Electro PL9

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Electro; PL 9 (140pp)

Init +7; 30ft (Run), 90ft (Flight), Defense 19 (5 Base, 3 Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +4; +6 Melee (11L Punch) +8 Ranged (9L Energy Blast); SV Dmg +8, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 (Total 38PP)

Skills: Acrobatics 4/+5, Computers 2/+3, Disable Device 2/+3, Drive 1/+3, Repair 4/+5, Science: Physics 5/+6 (Total 9PP)

Feats: Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Ranged), Dodge, Improved Initiative, Infamy, Lightning Reflexes, Move-By Attack, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Healing, Rapid Shot, Rapid Strike, Surprise Strike, Toughness, Detect: Electricity (Total 30PP)

Powers: Energy Field - Electricity +9 (Source: Mutation, Extras: Energy Blast, Flight, Selective, Absorption [Boost: Dex (Flaw: Limited - Electricity only)], Super-Strength +2, Super-Constitution +4; Flaw - Doesn't work when wet; Cost 5pp/Rank+18pp, Total 63PP)