X-Man PL18
X-man (Nate Gray) PL 18 (269pp)
Init +4; Spd 30ft (Run), 60ft (Flight); Defense 15 (1 Base, 4 Dex,1 Dodge); BAB +3; Atk +4 Melee (12s TK Punch), +7 Ranged, +13Mental (12s Tk Blast); SV Dmg +2, Fort +2, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +15; Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills: Acrobatics 5/+9, Balance 11/+5, Disable Device +6/5, Drive 4/+11, Gather Information 3/+5, Hide 4/+11, Innuendo 5/+7, Listen 5/+13, Move Silently 4/+11, Pilot 4/+8, Perform +5/2, Sense Motive 4/+11, Survival 4/+11
Feats: Aerial Combat, All-Around Sight, Blind Sight, Dodge, Indomitable Will, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Penetrating Attack, Power Attack, Point Blank Shot, Psychic Awareness, Rapid Shot, True Sight
Powers: +12 Telekinesis(extras:Grapple,Strike, Flight[Super Flight], Energy Blast, Force Field{Source: Psionic}
+12 Telepathy (extras: Amazing Save: Will, Mind Control, Memory Aleteration, Mental Blast, Post Cognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Astral Projection, Shape Matter){source: Psionic}
+6 Boost (All Psionics)[Flaw:Fatal]{source: Psionic} Notes on this power. Rasing Nates powers by 2 requires extra effort. Rasing it 2 more requires the spending of a hero point. Raising it 2 more, requires another hero point and Nate must make a fortitude save against the power rank of the enhanced powers (18 ) every round. If he fails he becomes unconcious. Nate deosn't have to do this for every power he raises just for everytime he boosts