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The Pathfinder who has strayed. Met at the start of the story, guiding Zonpar and challenging Lrall. Swiftly defeated by Lrall, his jaw broken, Hakan fled into the marsh, leaving his charge Zonpar alone with Lrall.
Vitality -6
- Vicious bastard 20
- Mercenary 20
- Overweening arrogance 15M
- Aggressively territorial 2M
- Knows the Marsh 16
- Find path 17
- Track 18
- Dagger fighting 16
- Dominate spirits through fear 1M
- Spirit Ally - Giant weasel spirit with nasty sharp pointy teeth 15M
- Spirit - Find Path 13
- Spirit - Fetch and carry 13
- Really warm woollen cloak 13
- Can't actually see spirits at all well though he pretends he can 13