Session 73

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Chapter 9

BethE: Yep. Hope Sara's up for it. She's been worn out from her work, lately.
BethE: Hi Knock!
Knockwood: Heya laz, Beth
Knockwood: laz: what's the word on Barbermoose?
lazarus: not going to happen. Can't afford to renew it at this time.
BethE: Oh, got an email from Sara. (Teach me to read my email..) She can't make it tonight.
lazarus: I have the wiki database
Knockwood: careful, it'll get snatched up
Knockwood: Beth: nuts, I got her a milkbone.
Knockwood: and a frisbee.
BethE: Bah, you're just upset because she won't curl up on your feet without you washing them first.
Random_Nerd: Okay, so, let's see.
Random_Nerd: Everyone's here who will be here.
Random_Nerd: You guys ready to start?

      • Mode change "+o Knockwood" for channel #Nobilis by Random_Nerd.

Knockwood: arigato RN

      • lazarus is now known as Brian.
      • Etheric is now known as Eve.

Eve: Sure thing.

      • You are now known as Theresa.

Theresa: I think so.

      • Knockwood is now known as DanteE.

Theresa: We had been talking to Message, right?
DanteE: Right, I gave him the number for the BatPhone so he wouldn't have to threaten random citizens to contact us
Theresa: And we couldn't get a handle on whether the trap thing was real, present or future?
Random_Nerd: There was some difficulty there, but I believe you concluded that it probably wasn't real at the moment?
Eve: Eve knows. Or thinks she does. Ask in-character.  :)
DanteE: if the transmogrifier is operational we should revisit the ogre-prof.

      • Eve has changed the topic on channel #Nobilis to Random Nerd's Nobilis game.

Random_Nerd: I'm ready to start when you guys are.
DanteE: and don't forget the Holy Fire
Brian: we're all ready I believe
Random_Nerd: _______________________START________________________
Theresa: (I think we had already started doing the Holy Fire rites, once we were able to move around after we got home from Mexico.)
Theresa: "The question is, then, where these traps are, if they even _exist_."
Random_Nerd: Message shrugs.
Brian: "I believe they exist. For Nobilis, traps are hidden in every conversation."
Eve: "I believe I have seen the answer. The rumors of traps are decoys to lead us into a false sense of danger, than a sense of relative security as we realize the traps have not materialized, at which poiunt our foes will strike."
DanteE: "Then again... if he didn't plant those traps, there's the question of who did."
Theresa: *to Eve* "So these are traps in potentia?"
Eve: "In a sense. They are decoys."
Brian: *to Message* "You've given us information - we've given you something in kind. Thank you for your warning."
Random_Nerd: He nods, and sits back down on his bench.

  • Eve ponders.

DanteE: "That would also mean we can't do anything about them right now... right?
DanteE: "
Theresa: *To Message* "Is there anything else you need?"
Random_Nerd: He ponders for a moment.
Random_Nerd: "I don't think so."
Theresa: "I think it means that we just wait. We're not in a false sense of danger and hopefully we won't let our guard down. But we should keep an eye on our friend here. The progression of his shade may be a red herring, but still..."
DanteE: "Well, if it isn't... he'll be completely black in about 2 weeks."
Theresa: "I feel like it's some sort of countdown."
DanteE: "We've got 2, then. One in 2 weeks and one in a few months when the cosmic calendar changes."
Brian: "To what, though?"
Eve: Cosmic calendar?
Eve: ""
Theresa: (I forget if Eve was around when it was discussed that about every thousand years, the miles on the Earth roll over and a new Age starts up. And we're due soonish.)
Eve: (I don't recall being around then.)
Brian: (I don't even know if /I/ was around for that)
DanteE: "Basically, the Noble calendar is about to experience a Y-5-K bug. And those are exceptionally nasty."
Theresa: "Phoenixes bursting into flames, Entropy maybe getting replaced, death of the universe sorts of things."
Theresa: "Mass hysteria."
Brian: "That doesn't sound good."
DanteE: "We're in year 4999 of the Age of Pain, by Heaven's Calendar."
Eve: "Interesting..."

  • Theresa looks around. "Okay, so we've kind of dealt with this sort-of-crisis. The transmogrifier is working, but we didn't get a close look. How was the vault?"

Brian: "Dante changed his mind."
DanteE: "Still intact and empty, according to my divination. We didn't go in...
Brian: /mutters "and they think /I'm/ the crazy one..."
DanteE: "It occurred to me that if Brian's right, someone _wanted_ us to go in/"
Theresa: "To cause the Artifacts to lay waste to the Chancel?"
DanteE: "Or to let someone or something else in"
Theresa: "Someone stealthy?":
DanteE: "Possibly."
Theresa: ( of the Realm types could do a Div and see if anyone not of the Chancel is present besides the Aides (and Lesson, if he counts.)
Theresa: (And Message.)
Brian: (suggest it IC)
Theresa: "Maybe we could search Amyra for anyone who isn't of the Chancel? We've already checked for anyone with an Auctoritas."
Random_Nerd: (Okay, what do you mean by "anyone not of the chancel"?)
Theresa: (The enChancelling made the place a Realm and everyone within it part of the Realm. People from outside would be Different.)
DanteE: (Anyone who wasn't here upon enChanceling?)
Random_Nerd: (So, people who aren't either people who were in-chancel at the time it closed, or people who have been born since?)
Brian: (Realm Div of people who entered - and remained in - the Chancel within the past 2 months)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, let's see. It shows up... let's see. Red. Both Aides. The Cams, and their assistants, ogres, and nimblejacks, Brian.)
Random_Nerd: (Lesson and Snow don't show up because of anchor/Noble immunity.)
DanteE: (Wait up... weren't the Cams here when we got enChanceled?)
Theresa: (Some of the Cams. They probably brought in more.)
Random_Nerd: (Some of them.)
Random_Nerd: (You gave them permission to bring in more.)
DanteE: (ah.)
Random_Nerd: (And some of those who were have been replaced.)
Theresa: (And Message was brought into the Chancel within the Shard, so he doesn't count.)
Random_Nerd: (Like the one who they thought you'd subverted.)
Theresa: (*sniff*)
Brian: (anyone we don't expect?)
Random_Nerd: (Not unless someone on that list was a surprise.)
Brian: ok
Brian: ()
Theresa: (No surprises to me.)
DanteE: (that list looks all right... though you might want to enumerate the Cams' assistants)

  • Brian will go through the list

DanteE: (assuming the ogres & nimblejacks are off the suspect list as well)
Random_Nerd: (I haven't worked out precisely how many they have. Shall we say between two and six each of humans, ogres, and nimblejacks?)
Brian: (they're cam-brought I believe?)
Random_Nerd: (Correct.)
DanteE: (We've met their 2 goofiest ogres. :)
Theresa: (The feeling of being looked down upon in intelligence from goofy ogres is not something easily forgotten. *sigh*)
Brian: (I wasn't there :-P)
Theresa: (Brian was elsewhere.)
Random_Nerd: (Monty.)
DanteE: (add to the list? :)
DanteE: "So... we can't do anything but wait, can we."
Brian: "We can take the initiative. How? I don't know. Declare the moon cheese?"
Theresa: "Sounds like it. Although Lesson's group is making progress with the transmogrifier. I sent them out after some people who got changed into sentient plants who would like to be changed back."
DanteE: "That I'd like to see."

  • Theresa smiles. "It's not that far away."

DanteE: "And we should also locate our would-be ogre"
Theresa: "I'm sure Lesson has done so already."

  • Eve stares at Message for a moment, then looks away. "I believe that this situation will solve itself. Should we check with Lesson?"

Random_Nerd: (Before you did, actually. You originally found the ogre because Lesson was tracking him.)
Eve: (I'm invoking the miracle we discussed in private message.)
Random_Nerd: (Okay.)
DanteE: (uhoh)
Theresa: (Yep. But it'll be cool.)
Eve: (Might not show up for a while, though. <.< )
Eve: "Well? Shall we?"
DanteE: (just as long as it's not a ... uh ... 'kender problem'? :)
DanteE: "Sure."
Eve: ('Scuse me?)
Brian: "Let's witness the transmogrifier in action. Does it go *boink*? Inquiring minds want to know!"
Theresa: (Dante probably has the transportation.)
DanteE: (you know, where the kender player passes a note to the GM that says "While everyone's asleep I swipe all their stuff")

  • DanteE hops in the DanteMobile

Random_Nerd: (And we agreed that the transmorgrifier was fairly large and ran on electricity, right?)
Theresa: (Nah, Eve wouldn't take our stuff. Our souls, maybe, but not our stuff... <g>)

  • Theresa gets in as well.
  • Brian gets in

Eve: (Nah, nothing like that.)
Brian: "Or was it the duplicator that went *boink*?"
DanteE: (It's a big ray, with loads of vacuum tubes and bizarre circuitry, surrounding a primary stage on which rests the original-form-factor cardboard box. :D )

  • Eve enters the car also.

Random_Nerd: (Cut to arriving at the Bureau?)
Theresa: (Sounds good to me.)
Eve: (Works for me.)
Brian: (hai)

      • DanteE has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

Random_Nerd: (Okay, you arrive.)

  • Brian gets out and stretches

Brian: (does anyone remember /what/ scientific progress went *boink*?)

      • DanteE has joined #Nobilis.

Theresa: (Not off the top of my head. re Dante.)
Random_Nerd: (The duplicator.)
Random_Nerd: (I'm 85% sure.)
DanteE: (Hiyo. Connection glitched on me. What did I miss?)
Random_Nerd: (You arrived.)
Brian: (as am I, now that I had thought of it)
DanteE: (and I suspect it's scientific progress in general that goes 'Boink'. :)
Random_Nerd: Things look more or less the same as they did an hour ago. Do you directly get Lesson's attention?
Random_Nerd: (If that were true, Hobbes wouldn't have been so dubious over the noise!)
DanteE: who all's around?
Random_Nerd: (Lesson. Various subordinates. And there's a big whiteboard with "Known Locations Of Talking Pets" on it.)
Random_Nerd: (Err, talking plants.)
Brian: (I suspect there's also one for talking pets)
DanteE: (Well, talking pets would be interesting as well. :)

  • Theresa checks the list against the one from her head/divinatiion earlier.
  • Brian whispers to Eve "Hey, can you find out if any cow wishes to be able to talk?"

Random_Nerd: (It seems to be the one you gave them, with a few notes scrawled in.)

  • Theresa will head over to the whiteboard, asking quietly, "Any problems?"

Random_Nerd: (Asking who, whoever's nearest?)
DanteE: Where is Lesson & what's he doing?

  • Eve does a Lesser Divination of Hope to figure out if there are any cows, anywhere, that have hopes to be able to talk.

Random_Nerd: (None of the cows in chancel have any hopes nearly that sophisticated.)
Theresa: (whoever's nearest.)
Random_Nerd: (Looking out of chancel as well?)
DanteE: (Couldn't Eve find anyone who hopes to get back to normal?)
Eve: (Yes, it's a Domain diviantion.)
Brian: (I thought we did that, and got a list?)
DanteE: (the list is several thousand people)
Random_Nerd: (Which is why you had Lesson put together this group, so you won't have to spend weeks and weeks doing them all by hand.)
Brian: (*that* was an unfortunate wording...)
Random_Nerd: (As for outside... there are some that want to talk, depending on how broadly you define "cows.")
Eve: (What's an example of one that might or might not qualify as a cow?)
Theresa: (I hope we're not going to be bringing metacows into the Chancel...)
Brian: (no, just quantum cows)
Random_Nerd: (Minotaurs. People with cow horns on their heads. Robots in the shape of cows.)
Random_Nerd: (And so on.)
Random_Nerd: (Cows descended from gods.)
Eve: (Okay.)
Theresa: (Cows descended from...oh, yeah.)
DanteE: (Hath not a cow horns? If you slice them, are they not beef? If you barbeque them, are they not delicious?)
Brian: (deep fried cow!)
Random_Nerd: (So... back to the narrative.)
DanteE: (Where's Lesson?)
Random_Nerd: The nearest person to Theresa, a vaguely secretarial-looking guy, says "Problems. Well, we have some. A lot of those talking plants are trees, you know?)
Eve: "There are a few cows on Earth that are able to conceive of speech, and some of those want to be able to talk. None in the Chancel, though. Why?"
Random_Nerd: (Lesson isn't immediately in sight. He has an office down the hall from the big open area with the machine.)
Theresa: *to the person* "Please, go on."
Brian: "Just wanted to know if that cow we chatted with wanted actual speech."
Random_Nerd: (Baseline cows aren't really smart enough to tell the difference between language and cow noises.)
Brian: (true)
Random_Nerd: (So they don't know what they're missing.)
Random_Nerd: "And trees... trees have roots."
Random_Nerd: "We're working on how to dig up a tree and bring it here without hurting it."
Random_Nerd: "And someone's in back explaining to the boss what a tree is."
Theresa: "How many are trees?"
Random_Nerd: "Not that you heard that from me."
Random_Nerd: He looks at the list.
DanteE: "How's Lesson doing, as a boss?"
Random_Nerd: "More than half, I think. Most of the people who've been changed seem to have been changed into something at least two thirds as big as they were."
Random_Nerd: "He's... he's a freaky demonic monster with a tendency to micromanage. But the hours are good, and we have full dental and medical coverage."
Theresa: (So about how many is that? And how long would it take for Theresa to go and give them mobility and bring them back here?)
DanteE: (so this place is a little better than Dilbert's. :)
Random_Nerd: (A few dozen trees.)
Random_Nerd: (And she'd have to do a Lesser Change on each one to do that.)
DanteE: (OH... you don't need to do a LChange...
DanteE: (You can just do a move on each one)
Random_Nerd: (True, but she asked about giving them mobility.)
Random_Nerd: (And that takes a Change.)
Brian: (giving them mobility is harder than setting up moving them)
Theresa: (Move using what?)
Random_Nerd: (We settled that it was the same cost as a lesser creation, correct?)
Theresa: (It'd be changing where they are, right?)
Brian: (trucks and stuff. Toss a Preservation on them - roots, specifically - and then dig them up)
Theresa: (I believe so.)
Brian: (remember, manual labour!)
Theresa: (Depending on the size of the tree, the roots may reach out a few miles.)
Random_Nerd: "Okay, I have a question. You're the boss's bosses, right?"
Theresa: "Yep. Although we can only suggest raises."
Random_Nerd: "What is he, really? And what's that weird rotting thing that follows him around a lot?"
Brian: "... did we forget a preservation of freshness there? Damn!"
Random_Nerd: "Because at first I thought they were both changed people, like the folks we're tracking down. But I've seen a lot of those now, and the boss and his rotting friend seem... different."
DanteE: "We assumed Kudzu did that..."
Theresa: "They're from outside of the Chancel. Your boss is from a different world. And Ick, well,...he's mostly homegrown, you could say."
Brian: "Your boss is a demon, reformed, loyal, and working for us."
Random_Nerd: "So... he's actually literally the boss from hell?"
DanteE: "Ayep."
DanteE: "His assistant's a zombie, by the way."
Brian: "You could do worse, though. Lesson's a good man, all things considered."
Random_Nerd: "Okay. Well, do you want me to get him?"
Theresa: (How many plants/trees could I move at once with a Lesser Change/Move?)
Random_Nerd: (A lesser change could make one mobile. A lesser creation could teleport one. A greater creation could teleport all.)
DanteE: "No need, we'll just wait and see what's happening."
Theresa: (How many of the trees could the warehouse handle at one time?)
Brian: "I'd like to observe the Transmogrifier in action"
Random_Nerd: (Well, that depends on what you mean by handle. Are you talking about storing them indoors?)
Random_Nerd: (Because the warehouse is big, but it's not "toss in dozens of trees complete with root systems" big, and a lot of it is being filled up with offices and such.)
DanteE: (They'd need to be zapped one at a time anyway, right?)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah.)
Theresa: (Well, if we move them to someplace that can't be hit (by a beam from the Transmogrifier), they'd have to be moved again. But if we can zap them X at a time, this would be helpful. But I don't want to bring them all in at once if it means that the warehouse gets demolished.)
Random_Nerd: (Each individual transmute would take some charging of the transmuter, the settings being configured right, and so on.)
DanteE: (Which means you might as well get them one at a time, for free)
Random_Nerd: (And also, the policy you gave earlier involved some time spent with psychiatrsts to see whether they really want to go back.)
Theresa: (So I would need to teleport them one at a time, for free. Yep.  :) )
Theresa: (True. Although the shrinks may need to speak plant. Or can all of the transformed talk in their former and current native tongues?)
Random_Nerd: (Most can.)
Random_Nerd: (Not all.)
DanteE: (Well, wait, if they came up on Hope's Div, wouldn't that mean you don't need to ask them whether they want to be changed?)
Random_Nerd: (Part of that's that a fair number of them are uncertain what they want now.)
Random_Nerd: (Take the ogre, for example.)

  • Theresa looks at the minion. "Do you know how to get in touch with me?"

DanteE: (Then we get the one in whom the hope was strongest.)
Random_Nerd: "I'm not sure. I know that the boss can, and he'd probably prefer that I go through him, I think."
Theresa: "Alright." *will head over to where Lesson is learning about trees*
Random_Nerd: (A divination of Hope would find the ones that clearly want to be human again.)
Theresa: ( I've got the cartoon mascot for Arbor Day in my head...)
Random_Nerd: Lesson is in his office. Photos and diagrams of trees and roots are spread out on a desk.
Theresa: "Hello, Lesson. How is it going?"
Random_Nerd: A nervous-looking man is pointing at various parts of a diagram, while Lesson digresses and talks about the roots of Yggdrasil that draw nutrition from Hell.
Random_Nerd: L: "Seems to be going well. Learning how plants here work."
Random_Nerd: L: "Seen them before, but never really studied them. In Hell we have only one tree."
Random_Nerd: L: "And it's too big to really see properly."
DanteE: "Yggdrasil?"
Random_Nerd: L: "Yes."
Theresa: "Wouldn't want to move it."
Random_Nerd: Guy Talking To Lesson: "I'm still pretty sure that's just an old myth..."
Theresa: *firmly* "No. It's Not."
Brian: "nono, it's real"
Random_Nerd: L: "Isn't. Seen it. Roots the size of nations."
DanteE: "Makes sense, any other plant would be ashes in moments..."
DanteE: to Guy: "You remember us, right?"
Random_Nerd: L: "So, here's how I understand it. We need two big things. We need to work out a way to move the trees safely here. And we need a safe place to put them, with dirt for their roots and water and so on."
Random_Nerd: Guy: "You're... you're the ones who took the country away from the Earth, right?"
DanteE: "No, but we know the ... being who did."
Theresa: *to Lesson* "I can move the trees whenever you need them to be moved. I would need a safe place to put them while they are evaluated."
Random_Nerd: L: "Also, trying to work out if the trees will want privacy."
Brian: "It wasn't our decision. We weren't even ... well, made, really ... by that point"
Theresa: "One idea might be to send the psychiatrists to the individual trees for evaluation and then move them once it is determined that they want to be changed back."
Random_Nerd: L: "Those few that staff have talked to seem difficult to communicate with. Some think very slowly. Some only care about sun and water and dirt."
Random_Nerd: L: "Had a request."
Random_Nerd: The guy nods to Brian and Dante.
Random_Nerd: L: "The big tree. The one with the cows. Want to bring him in to consult."
Random_Nerd: L: "Can maybe talk to the others, tree to tree? And knows what trees need."
Random_Nerd: Guy: "Now you're going to tell me there really is a giant walking redwood with a cow collection."
Brian: "Well, yeah."
Brian: "He's sentient, too."
DanteE: (aaaaaand what's the effect of mundanes if he's seen?)
Theresa: "Hmm...Red could be very helpful. As long as he's interested and it doesn't distract from the duties Kudzu has given him. Although he might be more inclined to promote staying sentient." *smile*
Random_Nerd: (Red is mundane, now.)
Theresa: (What kind of miracle would it be to put on Red a miracle of "Doesn't cause DA."? )
Brian: (T: see Dante's question ;))
Random_Nerd: (Miracles, with time, fade to become natural parts of causality. This is the case with Red. He's still a giant talking tree, which is... unsettling, but he won't cause DA.)
Random_Nerd: (It's no longer like when you'd just made him mobile.)
DanteE: (There's the problem that he can't fit in the bleedin' door...)
Theresa: (They can talk to him outside.)
Theresa: "Would you like me to contact him?"
Theresa: (Man...poor Red. He was so special as the only tree given sentience...and now there are dozens...)
Random_Nerd: L: "Know where he is. Wanted permission to ask him to help."
Random_Nerd: (Well, he still is.)
Random_Nerd: (The rest aren't trees granted sentience. They
Random_Nerd: 're sentients granted treeness.)
Theresa: (Oh, I thought some of them were trees with human thinking and humans turned into trees but still thinking.)
Brian: (I love this game :))
Random_Nerd: (All of the trees that can think were formerly human.)
Random_Nerd: (Except Red.)
Theresa: (Ahhh...that's a leaf of a different color.)
Theresa: "Permission granted, although he has the right to refuse, of course. I hope he'll be willing to help. And once you have trees that have agreed to be changed back, just let me know and it shall be done."
DanteE: (Theresa could create a swath of fertile land nearby if needed, right?)
Random_Nerd: L:"Also... is there a way to get him here that won't knock down any buildings?"
Brian: (sorry .... "Large ... tracts of land")
Random_Nerd: (Yeah, she could do that.)
Random_Nerd: (She'd need a place to put it, though, unless it was magic hovering fertile land or something.)
Brian: (like the 51st state? -- just read Nextwave this past weekend)
Random_Nerd: (I keep meaning to pick up Nextwave.)
Theresa: "Are there any roads near here that aren't used often and possibly some empty lots nearby?"
Random_Nerd: L: "This part of city industrial. Heavily built up. Parking lots, but no real empty lots."
Theresa: "Any abandoned factories, condemned buildings?"
DanteE: how active is this area--besides what we're doing?
Random_Nerd: (Was that out loud, or to me?)
DanteE: to you
Random_Nerd: (It's a warehouse in an industrial section of town, that's in a bit of a depression lately.)
Random_Nerd: (It's been picking up a bit since the enchanceling, but there are still buildings for sale.)
Random_Nerd: (Still, now Amyra has to be self-sufficient in terms of goods, so manufacturing is up.)
Theresa: (What's next door and across the street? Anything specific or needed?)
DanteE: (That floating land option is looking better and better...)
Random_Nerd: (Undetermined.)
Brian: (hm. Now that I think about it, Brian would want to get some of the real estate here)
Random_Nerd: (It's your chancel, you tell me what's there.)
Theresa: (Very well. This will be a lot of typing.)
Random_Nerd: (The way I see it, the chancel is as much you guys' territory as it is mine, perhaps more. So, while as GM I think it's part of my job to describe things consistantly with how they've appeared before, feel free to just dictate that plausible things are there.)
Theresa: (I'd like the place next door to be a former (but now very run-down) plant. No chemical residue pollution so maybe a small factory. Good sized parking lot as well. Has a road behind it leading to a frontage road/road out of town. But it got bypassed by the highway/interstate a while back and lead to the factory closing. (more))
Brian: (so, kind of like the Feng Shui of "state it to be, not ask it to be"?)
Random_Nerd: (Pretty much.)
Brian: "Hm... now that I think of it ... I'll be back guys."
Random_Nerd: (Now, we don't want it contradicting earlier stuff or breaking the mood, but as long as it's not that, just give me new stuff and I'll work it in.)
Theresa: (Theresa's idea is to make the factory land and parking lot into a spot of fertile land perfect for growing or for Red to rest at. The old frontage road will be changed into grasscovered for Red to use to move into and out of the area, without a lot of property damage.)

  • Brian will go take a look at the real estate around here. Brian is looking for some warehouses and office type buildings for sale, which he's interested in buying - he'll call up the realtors to negotiate sale terms

Random_Nerd: (Such buildings are indeed for sale. That's a big part of why you set things up here.)
DanteE: (Yeah, but what will the land be after the trees are either changed back to humans or comfortable being trees?)
Random_Nerd: (That, and Lesson's more at ease in a highly urbanized setting.)
Theresa: (A greenspace.)
DanteE: (y'know what that sounds like ... a LDest of Urbanization)
Theresa: (Greenspaces are part of urban areas. *shifty eyes*)
Brian: (for the record: Brian's looking to set up a lab area)
Random_Nerd: (If James minds, he can show up and complain?)
Random_Nerd: (Interesting. Okay.)
Theresa: (Theresa was planning on muttering an apology to James while she does it.)
Theresa: *to Lesson* "I can take one of the nearby factories and their land, change it into a fertiile place for the trees to be kept. Also I can give a route for Red to come to you without wrecking the city. Is this acceptable for your needs?"
DanteE: (I might say use a warehoiuse instead of a factory, just in case you need to make something later)
Brian: (after getting the prospective "block" of buildings, Brian's going to come back, and make a note to research into getting some lab equipment - chemistry and physics equipment, mainly. He'd prefer to have a particle accelerator, but believes that's out of budget, both money and land wise)
DanteE: (You're the Power of Numbers, there's no such thing as 'out of budget')
Random_Nerd: L: "Sounds like that will work well."
Random_Nerd: (Out of budget? He can make money by deciding to do so, and everyone in the country loves him.)
Random_Nerd: (These are not conditions to which the term "budget" applies.)
Brian: (in short, he wants to try to attract some high-theoretical scientists to the Chancel, and to the employ of the Nobilis)
Theresa: (He could have them build him a pyramid.)
Brian: (well, specifically that particle accelerators are /big/)
Random_Nerd: (You can make more /space/.)
Theresa: (How much of a cost for the landscaping, Hollyhock?)
DanteE: (we met Physics last week, too. :)
Theresa: "When would you like the landscaping done?"
Theresa: (Maybe.  :) )
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. How do you intend to take down the building?)
Random_Nerd: (With miracles, or just asking Red to pull it down?)
Theresa: (Explosives! No, wait, that's my usual answer... *thinks*)
Theresa: (How big is Red again? 200 ft tall?)
DanteE: (Use a Realm miracle to dissolve it, and you'll avoid a mess, as well as any harmful chemical releases)
Brian: (Brian's not going to share it with the rest of the gang, but he wants to get some out-of-chancel scientists in here as well.)
Random_Nerd: (Two, three hundred feet, right?)
Random_Nerd: (About 250, I think.)
Random_Nerd: (You picked a pretty big but not record-breaking tree, right?)
Theresa: (*nod* It was more for his age too.  :) No jailbait trees.)
DanteE: (We picked the biggest one in that forest)
Random_Nerd: (So at least close to two hundred.)
Random_Nerd: (Err, three hundred.)

  • Theresa frowns, concentrating. "Dante or Eve? Could either one of you get rid of the factory across the road just north of here? I'm going to fix up that section there and it's a bit in the way. I would appreciate your help but if you don't feel the need to, that's okay.."
  • Brian walks up to the group, on the phone with some realtor or other.

Eve: "What do you want us to do with it?"
DanteE: (Hm... could Brian do a Dest of Dimensions, and shrink the factory to micro-size?)
Brian: (would be Greater)
Random_Nerd: (We've established, I believe, that spacewonkery takes Lesser Changes.)
Eve: (The factory would be bigger than a lesser change, I'd guess... Or not?)
Brian: (urm... yeah. Some amount of MPs I'm not willing to spend on it, anyway :p)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. It probably would be mroe like a greater dest.)
Random_Nerd: (Alternatively, Theresa and Red could probably turn it into a field in an hour or so, with the use of force and lesser creations.)
Eve: (If it's a lesser change, we can just Realm-miracle it underground.)
Theresa: "Whatever you wanted, as long as it's not at that spot anymore..." *thinks a little* "And it doesn't hurt people or plants or end up in my bedroom or house." *smile* "Sorry, dealing with six-year olds makes one lay out ground rules in a hurry."
Eve: (But unless it's a really small factory it's too big to do that to.)
Random_Nerd: (You could use a lesser change of realm to make the ground there soft enough that it could fall through, I guess.)
Eve: (That still doesn't make ground on top of it to plant trees in.)
Random_Nerd: (True, but that can be done with a bunch of lesser creations or one greater one.)
Eve: (Still pricey to do with Realm.)
Theresa: (Hmm...lesser change to make the ground soft so the building falls through. Lesser change to make the soil fertile and good for plants/trees.)
Eve: (And a Greater Creation of Realm would take a Word of Command.)
Theresa: (Would the soil fall under Theresa's work?)
Random_Nerd: (Basically, you can do it fast, or spend relatively few miracle points.)
Eve: (Okay, I missed something... It's an *abandoned* factory?)
Random_Nerd: (But not both.)
Random_Nerd: (Abandoned.)
Eve: (Okay, thanks.)
Brian: (after the phone call ends:) Anchor-Speak: "Hey, could you do me a favour? I'd like to know who to get in contact with to commission a large particle accelerator, among other scientific devices - physics and chemistry equipment, high-grade stuff"
Theresa: (If need be, I can call Red in and we can play in the dirt for a while.  :) Anyone want to cow-sit?)
Random_Nerd: (Jim: "When you say 'large', how large do you mean?")
Random_Nerd: ("Big university physics department large, or International Linear Collider large?")
Brian: ("Um. What's the largest and best out there? I want it bigger and larger.")
Brian: (edit: "Bigger and better")
Random_Nerd: ("The ILC is planned to be done in, like, eight years or so? And it's a few dozen kilometers long, or will be.")
DanteE: (I was thinking you should trash a warehouse instead of a factory, mainly because the factory has machinery to make something, while a warehouse just has space)
Random_Nerd: ("Biggest that actually exists is maybe three, I think.")
Brian: ("Ok. Who do I talk to to get something like that?")
Random_Nerd: ("There's this whole big group that's working on it. You could probably talk to them.")
Theresa: (Okay, I retcon and amend to say warehouse instead of factory. Also less chance of remaining pollution.)
Brian: ("Can you find out who they are and contact information, please?")
Random_Nerd: ("I'll do that. Who shall I tell them you are?")
Brian: ("Um. Someone with lots of money? Anonymous customer, for now.")
Random_Nerd: ("Okay, you're 'an anonymous billionaire with an interest in physics.")
Brian: ("That suits. Thanks.")
DanteE: (Maybe to seal the deal you could have them meet Physics. :)
Random_Nerd: (Mind if we stop about here?)
Random_Nerd: (We seem to be slowing down a lot.)
Theresa: (Brain think stopping good.)
DanteE: (We can stop)
Random_Nerd: ____________STOP___________

      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.
      • Brian is now known as lazarus.

Random_Nerd: So, a solution to Message was implemented, you're working on putting a field in for magic talking trees, and Brian wants a particle accelerator the size of a largish mountain range.
lazarus: yep
Theresa: And Red might need a cow-sitter. I'm glad to hear he's causing no (less?) DA.

      • You are now known as BethE.

Knockwood: OK, so... we checked on Lesson and the transmogrifier, then ghot to talking about people turned to plants, and spent the rest of the session discussing how to make the plants comfortable while they get counseling and wait in line to be transmogrified...

      • Eve is now known as Etheric.

Etheric: I'm off. Take care, all.
Knockwood: who did the GCreation of Tangents?
lazarus: later eth

      • Etheric has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.).

Knockwood: g'night Eth
BethE: We always tangent.  :)
Random_Nerd: You tangent when not in danger.
lazarus: I figured I'd actually do something, rather than just observe, for the last bit :p
Random_Nerd: But since the last storyline got most of you almost killed, this one is slower paced for variation.
Random_Nerd: And it's an interesting thing to go about doing, too. And properly Noble-scale.
lazarus: I'm /certain/ that the lab isn't going to backfire at some point.
Knockwood: and you're still talking about making trees more comfortable while they get counseling
lazarus: partly, this is Brian's effort to try getting information flow between the Chancel and the Real World again.
lazarus: get the best scientists out here, and they'll figure out how to connect the internets.
BethE: I was spending some time thinking about what would be necessary for plant shrinks...
Knockwood: I should check on how people are coping
Random_Nerd: Why would it backfire?
Random_Nerd: I mean, this is hardly hubris territory.
lazarus: because I specifically want people from out-of-chancel.
Random_Nerd: Hubris would be trying to convert the Ash into a giant particle accelerator.
BethE: *thinks* Ooo...
Knockwood: Then again, we could do that with a TV show. "Tonight on Kaerkoven Talk, Nobles Brian and Dante answer your questions!"
lazarus: Brian isn't satisfied with just the scientists that this one Chancel has developed - he wants to have a mingling of different mindsets and educations (like, British, US/Canada, Australian, etc)
lazarus: and, like I said earlier, I'm /sure/ no enemy would think of planting a spy or other in those Brian would invite to work here...
Random_Nerd: Great, now I'm imagining you guys making a machine that creates scientists from handy matter.
Knockwood: I'd ring a mountain, and make sure the part most prone to explosions is pointed well away from populated areas
BethE: What would be appropriate matter to make scientists from?
lazarus: Beth: energy!
Knockwood: Silicon. Brian could make an actual AI.

Chapter 9