Viewtiful Joe PL12
INIT: +3, BASE DEFENCE: 8, DEF 22/18 (Dodge); SPEED Base Speed: 30; Super Speed: 70 BASE ATTACK: 6, MELEE +9 (Finesse), RANGED +9 SV: DMG +6, FORT +8, REF +9, WILL +1; STR 12 (+1) (+3 super), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 12 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 14 (+2) (+6 super)
SKILLS: Acrobatics* +9/6, Jump +12/5, Knowledge (Old Movies) +6/5, Taunt +12/4.
FEATS: Attack Finesse, Dodge, Identity Change, Heroic Surge, Instand Stand
DEVICE: V-WATCH RANGE: Personal SOURCE: Super-science EFFECTS: SUPER-STRENGHT [+3], Extra: Leaping [+3], Flaw: Device, SLOW [+8], Extra: Area, Flaw: Device, Flaw: Tiring, MACH SPEED: Super-Speed [+8], Extra: Mach-One Punch, Power Stunt: Rapid Strike, Power Stunt: Immunity (Heat), Flaw: No Dodge Bonus, Flaw: No Reflex Bonus, Flaw: Device, Flaw: Tiring, ZOOM IN: Boost Strenght [+8], Extra: Duration x2,Extra: Shockwave, Flaw: Device, Flaw: Tiring, SUPER-CHARISMA [+6], Flaw: Device, DEFLECTION [+8], Extra: Reflection, Flaw: Limited - Ranged Attacks, Flaw: Device, AMAZING SAVE: DAMAGE [+4], AMAZING SAVE: FORTITUDE [+6], AMAZING SAVE: REFLEX [+6]
SIX MACHINE: Flight [+8], Extra: Energy Blast, Flaw: Device
Quirk - Over-confident: Joe is extremelly sure of himself and enjoys showing off. This can make him vunrable to enemy attacks at times.
Transformation: When Viewtiful Joe becomes tired because of the Tiring flaw of one of his powers he immediatly reverts back to regular Joe, thus losing all of his powers. He stays this way untill he recovers from being tired.
COST: abilities 20, combat 34, skills 20, feats 10, powers 116 , weakness -20, total 180.