wouldn't mind watching if you guys wanted to do a rump session, either.
BethE: I'm okay with a called game. It would be hard to try and do the clean-up without Sara since we're still not sure we've fixed her Estate.
Knockwood: rump session?
BethE: (And I'm not sure how to yell at Kudzu for making a deal with the Excry.)
BethE: (Etheric - side note: I'm about a third of the way through cleaning up the last 'episode' of Weapons. You and Joce are so _completely AWESOME_!)
Etheric: Trying to even remember what happened last episode. ^^;
BethE: All of the Feng and Tempest and Demon Scholar stuff.
Random_Nerd: Hell Clan Guy In The Restaurant through Demon Scholar Agrees To Go Away.
Random_Nerd: By way of intrigue, plots, violence, and infanticide.
Knockwood: and fried rice.
BethE: I'm a little bit past Feng confessing her teacher to the others and Jade standing up for her and Feng glaring at Steel and yelling "Why aren't you killing me yet!"
Random_Nerd: Oh, and booze.
Etheric: Oh, you mean the entire story arc.
Etheric: Sorry, wasn't clicking.
BethE: *nod* Not just a single session. The whole 'episode' or scroll.
Random_Nerd: The part that forms a contained storyline.
Etheric: *nods*
Random_Nerd: Though if it were television it'd probably be at least four or five episodes worth of airtime.
Knockwood: so, hold the IC until next week?
BethE: It's over 300 pages of Word, still uncleaned. @.@
Random_Nerd: So it appears. We can't really resolve the attack on Snow's estate without her being present for it, I don't think.
Etheric: I'm going to head out. *rubs temples* Something's come up.
Knockwood: psychic attack?
Etheric: No.
Knockwood: think about FATAL and see who starts screaming.
Etheric: I'm going to assume that's something I should be grateful that I don't know what it is. And leave now before you do something noxious like tell me.
BethE: Good night, Etheric. Hope everything is okay. *HUG*
Etheric: Take care all.
Knockwood: (Of course, there's a fringe theory that says we're all under constant psychic attack by the secret masters...)

      • Etheric has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.).

BethE: (Etheric knows us well.)
Random_Nerd: Wise choice.
Knockwood: anyhoo...
Knockwood: so, I was thinking about putting some points into Cosmic Kung Fu
BethE: Hey Knock...
Knockwood: hm?
BethE: (Side conversation - why the Navero Main stuff?)
Knockwood: (what do you mean?)
BethE: (I've never heard of it before. Is it a good read?)
Knockwood: Pretty good... its main selling point is the character interactions, though there's also some setting elements you can swipe. :)
BethE: Ooo, I love swiping...
Knockwood: Not to mention it's a good view into how groups _really_ act. :D
Knockwood: But, Nobilis... I'm debating whether to stay close to humanity or optimize Dante for combat.
Random_Nerd: Hmm. How are the two mutually exclusive?
BethE: I thought he did pretty well against the warmains.
Knockwood: The latter I could do with: Immortal; Blades gifts; Aspect gifts; bumping Aspect and/or Spirit.
Knockwood: the more human route would be developing relations with PCs and NPCs, maybe reconnecting with his mortal family.
Knockwood: and/or doing more in (and possibly to) Kaerkoven and Amyra.
BethE: Hmm..thinking about getting an Anchor?
Knockwood: was mulling over the kid from the wrecked farmhouse...
BethE: *thinks* The one without any Capriciousness now?
Knockwood: part of it's an RP thing, really.
Knockwood: yep
Knockwood: though Snow can restore that with a blink, right?
BethE: Hate or love?
Knockwood: it was just a thought
Knockwood: "feel sorry for", really
Knockwood: the kid's dad is probably gone, right?

      • lazarus has left #Nobilis.

Random_Nerd: Yeah.
BethE: I think he was one of the ones zapped. Hmm..probably along with the priest.
Knockwood: wiped out of existence by the Exs?
Random_Nerd: Yep. And incidentially, the gift that he used to do it was in a focus, which Snow has anchored.
Knockwood: uhoh!
Knockwood: nothing like an entirely in-character Cosmic fuckup...
BethE: So Capriciousness can now kill humans atta whim.
BethE: Can a Focus use itself?
Random_Nerd: As a rule, no.
Knockwood: ...what are the game effects?
Random_Nerd: Of what, in particular?
Knockwood: Caprice anchoring an Ex focus of kill-everyone
Random_Nerd: Well, she has an anchor, and it's a focus usable by anyone touching it.
Knockwood: but it's also alive, otherwise she couldn';t have anchored it, right?
BethE: Oh, we could use it too? Huh...
Random_Nerd: Correct. Having living foci is unusual, but Warmains often have their horses or swords as foci.
Random_Nerd: It's a focus. Whoever has it can use it.
Knockwood: what's the specific gift?
Random_Nerd: It's a custom one. Does a Lesser Destruction of humanity, affecting all nearby humans, as a simple miracle.
Random_Nerd: One-trick limitation of being only useful to destroy all nearby unmiraculous humans, but unable to selectively target or just harm rather than destroy.
Knockwood: ...which it's doubtful we'd ever use...
Random_Nerd: Still, now you can.
BethE: *looks at her Respect Life*
Knockwood: ...and would be a huge thing if we did
Random_Nerd: Yep.
Random_Nerd: Anyway, you guys mind if I head out now?
BethE: Nope. I'll join you, if you wish.  :)
Knockwood: well, wait...
Random_Nerd: Oh?
Knockwood: how many points for Cosmic Kung-fu, with decent Pen? :)
Random_Nerd: Hmm. As an Aspect gift?
Knockwood: yeah (so the Cult can't screw with it)
Random_Nerd: Well, it uses the usual rules. Work out how high an Aspect miracle it should be able to create, how much penetration, how easy to use, how broadly targetable and useful it is, and we'll cruch some numbers.
Knockwood: there's the rub...
Random_Nerd: Yep. So, how clear are you on that stuff?
Knockwood: assuming I can fight only one guy at a time (for now), what's the Utility?
Random_Nerd: Hmm./
Random_Nerd: Offensive, defensive, or both?
Knockwood: Off
Random_Nerd: But usable at various degrees of offensiveness, rather than having to use it to kill, or disarm, or whatever?
Knockwood: hm...
Random_Nerd: If it's just something that lets you rip out someone's throat with your eyebrow, it's one trick.
Random_Nerd: But if it lets you kill, hurt, incapacitate, and so on, it's Limited.
Knockwood: and a really bizarre visual. :)
Random_Nerd: Really, I would expect a high-end martial arts style to look rather like Marstriglio's Claw.
Knockwood: Invocation=Simple means it's my Miracle fdor the round, but doesn't cost, right?
Random_Nerd: Correct.
Knockwood: where the heck is the Claw detailed? I couldn't find it...
Random_Nerd: Page... 58?
Random_Nerd: Something like that. Late fifties.

  • Random_Nerd looks.

Random_Nerd: Yeah, 58.
Knockwood: what's its point cost?
Knockwood: ...7?
Random_Nerd: Hmm. Isn't totaled, but I can run it through the system...
Random_Nerd: 9, I believe.
Knockwood: isn't it 12-1-2-3+1?
Knockwood: oh, 12-1-1-2+1, I goofed
Knockwood: Either that or come up with a lightsaber focus...
Random_Nerd: Well, a focus doesn't do anything to cost, just gives some extra MPs.
Knockwood: I can maybe use the Focus MPs for Pen. :)
Knockwood: but, hey, it's one of several options
Random_Nerd: For normal miracles, yes, less so for the gift.
Random_Nerd: Well, how about you think about what you want in a kung fu style, and we work out a gift version next week?
Knockwood: which is more useful when fighting Exs: bumping Aspect or bumping Spirit?
Random_Nerd: Eh...
Random_Nerd: Depends a lot on the Excrucian.
Knockwood: or maybe bumping Sacrosanct to Immortal
Random_Nerd: Perhaps a slight bias in favor of Spirit.
Random_Nerd: That would be useful. But remember, the type of Excrucian that is most likely to use physical violence against you can also have the Negative Gift.
Knockwood: how many points can that annul?
Random_Nerd: Depends on the version.
Random_Nerd: The one that the rider-shard had last time would have sufficed for Immortal, if one of you had had it.
Knockwood: aha.
Random_Nerd: Fortunately for you guys, I didn't build them particularly to kill the PCs, just with what I thought a good mix of Warmain gifts would be.
Knockwood: considering you almost _did_ kill PCs, that's a scary thought
BethE: Oh, need to remember to start doing Holy Fire when we get back.
Knockwood: Absolutely.

      • dtsnht has joined #Nobilis.
      • dtsnht has left #Nobilis.

Random_Nerd: Well, being Warmains, they /did/ have some pretty scary offensive gifts, and two out three had defensive stuff too.
Random_Nerd: But it's not like "Okay, this one will kill Dante, this one will do Snow and Brian..."
BethE: It's more like "Okay, this one takes away protection, this one kills some, this one kills more..."

Chapter 8