Session 105

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Chapter 12

Torscha: i'll just sit in the corner
BethE: Torsha, this is Harold, he who plays Urbanization.
Torscha: i remember

  • Torscha waves

Torscha: hey harold
Harold: Hi!
Torscha: i'm the incumbent Duke of Stories. Maybe.
Harold: New blood? Or old one? ;)
Random_Nerd: Not a Kudzu-family Noble, at present, just a visitor.
Harold: Sounds good. An interesting Estate, that's for sure.

  • Torscha twiddle

Torscha: So I hope
BethE: We have confidence in you.  :)
BethE: I do have to warn that I've been through a tiring day and if I'm lucky, Theresa will be coherent. No promises, though. <g>
Torscha: :)
Harold: I'll drink a coffee in your honour :)
Torscha: On the other hand, I just woke up, so regularly attendance at this time-slot holds the same risks, although for different reasons
BethE: Are you a...morning person?
BethE: (*she says in a tone usually delivered toward ticking time bombs, pit bulls on flimsy leashes and surprise emails from work*)
Torscha: I used to be. Now, not so much.
Harold: 21.53 and I'm certainly not a morning person, although this is starting to change on account of my son ;)
Torscha: University has changed many things
Torscha: I was in the army for some years, no real option but to be a morning person, up before the crack of dawn and all that
BethE: Urk. My sympathies.
Torscha: now i'm viciously taking revenge by not getting up for anything before noon
Torscha: except nobilis, of course
Harold: lol
BethE: We appreicate the effort.  :)
BethE: RN is regulary an insomniac and that's one of the reasons we met and started dating.
Random_Nerd: I suppose we can start without Knock if he hasn't arrived in ten minutes.
Torscha: It has to be hard to date when "past midnight" sounds like a good time to meet
Torscha: All the shops'll be closed for one
BethE: We were lucky, though. We were 700 miles apart, so going out together was an impossibility anyhow. Then again, getting up for work the next morning could be worse than a hangover.
Random_Nerd: You know what's not fun? Having to drive seven hundred miles to go on an actual date with your girlfriend.
Torscha: Heh
Torscha: My girlfriend's in another town as well, we see each other only on weekends when we're at school
Torscha: It seems to have worked out fine, though
Harold: Then again, it's a pretty romantic thing to do.
Torscha: for you guys, i mean
Random_Nerd: Yeah, we're married now, so obviously it worked.
BethE: Yep. Took about 3 years, but it worked.  :)
BethE: Seeign each other for about two days every two-three months.
Harold: So those 700 miles were worth it!
Random_Nerd: Didn't feel like it during the trip back.
Random_Nerd: Nothing like driving through winding roads through the mountains, at night, when you've already been driving for ten hours straight.
BethE: That's because the last hour of that trip, either direction, is horrible, dear.  :)
Random_Nerd: Last hour going to you wasn't so bad.
Harold: Ten hours straight is though, especially if the road is boring.
Random_Nerd: That was just a straight shot west from Indy.
Random_Nerd: Well, it was eleven to thirteen hours total, depending on weather and traffic.
Random_Nerd: I think it was 14 once, but I was caught in a traffic jam for an hour and a half in the aforementioned accursed winding mountain roads.
BethE: Yeah, but it's that hour of 'are we there yet' echoing across the prairie...
BethE: RN would drive to visit me while I would take a plane out of Indy, over to South Carolina.
Torscha: I think it just feels different when you're going "to" instead of "away from" someone you love
Torscha: Heading up to see my girlfriend makes the scummy streets and scummier chavs of Coventry look as friendly and welcoming as a bunch of twerps on Broadway about to burst into song; sometimes heading back Cambridge seems like a junkheap
Torscha: Relativity and all that
Torscha: That's assuming we've had a good weekend and I'm not actually looking forward to going back
Random_Nerd: Yeah, that redshift is a less flattering look for the outdoors...
Random_Nerd: What do you guys think? The idea is that, as the Power of Stories, he's showing up to find out what happened with the full Excrucian breakthrough.
Torscha: Eventually I suspect my Imperator is going to have an Imperial heart attack
BethE: Really should watch those trans fats.
Herbert: Shouldn't the Auctoritas deal with cholesterol?
Random_Nerd: And he was just one week away from retirement!
Torscha: no, but holy fire might
Torscha: I have this image of the Monty Python animator having a heart attack and falling over with a comic HURK!!
Torscha: and all the nobles scrambling around in a panic
Random_Nerd: Anything else before we start?
Theresa: So, last time had me giving Seasons the tour, Dante and Herb talking to Migrations and Rivers?
Random_Nerd: Correct.
Herbert: Did we get confirmation of a victory over the Excrucian back in their Chancel?
Random_Nerd: Not quite yet, that was going to happen this time.
Random_Nerd: Ready?
DanteE: Sure
Theresa: Ready.
Herbert: Yup.
Random_Nerd: _____________________START_____________________
Theresa: *To Seasons* "If you want, we could head back to the place you guys can spend some time recovering."
Random_Nerd: (Let's see, where are Dante and Herb at the moment?)
sneeky: (yellow submarine)
DanteE: (He's in the sub, I'm in the water)
DanteE: (we were talking to 2 fish guys... I think you said one had decided to go)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, so, not particularly visible.)
Random_Nerd: (Yes, one had decided to go, one is still on the fence.)
Random_Nerd: (Or... under the bridge, or whatever aquatic metaphor is the equivalent.)

  • Herbert is exhausted. He just expended a lot of energy in a Major Creation of Underwater City, Amyra's own Atlantis.

sneeky: (talk about overlapping mythologies)
Random_Nerd: A rather familiar looking ogre, in a slightly better-tailored suit with a somewhat darker flower on it, ambles over in the direction of Theresa and Seasons.
DanteE: "How are you feeling?" (to 2nd fishguy)

  • Theresa peruses the ambling.

Random_Nerd: (Let's see... second one had the torn dorsal fin, right?)
Theresa: *to ogre* "Ah, a promotion, Mr...I don't think I caught your name."
Random_Nerd: Ogre: "Walt."
DanteE: (I think the first one had the torn-off fin. #2 mainly had a little gill damage)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, yes. Thanks.)
Herbert: To Migrations: "I know it's not what they're used to, that coral polyp you were talking about, but it should do the trick." He wipes off a little sweat from his forehead.
Theresa: "Ah, yes, Mr. Walt. Congratulations."
Random_Nerd: Second Fish: "I think I just need to be alone for a while."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I'm sure they'll be happy to look over their new temporary living place. Even if it's not what they're used to, they tend to be courteous people, and I doubt they'll complain about a freely-given gift."
Theresa: (*twitch*)
Theresa: (Sorry, force of habit from the 'g' word.)
DanteE: "Well... this is a temporary gift. We hope to be able to send your population home soon."
Random_Nerd: (Oh, wait. I did tell you guys that the Excrucian had been driven off.)
Random_Nerd: (Sorry, slipped my mind.)
sneeky: (Creations are permanent unless designed otherwise, right?)
Theresa: (*innocently hides the brain grease*)
Random_Nerd: (Correct, unless Realm creations taken outside the chancel and not sustained.)
Random_Nerd: Walt The Ogre: "Yes. I don't see Courage here. Could you tell him that we consider all debts your chancel had to us to be satisfied, and that you are credited one small miraculous favor."
Random_Nerd: (And, yes, the Ogre isn't talking in as slow and simple a way as he was before.)

  • DanteE helps the fishmen get settled in the city...

Herbert: To the second fishman: "Have it your way sir. Let us know if you need our services."
Theresa: (Someone got an upgrade...()
Random_Nerd: The city Herb made, while not exactly what they're used to, seems to fit the needs of the fishmen pretty well.
Theresa: "Of course. I hope that you do well in your new position, Walt."

  • Theresa conveys the Camm stuff to Dante via prayer.

Random_Nerd: Second Fishman waves his fins in such a way as to bring his head up and down, and then swims away, slightly favoring the side with the torn gill.
DanteE: "Hey Herb, did you get any info on the Cammorrae?"
Random_Nerd: Walt The Ogre: "Do you have any objection to me being assigned as your Family's official contact within the Camorra?"
Theresa: "One moment as I confer with my Familia." *conveys to whole family*
Herbert: To Dante: "Yes, you told me a little about them when the Ogre came here. They sounded a lot like the mob."
Theresa: (*gets busy signal from Hope, Bumbers and Capriciousness*)
DanteE: (Bumbers? :) )
Random_Nerd: (You know. Nian's estate.)
Theresa: (Numbers even. I promised not to be coherent tonight...)
Random_Nerd: (Or possibly Briab's.)
DanteE: (Hiya Tpyo!)_
Herbert: (I'd love to be the Power of Bumpers. Quite a challenge...)
Random_Nerd: (Bah. Go all out, and be the Power of Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers.)

  • Herbert rides the sub back to shore now that his work is done. He's no sea person.

DanteE: to Migrations: "Come by the clock tower if you want to talk to us, by the way"
Theresa: (SO, do we have an answer for Walt?)
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Can I just follow you there?"
Theresa: (Sorry about the caps.)
Theresa: (And is Walt doomed to become yet another NPC Favorite?)
Random_Nerd: (I... don't know.)
DanteE: "Sure..."
sneeky: (only if he goes back to slow ugg-speak, I suspect)

  • DanteE heads back to shore

Herbert: Once he's back on shore, Herb asks to Walt: "Do we have a choice? Who was our 'contact' before?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations follows Dante.
Theresa: ~*via prayer to Herb* "We didn't have a specific contact. I...kinda miffed some of our previous ones. Seems they don't like it when I smile..."

  • Herbert turns to Theresa with a puzzled look, studying her smile for a few moments.

DanteE: (How different does Walt look?)
Herbert: To Walt: "Does that mean that you'd be living here?"
Random_Nerd: Walt: "Could. I could, rather. But I don't have to, if you would prefer otherwise."
Theresa: *explains to Herb* "The Cammorrae have an office in Chancel per our agreement."
Random_Nerd: Seasons, to Theresa: "That's the Camorra ogre? I haven't met him, but isn't he supposed to be... ah... not a deep conversationalist?"
DanteE: "Probably best if you stayed there but gave us your contact info."
Herbert: "I'm not sure I like the idea of having *these* people operating in the city. But I guess that you know them better then me. Still, I'm sure that the crime rate goes up wherever they set up shop." He looks at Walt suspiciously.
Theresa: *to Seasons* "It appears that Mr. Walt has had some finishing lessons along with his new promotion."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Could we talk about this later?"
Random_Nerd: Walt thinks for a moment.
DanteE: (Do we smell smoke? :) )
Random_Nerd: He fumbles around in his pockets.
Random_Nerd: After a bit, he pulls out a small metal flower, which looks about the same as his old one, but is a rather lighter shade than his current flower.
Random_Nerd: Walt: "I don't have the new ones yet, but this will work until they're ready, and I can drop one off in a few days. Hold it in your hand until it warms up, and you should be able to talk to me. If I'm awake, at least."
Theresa: "The new ones will be in the same shade as the one you're currently wearing?"

  • DanteE takes the flower

Random_Nerd: Walt The Ogre: "Yes. But they aren't ready yet. We can't make them ourselves, and it takes a bit of time to arrange the favors."
Theresa: "Why use metal flowers instead of real ones?"
Random_Nerd: Ogre: "Because you don't owe us any favors."
Theresa: "Quite true. But we should get our guests to a place where they can rest. Good luck to you, Walt."
DanteE: (Walt just made a tactical error, didn't he...)
Random_Nerd: Walt nods, walks away a bit, and starts bashing his head forcefully against a patch of empty air.
Random_Nerd: (You could make a case that he did, yeah.)
Herbert: (Tactical error?)
DanteE: (He just gave us a way to have the Cams owe us another favor)
Random_Nerd: (Well, it only counts as a favor if they accept it as one.)
DanteE: (What is he doing?)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and are you going to give him some way of contacting you before he goes.)
Random_Nerd: Walt continues to bash his head against the air, and he seems to be winning.
DanteE: "Oh, Walt?
DanteE: (Should we give him the number to the Batphone in the tower, or one of our cells?)
Random_Nerd: Between headbangs: "Yes?"
Herbert: (Batphone sounds good.)
Random_Nerd: *WHAM*
Theresa: (Cells wouldprobably work. Dont' need more bugs in the tower.)
DanteE: (Hm, could go either way...)
Random_Nerd: *WHAM*
Random_Nerd: The air that he's been smashing against seems a little shimmery.
DanteE: "Almost forgot to give you our contact info...
Herbert: "There's got to be a simpler way to travel..."
sneeky: (Not more fun though)
DanteE: (Apparently they recruit at British soccer riots)
Random_Nerd: Walt: "Oh?"
Random_Nerd: *WHAM* *shimmer*
DanteE: "We've co-opted part of the campus phone system. This phone number should let you talk to whoever's available." (Batphone)
Random_Nerd: (Giving him a written phone number?)
DanteE: "Just be sure to keep it to yourself, no sense getting crank calls from the ... what are those little monkey-likr ythings..."
DanteE: (Beth, go see if RN's smiling...)
Random_Nerd: Ogre: "Nimblejacks? Aren't really like monkeys."
Random_Nerd: Walt The Ogre: "More like wasps. Or monkey-wasps, maybe."
Theresa: (*looks over* Yes, but earlier he was chopping ginger and cackling. I would call it a tossup.)
Random_Nerd: Walt slams his head against the air once more, and it seems like it vanishes for a moment./
DanteE: (I'll risk giving him a written number, yes. We've got ways to undo everything if something goes wrong. Also caller ID.)
Random_Nerd: Walt puts the number in the pocket he took the flower from, takes a bit of a running start, and jumps into the shimmery space at about shoulder level.
Random_Nerd: His legs wriggle for a moment as he shimmies through the hole.
Herbert: "Goodbye Walt..." And under his breath: "...good riddance."
DanteE: "Y'know, that would explain his behavior earlier..."
Theresa: "The wall bashing thing?"
DanteE: "Yeah, I'd think negotiating with a concussion is tricky."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "And what I was going to say is that I don't think he's as stupid as he seems."
Herbert: "You think it's just an act?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "You do not get into middle management in his outfit if you're a moron. And he's got, what, two miracles he can do? Those are rare even on a Cam."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "I don't know, but I don't think an idiot would get to where he is, and the situation here's worked out pretty well for him."
DanteE: "Either that or he got a brain upgrade in the space of a few minutes"
Theresa: "True, he got some favors called in, and though they may owe us one, they'll probably use it in a way to make us owe more than it's worth."
Theresa: "But hey, you guys must be exhausted. We need to get you cleaned up and relaxed."
Herbert: "Whatever they've gained, we won a significant victory over our Enemies, no?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Yeah."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Which way to the clocktower you were talking about?"
Theresa: "Any word from your Imperator except that the Excrucian is gone?"

  • DanteE leads everyone to the Tower

Herbert: Whispers to Dante: "Perhaps we should organize some sort of formal dinner for our guests? What's the protocol when other Nobles visit us?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Nothing much. I get the impression that she's hurt, but doesn't want to talk about it."
DanteE: to Herb: "Protocol's one thing, refugees are another. Let's wait until things settle."
Theresa: "Fair enough. Are you guys hungry or thirsty or is just a warm bed to fall into sweet enough?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I don't actually eat or drink or sleep."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Yes you do."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Okay, but I don't /have/ to."
Theresa: "What do you do instead of sleeping?" *thinks ~'Scrapbooking?'*
Herbert: To Migrations: "You're a weird fellow, you know that?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons rolls his eyes.
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I... figure out better ways to turn people into fish."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "So... you guys have the Ark of the Covenant here, huh?"
Theresa: "There are different ways?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "What's it like?"
sneeky: (Nazi-killing0
Theresa: "Low Nazi population."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "I would imagine."
DanteE: "Well, they keep it locked away in a vault and show a replica to the tourists.
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "So it actually /does/ melt faces?"
DanteE: "They also have cd-case and jewelry box size replicas in the gift shop.
Theresa: (*laughs at RN's Warcraft joke that he just said here*)
Theresa: "The Grail and Lance and some others are also here. They also melt Excrucian shards."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Can we see them?"
Theresa: "It's a big responsibility of King John. Heriditary job and such. But instead of being stuck waving at people in parades, he has to spend time regularly placating Treasures to keep them from turing the entire country into a plague-ridden blight zone."

  • Herbert looks uncomfortable. "I'm not entirely sure a visit would be appropriate at this time."

Random_Nerd: Seasons: "No, no, I'm okay with avoiding the whole 'plague-ridden blight zone' thing."
DanteE: "Which is why we've agreed to keep them under wraps. They have Power of some sort, something it would be a bad idea to fool with. So, sorry, no visits to the real things."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "And... yeah. Working out a type of fish that can swim in both salt and fresh water, lives 70 years or so, and can support a human-style brain doesn't happen overnight."
Theresa: "We can show the replicas but we found out that even Nobles can't really get around the protocols with the real Treasures. Maybe think of them as tiiiiiny Nobles that are really easily ticked off."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "I met one of those once. It was a nimblejack, I think."
Herbert: To Migrations: "So, you actually created the population of your Chancel?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Not exactly. Some of them used to be conventional people. Some of them had parents who were."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "See, we have an island, and the chancel actually contains quite a bit of sea, but not that much land, and..."
Theresa: "We had something slightly similar happen when we were Enchancelled. Some of the popluation became animals, ogres, trees, three-armed men...
DanteE: "How long's it been a chancel?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "I still don't get who would ennoble one of those little bastards, though. They're as mental as demons."

  • Theresa will lead the group toward walking to the tower if we haven't been walking already.

Theresa: "Imperators have wacky senses of humor."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "About... sixty years, I think? I don't really remember."
Theresa: "What are they like? Haven't seen one before...but I have met a demon."

  • Herbert proudly says: "He's actually one of our employees."

Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Small, vicious, fast. They move strangely, too, I think there's something strange about the way they fit in time. They can't do miracles, but a big enough group of them are a threat to a noble anyway, since Entropy's been breeding them as his hunting hounds for quite some time."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "You have a demon working for you?"
DanteE: "And here's our clock tower..."
Theresa: "We took out his heart to feed to our Imperator, we thought we'd give him a job..."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "You know those things are crazy, right?"
DanteE: "Wildlord."
Herbert: "Define crazy."
Random_Nerd: The rough carvings of Migrations' face shift for a moment, getting a little more crude and dull.
DanteE: "You'll note the clock goes to 13 now..."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "They're as vicious as nimblejacks in their way, and even worse than ogres. They'll solve all their problems with violence or cowering."
Theresa: "We're still taming some of the outreaches of the Chancel, so the violence has come in handy. Plus, he has a stronge affiliation to our Imperator and Urbanization."
Random_Nerd: Migrations, to Herb: "You /anchored/ the demon?"
Herbert: "Well, not exactly. My predecessor did that."
Herbert: "He's no longer entirely anchored to me, but he still serve us well from what I could see."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "But it's still anchored? That isn't how it works."
Herbert: "He's very diligent in his own crude way."
Herbert: "Ummh, I don't know what to say. It seems to work that way around here."
DanteE: "A Wildlord did it. You learn to accept the strangest things that way.
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Mind if I take a look at the outside of the tower? I like the style of it."
DanteE: "Here's our conference room..."
Theresa: "It's a bit like that "Ohm" the Buddhists use. Fills the Universe and so forth."
DanteE: "Oh, go ahead"
Random_Nerd: (So, you're indoors?)
Theresa: (Sure.)
Herbert: (I thought we were still outside... I'll probably stay outside with Migrations while he watches the tower.)
Random_Nerd: (From the "conference room" thing I assumed you'd gone inside.)
DanteE: (OK, then I'll be inside with Seasons & Herb.)
Theresa: (I'll go inside too.)
Random_Nerd: Migrations walks up an invisible slope and looks at the sides of the tower.
Random_Nerd: (Same Gift as he was using in the water, incidentially.)
Herbert: To Migrations: "You may not know this, but I'm still rather new to this whole thing. I was wondering, how big a role do you play in the evolution of your Estate? I suppose that your current 'outlook' or 'ideology' plays a big role in how migrations turns out?" I stay on the ground level though.
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I suppose to some degree. I've been at it long enough that I don't really have to work at it any more these days, it automatically goes the way I like it unless there's something external intefering."

  • Theresa will show the dutch door that leads into the Infinite Room.

Random_Nerd: Horse snorts.
Theresa: "We used to keep our rabbit in here."
Theresa: "And this is Horse. He's a friend of our sister Capriciousness."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "You know what kind of horse that is, right?"
sneeky: (A... pretty? horsie?)
Random_Nerd: (An Excrucian shard's mount. Formerly.)
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "There's a fine line between 'Wild' and 'deliberately screwing with my mind.'"
Herbert: To Migrations: "And how about your Chancel's population? I seem to understand, from your sister, that you've had some influence in the development of their culture, isn't that right?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Yeah, I spend the most time with them. Well, Rivers does too, now, but she's new. The old Rivers didn't."
Theresa: "Our sister swallowed the Excrucian shard whose horse that used to be. We also killed his friend that was with him."
Theresa: (And we limbo with that line, mister!)
sneeky: (Was thinking of one of those Celebrity Jeopardy sketches off Saturday Night Live, where one of the questions was "Are horsies pretty?" Is it now a mundane horse, or a miraculous one, or still a walking Focus?)
Random_Nerd: (Trebek, you montebank!)
Random_Nerd: (It's a focus, and an anchor.)
sneeky: (Very cool.)
Random_Nerd: (Specifically, it gives "lesser destruction of humans" to whoever's sitting on it as a simple miracle.)
Herbert: (Very pretty indeed.)
sneeky: (Talk about the cavalry arriving.)
Herbert: To Migrations: "And how does your Imperator feel about that? Does he share your 'outlook' on life, death, that sort of thing?"
Theresa: "Capriciousness likes having someone to run around with."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "She."
Herbert: "Sorry. She."
Random_Nerd: Seasons squints at the horse. "And the horse is an anchor too?"
Random_Nerd: (He won't say this, but Seasons is really hoping you won't say the horse is a noble.)
Theresa: "Yep. Snow was very busy that first day as a noble. She's running around the Chancel at the moment, I think. She's a shapechanging coyote."
Theresa: (Why?)
Random_Nerd: (Because that's the kind of day he's had.)
Theresa: (Ah, the screwing with his mind part.)
Herbert: (A Wildlord's Chancel: you walk in with your sanity, but we keep little bits of it.)
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "She and I don't always see eye to eye, but we've learned to get along."

  • Theresa creates and gives Horse a carrot.

Random_Nerd: Horse eats it.
Herbert: "That's good to know. I'm contemplating some social engineering myself, and I was wondering how hard it is to work with an Imperator that doesn't entirely share all of your values."
Theresa: (Shall we keep going up, Dante?)
Theresa: (I get the feeling that Seasons needs a very alcoholic drink.)
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "You're a new noble, right?"
Herbert: "Yes. Yes I am. Although something of my predecessor still survives in me... and elsewhere."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Well, just remember this. If there's something about your personality that doesn't seem to mesh with your Imperator, well, where does it come from?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "If if comes from your human side, well, that's the person that your Imperator picked. After all, you didn't choose yourself for this job, he did."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "And if it's from the miraculous side, well, that's a part of him."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "So, either way, you are the noble he made."
Herbert: (That's one hell of a way to put it :) )
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "If he's a decent boss, as I see no reason to think he isn't, he'll recognize that."

  • Herbert smiles brightly. "You're right. I'll probably have to discuss these changes with my Familia though. But I'm sure they won't object to the measures I have in mind..."

Herbert: (Mouhahahahahahah!)
Herbert: (Just kidding.)
Theresa: (Yeeeah...)
Herbert: "So, what do you think of the tower?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Nice tower. Are those gargoyles on the top?"
Random_Nerd: He walks farther up.
sneeky: hey guys, I have to go. there's a wake to attend, apparently
Herbert: "Yep, they are." Herbert's eyes are pretty empty for a couple of seconds. They darken quite a bit before reverting to their normal appearance. "They're my kin, in a way."
Theresa: (Oh no. Our condolences.)
Random_Nerd: (Oh. Huh. Well, see you next week, I guess. Was it someone you knew well?)
Herbert: (Yeah, sorry to hear about that. Looking forward to playing with you :) )
Random_Nerd: (So, want to stop here?)
Theresa: (I'd be okay with it.)
sneeky: (friend of my mother, apparently. I'll be here next week)
DanteE: (gomenasai, got a phone call from mom)
sneeky: (I'll see you guys)
Herbert: (Sure.)
DanteE: (Yeah, I just wanted to show them the conference room, since that's where we make all our major decisions. :) )
Theresa: (It's okay, Knock.)
DanteE: (Next week, sneek. :) )

      • sneeky has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: sneeky).

DanteE: "And here's our conference room.
DanteE: (Is the Batphone ringing?)
Random_Nerd: (Not right now.)
Herbert: (So, we stop for tonight? I'm sure we have a Batanswering-machine ;) )
Random_Nerd: (Yeah, we seem to have slowed down.)
DanteE: (Yeah, we can.)
Theresa: (I'm good with that. We have secretaries and so forth.)
Random_Nerd: ____________________STOP________________________
DanteE: (Well, blame my mom for that. Sorry. :) )
Theresa: Nah, it's okay. Stuff like that happens.

      • You are now known as BethE.
      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.

Herbert: So, Stories will be joining us next week? :)
BethE: If we didn't have better guards, I would expect him to be in the conference room with a Press Pass in his hat.  :)
Knockwood: as part of an ongoing narrative of Creation's Wackiest Chancels

      • Herbert is now known as Harold.

Knockwood: "Anchored demons, rabbits of unusual size, and now its own Atlantis! We tell you all about Chancel Amyra, next Jerry Springer!"
Harold: We can make it wackier, with the right financing.
BethE: Jerry Springer, bah. We don't have enough midgets.
Harold: We'll make some.
Knockwood: "Is it true the Castle's bricks are mortared with melted Nazis?"
BethE: No, as they proved too weak for foundation. Instead they have been used to fertilize the palace grounds.
Knockwood: though I'm wondering just what the potential problem is with giving Walt our phone number...
Harold: It was a slightly lighter session - we started a little later than usual and it had been a while since the last time - but I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to next week, my memories of the game are going to be fresher and it should be interesting to meet Stories.
BethE: Who knows. RN has gotten a lot of mileage out of answering Yes to the question "Is that good or bad?"
Knockwood: (the first part was my fault, sorry.
Knockwood: (one of those days where everything takes longer that you think it will)
Harold: No problem! I've got my share of responsibility.
BethE: Good game tonight, guys.  :)
Harold: I'm going to go to bed now. The effects of that late coffee are starting to wear off ;)
BethE: I think I'm going to go to sleep now....
Harold: Good game indeed.
Knockwood: see you next week, then
Harold: See you next week!
Knockwood: though technically...
BethE: Technically?
Knockwood: last session we saved a people, this session we walked to the office.
BethE: Time moves funny in a Wildchancel.  :)

Chapter 12