Session 65

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Chapter 9

Random_Nerd: Now, in keeping with the Great Cycle of Nobilis, I was planning for the next storyline to be focused more on PC-driven goals, rather than external forces.
Random_Nerd: After all, last one was pretty much a "You guys go there and fix this now" situation.
Random_Nerd: Thoughts on this>?
Sara: Having only been in one storyline, I'm utterly ambivalent.
Knockwood: well, if we stay home, Sara can kick butt with her Realm.
BethE: I'm okay with PC-driven goals. I don't have any in mind at the (oh, the Maple; and the Divine Fire thingy and...)
Sara: Heh.
Random_Nerd: Do you guys have any particular things that your characters want to work on?
Knockwood: is Carrie returning?
Sara: Snow would like a home/den, and a place nearby for her horse. Beyond that? Meh. She'll need to Harvest, I suppose.
Knockwood: and Dante will need to see if there are (DELETED FOR RULE ZERO) from the (DELETED FOR RULE ZERO), in case we have to (DELETED FOR RULE ZERO), of course.
BethE: Theresa was going to start doing the Holy Fire rite. I'd like to work on the Maple or else more on Sam/the Dionyl, I think?
Knockwood: ah yeah, we should all do Holy Fire
Sara: Oh! Incidentally, I'd like the Borderguard too. And what's Holy Fire?
Knockwood: maybe ask Samuel what the /res/ is and why it's screwed up
Random_Nerd: The Rite of Holy Fire is a spirit-based defense against mundane actions.
BethE: ( /res/ ?)
Random_Nerd: It works backwards, sort of, in that huge and impersonal attacks are easiest to block.
Random_Nerd: What's Snow's spirit?
Sara: That's right, he mentioned that and never explained it.
Sara: 0
Knockwood: Oh, minor RP thing: when he gets back, Dante would probably go up, grab James' gear, and stow it in his vault-o-weird-stuff
Random_Nerd: Okay, Snow would have to renew hers weekly, and she'd be protected against really huge, deadly, and broad effects like nukes, but nothing smaller.
Random_Nerd: Each time it's renewed takes a night-long ritual.
Sara: Snow doesn't think that far ahead.
Knockwood: Maybe we can all do it at once...
Knockwood: we're on a college campus, we can disguise it as a beer bash. :)
BethE: How about for a Spirit of 1?
Random_Nerd: Comparatively, an Imperator with Spirit 7 has to do it every ten years, and it makes it physically impossible to start nasty rumors about him or be less than polite without a miracle.
Sara: Dang. o.O
Random_Nerd: Spirit 1 has to do it every two weeks, and is protected against large but not city-scale attacks. Like, bombs, missiles, etc.
Random_Nerd: And not the miraculous versions of same, of course.
Knockwood: and me? Sp 2
BethE: *thinks* Given the way people feel about Entropy...he doesn't keep this rite going?
Random_Nerd: Every month, and basically anything that a human would have absolutely no chance of surviving. Like, being shot by twenty guys at once, or being in a burning building.
Random_Nerd: Well, Nobles can still get around this with miraculous actions.
Random_Nerd: This is mostly just a protection against mundane force.
Knockwood: and considering most Nobles have nonzero Aspect, that means they could just spread rumors _really impressively_ and get around it. :)
Random_Nerd: Basically, it means that for really high-spirit Imperators, being mean to them is like water flowing uphill.
BethE: Will we need to show Snow around Amyra together or just let her run around how she likes?
Random_Nerd: Doable by Nobles, but not something that happens much.
Random_Nerd: She's got Realm, what, 4?
Knockwood: We can take her to the zoo!
Random_Nerd: I take it that she knows her way around pretty well, then, and anything she doesn't instinctively know she can find out trivially.
Sara: Oh, sorry, Realm 3.
Sara: *nods*
Random_Nerd: Still, she can trivially divine, and she's hooked into the realm's heart.
Sara: Snow will probably lose interest in a long tour, but if you can think of a way to keep her interested, perhaps.
Random_Nerd: She could show /you/ guys around.
BethE: *grin* I think that would be fun..seeing the Chancel through Snow's eyes.
Random_Nerd: Now, let's see, what do your characters want to get done?
Sara: Heh.
BethE: She could find Theresa's husband's grave or Red...
BethE: (How many anchors can Snow have?)
Knockwood: "That's a bengal tiger. About on par with your polar bear form, but more intimidating, I think."
Sara: Snow wants a home, and a Borderguard, and someone to snuggle with at night.
Random_Nerd: At Spirit 0? One.
Random_Nerd: And she has it.
Sara: Oh, I didn't know that.
Sara: I thought it was based on Realm. Oh well.
BethE: I wonder if Sam will think he dodged a bullet since Snow came home with an Anchor.
Random_Nerd: It's a Rite, so it connects to Spirit.
Sara: *nods*
Sara: Later, can I spend a point in getting +1 Spirit?
Random_Nerd: Spirit makes you better at all those little magics intrinsic to Nobility.
Random_Nerd: Raising spirit takes three points.
Random_Nerd: Same as any other attribute.
Random_Nerd: If all you want is the effects of being able to have more anchors, we could probably work that out as a Gift of Spirit.
Sara: Okie dokie.
BethE: Things I want to get done: Start the Holy Fire rite, poke some more at the Maple or else do some research in the Library about the beginning of history. *thinks*
Knockwood: I kinda wonder about her Swallowing power, actually. :)
Knockwood: Let's see, I'll be healed after about 3 hours rest, right?
Sara: What's that with the swallowing?
Knockwood: at Aspect 6 Pen 3 it's our best offensive power that doesn't need miracles
Knockwood: er, miracle points
Random_Nerd: I'll check that, Knock. How many wounds are you down?
Knockwood: 2 D and change
Random_Nerd: Okay, you'll be fine in two days and a couple hours.
Random_Nerd: Or less with a miracle.
Sara: I spent an AMP to improve my healing skills, which are at Aspect 0. I think that means I'll be healed in a month or so?
Random_Nerd: A few weeks, yes.
Random_Nerd: And Dante can be healed in a few hours if he spends an AMP.
Sara: Hm. Can we assume that we chill out in the Chancel for that time, so we're all healed?
Random_Nerd: Oh, and remember that Durant, in addition to making you harder to hurt, makes you heal faster.
Random_Nerd: Well, do you guys want a monthlong gap between storylines?
BethE: (How long am I out for? I was down to one farther than Dante.) Yep, I remember that.
Random_Nerd: *tells Beth out loud*
BethE: I think that I will wait until we see how much 'downtime' there was before I decide on whether to spend an AMP on it? Because that would be an AMP wasted if we were going to be down that time anyhow.
Sara: *nods*
Sara: I'm with beth.
Sara: Snow's gonna Harvest anyway.
Knockwood: We could agree to spend some AMPs and have a in-chancel storyline
Random_Nerd: Yeah. Even if she wasn't fully healed up, Snow'd be pretty hard to take on in-chancel anyway.
Sara: *nods*
Sara: You got enough to go on, RN?
Random_Nerd: So, let's see. Beth, you want to investigate the Maple. How do you intend to go about that?
BethE: I can't divine what Night said to him during the Party, right?
Random_Nerd: Correct, at least not without a Realm greater div that also breaks Night's auctoritas.
BethE: :P
BethE: Given that I've got a Realm of 0, that's a high impossiblity.
Random_Nerd: Because you need greater divs to see into the past, and it was something taking place in his bubble.
Knockwood: I was thinking of getting a Realm gift based on a Greater Div to analyze stuff in the chancel. Think that'd be worth it?
BethE: And the Maple was within the bubble zone...
BethE: I can try poking at the Library about Amyra's past. What might have brought someone's interest to planting a secret there. Whether Amyra used to be someone else's Chancel. Stuff like that.
Sara: With Plants, could you replicate the shiver of the Maple's leaves, caused by Night's words?
Sara: Then play it back?
Random_Nerd: Hmm. Yes, she could.

  • Sara curtseys.

Random_Nerd: It'd still take a greater, and to beat his Spirit, for the aforementioned reason, but yes, you're right, she could do it with Domain.
BethE: So we're looking at...4+ Domain MPs?
Random_Nerd: Well, you have Domain 4, yes?
BethE: Yes.
Random_Nerd: So, 1 DMP for the miracle level, plus a number equal to his Spirit.
BethE: Oh, I got confused as to how higher a Greater Div is. I must have been thinking Destruction.
BethE: Do I know his Spirit?
Random_Nerd: Hmm. You spent a fair amount of time within a few feet of him, right?
BethE: *nodnod* The social problem of making deals with the Camms, if I remember right.
Random_Nerd: You could probably guess it, give or take one.
BethE: Okay, then I'll go that route once we go 'live' and just hope that I can be creative with having less DMPs for the rest of the episode.  :)

      • You are now known as Theresa.
      • Sara is now known as Snow.

Random_Nerd: Okay, Night's spirit is "about two."

      • Knockwood is now known as DanteE.

DanteE: (so, Beth could get Spirit 3 with a Hard miracle?)
Random_Nerd: Adding levels of penetration doesn't invoke the Powers of Two rule.
Random_Nerd: Just adding to the actual level of the miracle does.
Theresa: (, 3 DMP on the block...let's hope this nets me something more than Night telling the Maple his mother's recipe for quiche.)
Theresa: (So, while Theresa's communicating with nature..what's everyone else going to be up to?)
Random_Nerd: So, shall we go to in-character, to Theresa divining around the Maple?
Snow: *nodnod*
DanteE: (are we assumed to be back home?)
Random_Nerd: And say about a week has passed?
Theresa: A week? Then Theresa will have spent her AMP to be able to move without grinding something broken.
Snow: Snow will not have, but that's okay.
Snow: She is gonna Harvest, then spend an AMP to heal faster.
DanteE: Dante dropped an AMP...
DanteE: then, went back and re-connected with his mortal family.
Theresa: (Ooo...)
DanteE: Unless that's something you'd rather RP?
Random_Nerd: You can do it either offcamera or on, depending on your preferences.
DanteE: (what do you guys think?)
Theresa: (Either is fine with me. I'd just like to get some IC stuff tonight, even if I'm just watching. We could do two scenes at the same time?)
Random_Nerd: Either works for me. It just depends how much detail you want to go into about this aspect of your character.
DanteE: (Actually... doing the NPC theater thing would probably just take up time, so we'll say off-camera)
Snow: (*nods*)
Snow: If you can handle two scenes, RN, Dante could go back to his family, and Theresa and Snow could see the Maple.
Random_Nerd: Hmm. Want to keep Dante's stuff off-camera for now, but if Dante's family becomes an important element later, we'll do a flashback and play it out?
DanteE: (we'll say I saw them while you guys were recovering... spending 1 AMP means I heal in a few hours, IIRC)
Theresa: Sounds okay to me.
Random_Nerd: (Correct. Three hours and a few minutes and you'll be fine, with one AMP.)
Theresa: (Okay, i think I'm ready to go.)
Random_Nerd: So, cut to Theresa and the tree?
DanteE: Well, I'll be back by then. :)
Theresa: *nodnod*
Snow: And Snow and the tree!

  • Theresa sits at the foot of the Maple, looking up at 'him'. And digging her bare toes into the earth.

Random_Nerd: ________________START_____________
Random_Nerd: "One week later."
DanteE: Meanwhile, I'll look over my artifact collection and analyze the most interesting one

  • Snow rolls around in the grass in human form.

Random_Nerd: (Hmm. Do you think that's be the drop of blood, the copper pigeon veins, or what?)
DanteE: (Depends. Any of them have a spirit sayng 'pick me! pick me! I'm a PLOT POINT!!!' :)

  • Theresa hmms. "Okay, so I'm a nosey person and you *to the Maple* are one of my favorite people, so I have to know what Night said to you. Because I get the feeling that he might have something to do with your secret. Maybe secrets is a subset of Nightlyness. I dunno. But still..."

Theresa: *to the Maple* "Think back...back to when you were talking to Night..."
Theresa: (Div me.)
Random_Nerd: (Well, the blood, since it's connected with the thing with the spear, is most recently involved with the plot. Alternatively, the pigeon veins are there to remind you that you didn't really follow up on that beyond pegging a likely suspect.)

  • Snow splays herself on the ground, face down in the grass.

Random_Nerd: A shadowy image of Night, standing by the tree. "I was disconcerted when the place we were to meet them was here. Do you believe they know your purpose?"

  • DanteE grabs the blood drop and places it on his desk.

Random_Nerd: Past-Maple *Ponders a minute, shakes head*
Random_Nerd: Past-Night: "Good. Now, from what you've seen, /does/ Ymera Kudzu seem to be a Mimic?"
Random_Nerd: Past-tree: *Unsure shrug*

  • Theresa feels a little down-and-out at the 'know your purpose'. Perks up at the later stuff...

Random_Nerd: Night: "Vague suspicions, but no real proof yet?"
Random_Nerd: Tree: *nod*
Random_Nerd: Night: "And the Grail? Does it seem to be.."
Random_Nerd: Past-Brian says something to Night, Night stops talking to the tree and goes off towards him.
Theresa: (Arggh! Down in front!)
Snow: "Theressaaaaaaa...whatcha dooooooiiiiin'?"

  • Theresa arrghs as the vision comes to an end. Flops back-side onto the grass. "Darn"
  • DanteE fires off a Greater Div of everything-about-this-drop.

Theresa: *to Snow* "I was looking into the past. Someone from a party we threw right before you became part of the Family...he talked to my friend here. Which is amazing since I have a _lot_ of trouble talking with him. The Maple has a secret that he can't tell...until the time is right. And I'm just wondering if I've found a corner of the puzzle.
Theresa: "

  • Snow waves vaguely at the Maple.
  • Theresa will look at the Maple to see his reaction to Theresa's Div and/or her words.

Snow: "He'll tell you when he can. Don't worry about it."

  • Snow sits up and stretches.

Theresa: "Oh, introductions, yes. Maple, this is Snow. She's a coyote with many forms and she is the Noble of Capriciousness. Snow, this is the Maple." (My Bond. Mine. Mineminemine.)
Random_Nerd: Maple waves to Snow, and gives Theresa a worried look.
Snow: "So who's your mate here?" Snow asks, after looking at the maple.
Theresa: "But I do worry about it. Because it's a little weird that some other Noble happened to do something to him before this place became a Chancel. And plus, I worry if this whole secret thing has hurt him."
DanteE: (we blew waaaay past weird a long time ago. :)
Snow: "Meh. He looks okay. Worrying about it's no good."
Theresa: "Mate? I just introdu...oh, wait. Mate as in...ah." *looks down* "I used to have a mate..when I was younger. He died, not too long after we were married..." *looks into the distance* "Never found anyone else that could connect with me like he could..." *looks at Snow with a small smile* "Maybe sometime I can show you where he's buried. It's one of my special places...I like the quiet there."
Theresa: *to him* " you know what would happen if someone found out your secret before the appropriate time?"

  • Snow looks thoughtful.

Snow: "You should find another mate. You smell like you'd make good pups."
Theresa: (You're having _fun_ with this, Sara... :P )
Snow: (*innocent*)
Theresa: "I might be heading toward too old for that, Snow. And if I found someone that I wanted...well, we'd have to see. Any particular reason for this line of questioning?" *smile*
Random_Nerd: (Okay, now, about the Divination of Stuff About The Drop.)
DanteE: (4 RMPs at Realm 1, right?)
Random_Nerd: (Correct.)

  • Snow drops her hands into her lap, and smiles at Theresa. "/Well/. Just before Kudzu called me, I had this really strong, smart coyote lined up to make pups with me. But now I'm here, and there are all these smart People I can make pups with.

Theresa: "Would they be pups or people or both?"
Snow: "And really, a coyote with a People pup? That's not a pup. That's a /trickster/."
Theresa: (That's a Nelson, dear. You don't wanna raise one of those... <g>)
Snow: (*grin*)
Snow: "It'd be a me-pup. I dunno. Doesn't matter."
Random_Nerd: (It's made of apparantly human blood, hardened. It was affected by a greater miracle of some sort.)
Theresa: "Is a trickster good or bad in this case?:
Snow: "Pups are always good."
Random_Nerd: (This means that either it's a drop that was generated by the spear in some way, it came from the Excrucian who for some reason contained human blood, or something else odd is going on.)
Snow: "So! Who's smart here?"
DanteE: (A Greater Div would stretch back in time, right? Where'd it come from?)
Theresa: "Uh, well..." *thinks* "I can just name men-folk, as I'm not sure I'm the best judge on smartness. There's Dante and Brian, of course..."

  • Snow waves them off. "They talk too much."

Theresa: "Samuel is male...I believe. I'm just not sure if you and he would...could...let's just say that there would be rug burns involved."

  • Snow giggles.

Random_Nerd: (Well, it's a divination of Realm, right?)
Snow: "Iiiii think that'd be hard, yeah. Though he is /really/ cool."
Random_Nerd: (The first time it was in Chancel Amyra was during the Wacky Spear Hijinks.)
Theresa: *smile* "Yes, yes he is."

  • Snow gets up.

Snow: "I'll find someone. No problem."
Snow: (Does Snow need to do anything to have a Borderguard?)
Theresa: "Carrie's dad is already mated with Carrie's mom. Brian has an Anchor in California named Jim, who is a math teacher, very smart."
DanteE: (OK, does it say whose blood it is?)
Theresa: "And there's also the other Aide, William...he's quite intelligent."
Random_Nerd: (You just need to spend the four chancel points you want for your Realm that way.)
Snow: (*nods* I will do so, please.)
Random_Nerd: (The blood does not belong to anyone who is in the chancel now, nor anyone who has been in it since it has been a chancel.)
Random_Nerd: (The person whose blood it was is male, and is at least distantly related to a majority of the Amyrans who didn't immigrate within the last four generations.)
Snow: "Hm? Hm. I remember him." (LDiv to find out where William is?)
Theresa: (*gets popcorn*)
Random_Nerd: (In his office, in the Tower.)
Theresa: (Interesting blood drop. Sounds like blood from the Lance, in my opinion.)
DanteE: (That's what I've been thinking....)
Snow: "I think I'm gonna go find him. I need to find a den anyway. Maybe I can curl up with him."

  • Theresa looks at the Maple. Sighs. Pats his bark. "It'll be okay. If I figure out anything...well...I would not cause you harm intentially and I shall always do my best to protect you. This is my oath. By the stars above us all."

Random_Nerd: (Yep. If it's from the Excrucian, something wierd is going on.)
DanteE: (Assuming a few things, such as the Mary Magdalene connection...)

  • Snow looks up, at Theresa's oath. Glances at Theresa. Stage whispers, "The starts can't hear you."

Snow: (Stars, even)
DanteE: "...OK, why give this to _me_, then?"
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and it most closely resembles the bloodline of the Amyran royal family.)

  • Theresa stands up. "But I heard me. And I try to keep my promises. That is important to me." *smiles at Snow* "Would you like some company on your searching for a den?"

Snow: "Sure!"
DanteE: (WHat's the Amyran story on how the Lance got here?)
Random_Nerd: (Given the amount of similarity with John, it could be his great-grandfather's blood, assuming relatively center-of-the-bell-curve genetic distribution.)

  • Snow flicks into the form of a snowshoe hare, and speeds off toward the offices.

Random_Nerd: (It was brought to Amyra from Jerusalem, around the time of the First Crusade.)

  • Theresa will run to keep up with Snow. Will wave at the Maple on the way out of the Grove, hoping that this makes him feel a little better.

DanteE: (Great-Grandfather would be ~100 years back)
Snow: (I'm assuming nothing happens on the way to the offices?)
Random_Nerd: (Nothing interesting.)
Snow: (*nod*)
Theresa: (Probably not, unless Snow goes up against a car or something.. <g>)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and the reason you can't check it against the Excrucian's blood is the whole melting thing.)

  • Snow pops back into human form when she reaches the office, and bounds into whatever room William is in.

DanteE: (anything happen in the Kaer while we were gone?)

  • Theresa will follow, thinking that running after Snow is probably going to become a habit.

Random_Nerd: (Nothing particularly out of the ordinary. No attacks, irate rabbits, etc.)
Theresa: (Also thinking that she wants to see William's face when Snow starts her interrogation. *grin*)
DanteE: (OK, when's the last time people saw King John?)
Random_Nerd: (Which people? His staff, you guys, the public?)
DanteE: (Him, though I'd also be interested in any press releases)
Random_Nerd: (Well, he can currently see his arm right now, if you mean when the last time he saw himself was...)
Theresa: (I'm guessing he meant His staff seeing the king?)

  • Snow stalks William, if he's otherwise occupied.

DanteE: ( :/ )
Random_Nerd: (His staff saw him this morning.)
Theresa: (Snow is stalking in human form? *imagines her hiding behind a stack of paperwork* *pounce* "Rawr! Wanna be my blanket?")
Snow: (*innocent*)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, cut to Snow pouncing William?)
DanteE: (Sure)
Snow: (She wouldn't pounce him, but she would suddenly appear beside him, definitely within his personal space.)
Random_Nerd: William: *is pounced*

  • Snow nuzzles her head against his chest.

Random_Nerd: W: "Huh? Ah, Domina Snow."
Snow: "Hi!"
Theresa: (Darn, my bet was sniffing him...)
Random_Nerd: W: "How can I help you?"

  • Theresa will be in the doorway, not intruding. But still, watching is fun...

Snow: "Can I sleep with you?"
Theresa: (*takes photo of William's face* Sam will pay big for this...)
Random_Nerd: W: "That depends on exactly what you mean."

  • Snow looks up at William, rather sadly.

DanteE: (They're in the tower, right?)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah.)
Theresa: (Yep. The Aides' office that is there.)
Snow: "Got no mate any more. And I love my horse, but he doesn't fit in a bed or a den. It's lonely at night."

  • DanteE hears Snow, and reacts to her question my falling out of his chair.

Random_Nerd: "If you want to sleep next to me at night, that would be fine. If you intend to mate with me, I believe you'll find that that's not in the contract.)
Random_Nerd: "

  • Snow smiles happily.

Random_Nerd: "Also, my fiancee would mind."
Snow: "That'd be great. What's a fiancee?"
Theresa: (He's got a girl? Whoa.)
Random_Nerd: "My mate."

  • DanteE goes and joins the others...

Snow: "Oh! Okay. No mating. I'll sleep with you 'til I find another mate, though?"
Random_Nerd: "This is acceptable, I suppose, Domina."

  • Snow hugs William around his middle, burying her face in his shirt.

Snow: "Thank you!"
Theresa: (Aww...)
Theresa: *softly* "Sorry to interupt your work, William."
Random_Nerd: "Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I lent John a few of my books the other day. You have no reason to keep out-of-chancel information from him, correct?"
Random_Nerd: "Interrupt me? This sort of thing /is/ my work."

  • Snow pulls back and smiles at William, looking a little shy.

Random_Nerd: "I work for you."
DanteE: "No, we don't, I think. What books?"
Random_Nerd: "A few on history, and contemporary religion."
Random_Nerd: "He wanted to see some of the ways the world had changed with Amyra's absence."
Theresa: (I didn't know that being a Noble's snugglebear fell under contract. Can I get Sam hooked up with electricity to be my electric blanket?)
DanteE: (If John converts to Scientology we will NOT be happy... :)
Random_Nerd: (I don't think he can. He's the head of the church here, correct?)
Theresa: "I'm sure that much of religion has changed. Amyra was the main source of proven relics in the known world."

  • Snow turns into a butterfly, and flutters onto Theresa's hair.

Random_Nerd: "He was amused by some of the changes in Rastafarianism."
Theresa: *to Snow, quietly* "Have you picked out a den for other times, Snow?" *creates a nectar laden flower and places it in her hair in Snow's reach*
Random_Nerd: "And a little relieved, I believe."

  • Snow drinks, and ghost miracles a response.

Snow: "What other times?"
DanteE: "Anyway... I've Divined that this blood drop I got from Message is apparently from an ancestor of John's."
Random_Nerd: "That's unusual. Message was the gentleman you said was created at the death of the Excrucian?"
Theresa: "Well, times when William's den might be occupied by other people. Or when you want to be alone."
DanteE: "Apparently. He gave me this, I gave him a sword."
Random_Nerd: "That's odd. Which ancestor?"

  • Snow is silent for a while, processing.

DanteE: "3 generations back, maybe more if there's inbreeding."
Random_Nerd: "That's... let me see something."
Snow: "I...I'll sleep outside."
Theresa: *to William* "What does a Jamaican religion have to do with John?"
Theresa: *to Snow* "Okay, Snow. That's your choice. If there's any place in particular you would like, I could grow you something soft and sweet to sleep on. Or you could probably always relax in the gear room where we first met."
Random_Nerd: "One moment, please, Domina."
DanteE: "Or mke a bed in the basement."

  • Snow turns into a sparrow, and nuzzles Theresa's cheek.

Snow: "Thanks. I will!"
Theresa: "what do you think of Amyra, Snow?"
Random_Nerd: William looks something up in a book.
DanteE: ("The Big Book of Plot Points"? :)

  • Snow bird-shrugs.

Random_Nerd: "So, it could be the blood of a great-great grandfather who was lost at sea in the eighteen seventies?"
Snow: "It's nice. Kinda warm."
DanteE: "... Maybe."
Random_Nerd: "Oh, and on the Rastafarians. You know how they believed that Haile Selassie was God?"
DanteE: "If there's a way his blood would get on the Spear"
Theresa: "We are a bit warm. Used to have a fair bit of desert until we worked out some more irrigation. Still have some desert in the north."
Random_Nerd: "Well... they used to be attached to the Amyran monarchy."
Theresa: "Attached?"
Random_Nerd: "In a quasi-worshipping sort of way."
Random_Nerd: "The current line does, after all, claim to be descended from Solomon. Among many others."

  • Snow flits over to William's shoulder, turns into a mouse, and curls up for a nap.

Random_Nerd: "As I understand it, they tended to see this as somewhat embarassing, but dealt with the group politely."
Theresa: "Given the number of concubines, half of the Middle East could be descended from Solomon."
Random_Nerd: "There is that."
Random_Nerd: To Snow: "You wouldn't mind staying in a particular shape when sleeping with me? Say, that of a cat, or a small dog?"
Theresa: "Did John discuss what his research was for? Or whether it was for pleasure or research?"
Theresa: (I bet Snow hogs the blankets...sometimes literally. <g>)
Random_Nerd: "As I understand it, he just likes to read, and since you no longer have contact with other countries, he's a lot less busy than he used to be."

  • Theresa looks a bit uncomfortable. "Well, yes, there would be that...."

Snow: "I can be a human, if that helps."
DanteE: "Well, that was a, uh, side effect..."
Random_Nerd: "No, that would make it rather awkward, I'm afraid."
DanteE: (Could we get media from the outside world? Maybe just one way?)
Random_Nerd: (You could, if you set it up that way.)
Theresa: (Weird Tech or something else? Big Realm miracle?)
Snow: "I can be a coyote...?"
Random_Nerd: "That could work. I'd need to have a new bed made, however."
DanteE: "Heh... does your fiancee like pets? Maybe Snow could be a very special cocker spaniel. :)
Snow: "I can make a new bed."
Theresa: "I think that displaying Snow as anything but herself wouldn't be very Honest, Dante." *smile*
Random_Nerd: "Ah... wouldn't Our Friend Who Has To Wear Gloves To Keep From Staining Things have a fit if she pretended to be a pet?"
DanteE: "Excellent point."

  • Snow makes a "mrf?" questioning noise.

Random_Nerd: "' Call no beast your lord.' Part of the laws of the Head Of The Council Of Four."
Theresa: "We've been slowly working on rules with Snow. She's very independant."
Snow: "Rules are for People."
Theresa: "But you're kinda People now, Snow."
Random_Nerd: "Well, okay, imagine you're in a pack. And the leader of the pack, who's seventeen feet tall and breathes fire, has these little things he'd rather you not do."

  • Snow arches a mousey eyebrow.

Random_Nerd: "I mean, it's your own decision, of course. But I'd be remiss in my duties if I didn't mention that you should at least take efforts to make sure that Old Bloody Hands doesn't find out."
Snow: "That is one awesome pack leader!"

  • Snow shrugs, and puts her head back down. "I guess. That's more Dante's thing."

Theresa: (Which part? Telling Snow what to do?)
DanteE: "If I recall from wolves, the pack leader asserts his dominance by fighting with his underlings periodically--but never lets the fight do real damage.
Snow: (More keeping the rules sorted out.)
Theresa: "Kudzu told us that it's up to us if we do or don't follow those particular rules, Snow. But he also said that if we don't and we get caught, it's our own trouble to get out of."
DanteE: "17-foot fire-guy has no such qualms... right?"
Snow: "Coyotes aren't like wolves. We don't run in packs. Well...not always. We got other coyotes who have territories beside ours. And then we got mates. But I don't think that's what you're really talking about...
Random_Nerd: "I'm sorry. I'm not an expert in canine psychology."
Snow: "I won't let the big bad guy catch me. Nobody can catch Snow."
DanteE: "He CAN, Snow, trust us."
Theresa: *small thought struck her* "Snow, on a different topic...where is your horse?"
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and by the way, /anyone/ riding the horse can use it. Even someone who doesn't otherwise have miraculous powers.)

  • Snow ponders, thinking.

Snow: (Where's the horse?)
Random_Nerd: (Wherever you left it. I assume in the grove, perhaps?)
Theresa: (So anyone who pets the horse then gets snarked at could think "I wish that jerk was dead!" and bam?)
DanteE: (Unless she's goofy enough to let him in the foyer?)
Snow: (Snow would have let the horse roam freely once she got back, wherever the horse would be happiest.)
Snow: (Random open field, I guess.)
Random_Nerd: (They'd have to be riding the horse, but yes. And they'd have a feeling that they could do that, too.)
Snow: "He's around. Why?"
DanteE: "We'd better get him someplace safe, and quick"
Theresa: "Well, I just didn't know whether I would be finding him in the tower hallways or if he would be sleeping at William's as well, or such. He's a special horse.":
DanteE: (BTW: stallion, gelding, or mare?)
Theresa: (How much would we have told William and Sam about the Mexico trip?)

  • Snow crawls down off William's shoulder and turns into human form.

Snow: "What's wrong?"
Random_Nerd: (Stallion.)
Theresa: "I'm not sure if William's...den could hold a horse."
Random_Nerd: (You're riding a horse into a fight, you want the horse to have all the testosterone that's available.)
DanteE: "William's 'den' is a luxury apartment by the river. I don't think you could fit a horse in the elevator."
DanteE: "How do you like your place, by the way?"
Snow: "Why don't we put him in the little place that's big inside?
Snow: "
Random_Nerd: "It seems rather nice. And it's near where Samuel lives, which is convenient."
Theresa: "Monty's old room could work."
DanteE: (Didn't we unmake that place?)
Random_Nerd: (Holes were knocked in, but it still exists.)
Theresa: (We sent the plants to the moon, but we didn't destroy the room and its other miracles.)
DanteE: "You'd have to make it smaller..."
DanteE: "Come to think of it... is that room's growth still linked to MOnty's?
Theresa: (Uh, Mr. Guy in it? Because that's rather big.)
Random_Nerd: (It wasn't directly linked, it was set to match the rate at which he was growing at the time.)
Random_Nerd: (So, it's not so much linked to his growth as calibrated for it.)
Theresa: (So it's the size it was when Monty left?)
DanteE: (That woulda squished him, his growth rate accellerated right before his rampage)
Random_Nerd: (It's still been growing.)
Random_Nerd: (But yes, it's not been growing as fast as Monty.)

  • DanteE heads over to the split door...
  • DanteE opens the top and looks in.

Random_Nerd: It's big. Really big. You could fit a smallish town in the room.
Random_Nerd: There's still a big hole in the one wall, about the size of an office building from the inside.
Random_Nerd: Looking inside from the outside makes for a slightly queasy feeling.
Theresa: "We should probably repair the hole. It can't be good being exposed like that."
DanteE: ... does that mean there's a rift in space hovering over the quad?
Random_Nerd: (Not exactly. From the outside, the hole is about the size of a pickup truck.)
Random_Nerd: (And it's on the ground floor.)
Random_Nerd: (Like I said, it's a bit unpleasant to look at.)
DanteE: "Hey, Snow, come here...

  • Snow comes there.

DanteE: "You've got a good connection to Amyra, you can take care of this easily.
Snow: (I forget--can Snow just create stuff without spending RMPs?)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm... not big or important stuff. She could make a pebble or a pencil or something.)
Random_Nerd: (But she can't do full-on Lesser Creations for free.)
Snow: (Could she move things?)
DanteE: (I think she can make good-sized stuff for just 1 RMP, tho)
Random_Nerd: (Correct.)
DanteE: (...and by the house rule, she can move stuff for 1 RMP too)

  • Snow looks doubtful.

Theresa: (Realm 4 would be the make lesser stuff for free level.)
Random_Nerd: (Correct. As long as it's smaller than a truck.)
Snow: "Can't Theresa just board it up?"
Random_Nerd: (She can't move cities or so on for just one point.)
Theresa: (The outside of the tower is brick, right?)
DanteE: "Then that would be weird-looking boards rather than a weird-looking hole..."
DanteE: "And you still have the growing room."
Random_Nerd: (Right.)

  • Snow shrugs, and Lesser Creates a miniature glacier to block the hole.

Random_Nerd: (One RMP. You want to include a lesser preservation for free, so it won't melt?)
Snow: (Yup!)
Random_Nerd: (Done.)
Theresa: (The school kids are going to be sledding all of the time here now...)
Theresa: ""
Random_Nerd: (Okay, now, from the outside it just looks like you've got a weird semi-translucent wall, and it doesn't cause SAN loss.)
DanteE: (What all's in there?)
Random_Nerd: (Inside? At the moment, you guys and a glacier. The plants were the other main thing, and they were moved.)
Random_Nerd: (Mind if we stop soon?)
Snow: (I'm fried, yeah.)
Theresa: (So if we put the horse in here, we need more plants. That's do-able. And stopping soon is fine with me. I hadn't realized how late it was.)
DanteE: (I just wonder how we're going to fix the room without a Greater Change...
DanteE: (and we can stop soon.)
Random_Nerd: (Just put a lock on the door, along with a note that says "If you break in here, I will be sad and might cry. -Brian")
Snow: (Snow could even sign it. Do you really want to make something that Adorable cry?)
Theresa: (I dunno...we may have a bunch of bastards in Chancel. <g>)
DanteE: (I mean, fix the growing.)
DanteE: (make it meadow size rather than city size)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. At this point, that's probably Greater Change territory. Or you could make it start shrinking with a Lesser Change.)
Theresa: (We could say that we have Brian do it?)
DanteE: (Hm... if you can make it shrink with a LC, then you could do a Dest of Space with a LD.)
Random_Nerd: (Normally a Greater Destruction would be enough, but you can't create/destroy abstract stuff with Realm.)
Snow: (I'm sorry guys, but I'm falling asleep here. Mind if I bail?)
Random_Nerd: (Fine with me. Shall we just stop here?)
DanteE: (or a Dest of Dimensions)
DanteE: (Sure.)
Snow: (If Snow can do it with a 3 Realm, please assume that she does it. Saves someone else using up RMPs.)
Random_Nerd: __________________________STOP_____________________________
Random_Nerd: So, before you go, any quick comments?
Snow: Good game guys. We'll do more next time, now that we have all the base stuff sorted out.  :)

      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.

Random_Nerd: Things you liked and disliked most about the session?
Theresa: It's nice to get back into Nobilis again.  :)

      • Snow is now known as Sara.

Knockwood: Don't forget to post to the Happy Birthday RSB thread before Saturday!
Sara: I liked that William took Snow seriously. She really does have a set of personal rules.
Sara: Thanks for the game! :)
Theresa: I was expecting more of a reaction out of William. Then again, he is a professional. Sam would have had more of a reaction, right?
Knockwood: well, figure anyone who freaked out wouldn't have made Aide. :)
Theresa: Night Sara1 *HUG*
Random_Nerd: Well, I don't see why he wouldn't take her seriously.
Knockwood: g'night Sara!

  • Sara snugs all.

Random_Nerd: G'night, Sara.

      • Sara has left #nobilis.

Random_Nerd: Hmm. Sam would have reacted differently, at least. But he relates differently to Nobles than William does.
Theresa: How do you explain being an Aide to a SO?
Random_Nerd: Depends how long you've been with them, and how likely they are to freak out.
Knockwood: "Hey honey? I'm going to go and deal with the slightest whim and questions of fundamental forces of the universe. See you in a month!"
Theresa: And I thought it was interesting that Will has a fiancee. Theresa would offer to do the flowers for the wedding, if he'd like it.
Random_Nerd: Yeah. I figure they're probably planning to marry within a year, but haven't set a date yet.
Random_Nerd: Part of that's that he'd recently gone through some very intensive training, and he's currently on his first big assignment.
Theresa: Hmm...we could get John to perform the ceremony. Or maybe one of us. Then again, it would probably be best if someone of the outside performed it for legal reasons.
Knockwood: depends whether they intend to live 'there' or 'here'
Knockwood: hm... their wedding might wind up looking like the 'Midsummer Night's Dream' issue of Sandman
Theresa: Good point. Wonder who his best man is. <g>
Random_Nerd: Probably either Samuel or someone who's not appeared in the game.
Theresa: (Luc! Luc's his best man! *runs* <g>)
Knockwood: (no, Luc's way to busy. It's Entropy. :D )
Theresa: (*giggle*)
Random_Nerd: So, do you like seeing bits like that of the lives of the various supporting cast?
Random_Nerd: The way I see it, it's mainly the story of the PCs, so I keep that stuff in the background, but I've worked out a fair amount of it, in order to understand how to play them.
Theresa: Yes, I like seeing lives in the supporting cast. Like the little blessing bit for Sam and Will's complaining about Mexico and stuff. Gives depth.
Knockwood: Certainly could add to the game.
Random_Nerd: Okay, I'll try to bring in a bit more.

Chapter 9