Mysterio PL9

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Mysterio PL 9 (135pp)

Init +2; 30ft (Run); Defense 15 (3 Base, 2 Dex); BAB +4; Atk +5 Melee (3S Punch) +6 Ranged; SV Dmg +1 (5 Armor), Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10 (Total 36PP)

Skills: Bluff 5/+5, Computers 5/+8, Craft: Illusions 8/+11, Craft: Robotics 4/+7, Diplomacy 5/+5, Disable Device 2/+5, Disguise 8/+10, Drive 2/+4, Forgery 4/+7, Knowledge [Culture 3/+6, Occult 2/+5, Religion 3/+6, Trivia 4/+7], Perform 2/+2, Pilot 2/+4, Repair 4/+7, Science [Physics 4/+7, Psychology 3/+6, Robotics 2/+5] (Total 36PP)

Feats: Assessment, Evaluate, Headquarters, Infamy (Total 8PP)

Powers:Armor +5 (Source: Super Science; Extras: Psychosomatic, Obscure, Super Senses, Super-Strength+2; Power Stunts: Blind-Fight, Blindsight, Immunity: Suffocation; Cost 3pp/Rank+12PP, Total 27pp); Gadgets +4 (Source: Science; Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 4pp); Illusion +8 (Source: Super Science; Extra: Area; Flaw: Device; Cost 3pp/Rank, Total 24pp) (Total 55PP)