Doom, Doctor PL20

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Dr. Doom PL 20 (300pp)

Init +7; 30ft (Run), 160ft (Flight); Defense 18 (6 Base, 3 Dex); BAB +7; Atk +9 Melee (+8S Punch), +11 Ranged (16S or L Energy Blast); SV Dmg +3 (16 Armor), Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +20; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20 (Total 79PP)

Skills: Bluff 1/+12, Computers 1/+17, Craft: Robotics 4/+20, Diplomacy 1/+12, Disable Device 1/+17, Innuendo 1/+17, Intimidate 1/+17, Knowledge: Arcana 1/+17, Language 4, Listen 0/+16, Medicine 1/+17, Pilot 3/+6, Repair 1/+17, Science [All: 1/+17, Robotics 5/+21], Search 0/+16, Sense Motive 0/+16, Spot 0/+16, Taunt 0/+16 (Total 21PP)

Feats: Assessment, Attack Focus (Ranged), Diplomatic Immunity, Evaluate, Headquarters, Improved Initiative, Infamy, Into Thin Air (Robot Clones), Leadership, Minions (Doombots), Mystic Awareness, Wealth x5 (Total 32PP)

Powers: Armor +16 (Source: Super Science; Extras: Telescopic Sense: Hearing +5, Telescopic Sense: Vision +5, Super-Strength +6, Energy Blast (Power Stunt: Dual Damage), Flight, Immunity; Power Stunts: All-Around Sight, Darkvision, Radio Broadcast, Radio Hearing; Cost 4pp/rank+28pp, Total 102pp) Gadgets +20 (Source: Super Science/Mystical, Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 20pp); Super-Wisdom+11 (Source: Training, Extras: Super-Charisma, Intimidating Presence, Super-Intelligence; Cost 6pp/Rank, Total 66pp) (Total 188PP)

Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation, Energy: Cold, Energy: Heat, Fatigue, Energy: Radiation, Energy: Electricity, Energy: Kinetic, Energy: Sonic, Disintegration, Energy: Gravity

Weakness: Quirk - Egotistical (Doom is positive he is right. About everything. He is infallible and a god...such is his will. This, if cleverly used against him, can aid heroes in his defeat. He can be drawn out into the open or to commit careless acts of rage if properly provoked. Gamemasters can treat this weakness as they will.) Disturbing (Under the faceplate, Doom is horribly scarred. Even with only the glass slits of his mask exposing any part of skin to the human eye, it is easy to see he's disfigured. In addition to that, the visage of Doctor Doom, to most, is terrifying enough.) (Total -20PP)