Werewolf van Helsing PL16

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Werewolf van Helsing

PL 16; PP 240 ; HP 8

Abilities: [44 pp] Str 20, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 16

Saves: Dmg +11 (5 + 6 Amazing Save) (+0 Prt), Fort +9 (5 + 4 Amazing Save), Ref +10 (4 + 6 Amazing Save), Will +4

Combat: [77 pp] Attack: Melee +20, Ranged +19, Mental +19 Defense: 30/26, Mental 30 Init +4; Run 30/60/120, Leap 50/100/200; Size Medium

Skills: [11 pp] Bonus: Str +15, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +3 Intimidate +17 (2), Listen +6 (2), Sense Motive +6 (2), Spot +6 (2), Survival +7 (3)

Feats: [12 pp] Chokehold, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Scent, Surprise Strike

Powers: [126 pp] Amazing Save (Damage) +6 [Cost 1 pp; Total 6 pp]

Amazing Save (Reflex) +6 [Extras: Fortitude +4; Cost 2 pp; Total 10 pp]

Claws +6 [Effect: Natural Weapon; Stunts: Extra Limb (Fangs); Cost 2 pp; Total 14 pp]

Clinging +16 [Cost 1 pp; Total 16 pp]

Leaping +10 [Cost 2 pp; Total 20 pp]

Regeneration +10 [Flaws: Restricted - not damage from silver; Cost 1 pp; Total 10 pp]

Super Strength +10 [Extras: Protection; Cost 5 pp; Total 50 pp]

Weakness: [30 pp] Berserker (Major), Transformation (Major, Van Helsing can only maintain this form while the full moon is out (uncovered by clouds).), Vulnerable (Major, Silver)