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Echoes of those Past, Baron of Reflection[edit]

AKA The Lord of the Tiger and the Fishes


Echoes of those Past may once have been known as Walter Peck. Peck was an occultist who discovered the existance of what he believed to be immortals. He kept this secret to himself, searching a way to gain this gift himself. Several years ago, he recieved information from a anonomyous source that the consumption of the heart of one of these immortals would grant what he sought.

He tracked one he originally believed to be Niccolò Zucchi, up into the Scottish highlands and witnessed Zucchi, Reflection's Regal conversing with another. This other badly injured Zucchi and left, which allowed Peck the oppurtunity to sneak up on Zucchi and cut his heart out.

Ram-Khvastra, Zucchi's Imperator was furious that one of his enemys had managed to manipulate a pwer-hungry mortal to kill one of his favoured agents and replace him with such a power hungry fool. It's possible he killed Peck and gave the estate to the echoes, it's possible he stripped Peck of his memory, only Ram-Khvastra will ever know.

Cruelly he cursed his fledgling power. Stripping him of his physical body for most of each day and rendering his memory (or not providing him with either). When the confused bundle of reflected light.

Echoes currently figures that he is the final signal of many of the pilots radio echoes that still bounce about the valley and remembers nothing of what he was before. This is why he chose for himself the name of Echoes of those Past. He currently wonders at his limited humanity and his future but happily pursues the goals of his Imperator. He has a strange love/hate relationship with the Power of Memory.


Aspect 0 (5AMP)

+Alchemy 0

Domain 1 (5DMP)

Realm 3 (5RMP)

Spirit 2 (5SMP)


Elemental 2pts

Immutable 1pt

Whispers Past [Lesser Change of Time (6), simple (-1), local (-1), limited application (-2), uncommon (+1) = 3 pts]: Can 'hear' and 'see' the echoes of sound waves bouncing around places long after they should have faded, allowing echoes to relieve past events as if present.

Dust and Echoes [Lesser Change of Reflection (6), simple (-1), local (-1), self-only (-3), limited application (-2), uncommon (+1): 1 pts]: By bending sources of sound around to a point he can gain the ability to speak and show some mannerisms by the echoes of nearby sounds and reflections of nearby objects. This power was granted to him by Ram-Khvastra, very recently to compensate for his curse and Echoes good works.


Cursed (He has Elemental and may only take human form one hour a day, the rest of the time he must be a collection of echoes and reflections. Hence Dust and Echoes to communicate, probably works similarly to Dead.)

Revelatory Trait (Constant Echoes and Reflections where there should be none)




Code of Heaven


The valley in scotland where he was 'born', where radio signals still bounce with the final transmissions of those who died in the Battle of Britain - 5pts

The Battle of Britain - 1pt

Those they left behind - 2pts

His Estate - 3pts

Niccolo Zucchi's memory and what he did for Optics (though he is not 100% certain why)- 3pts

Allowing as little as possible to be forgotten - 3pts

Power of Memory - 1pt

His Imperator and the search for the truth - 2pts


1.) Dr. R.H Terrence - A Morman, who seeks to record everyone who ever lived and convert them posthumously. (Hates the mans practices. Loves his cateloging of people that would otherwise be forgotten.)

2.) Gloria Florence (Loves, the daughter of a pilot that Echoes now believes comprises him.)

3.) No Third Anchor presently