Session 36.75

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Chapter 6

[Random Nerd] Now, when we start back up, shall we begin in the conversation with John the Numberth, or have you all say your goodbyes and leave?
[BethL] Hmm...not sure. Do you think that John has more info to give unto us?
[Random Nerd] On what?
[BethL] Not sure. So far, we know that the Treasures of the Realm may be shiny but in the way of a nuclear meltdown. That John was _asked_ if he would want to be a Noble by Kudzu (and with mysterious guest). And John's pretty sure he's going to back us in public as long as we keep up good work.

[BethL] My connection went out again. Like earlier tonight and two Wednesdays ago.
[Knockwood] Too bad, we just did a plot where we fed all the Chancel's trees to Monty.
[BethL] Liar! *grin* At least I hope you're lying. Oh well, would we get a Harvest point for it?
[Knockwood] No, but Monty got indigestion, and you got the blame.
[BethL] Bah! It's his own fault for having no internal organs.
[Random Nerd] Monty has a perpetual state of epic indigestion.
[Random Nerd] Hmm. Beth, do /you/ have any questions about how I GM and come up with content for this game that you haven't already asked?
[BethL] Well, knowing you as I do, I know that you basically open yourself to the Borgstrinian rays of the world and wait for one to strike you. And you have the Big Book of Angels.
[BethL] I do wonder what some of your recent inspirations are. And what some of the various NPCs look like.
[BethL] What is the most frustrating thing for you as a GM?
[Random Nerd] Hmm. Probably "demonboxing."
[Knockwood] Yeah, those claws probably rip the hell out of the gloves.
[Random Nerd] Situations where things aren't moving fast, but there's no real way to get them going without resorting to the Chandler-esque "Two guys bust in the door with guns."
[Knockwood] That might be a GM trust issue...
[Knockwood] Look at the comic referenced from the 'Deus-Ex-GMing' entry in the Lexicon.
[BethL] What is your favorite moment from what we've played so far?
[Random Nerd] Hmm. Not sure about the favorite moment.
[Random Nerd] I kinda liked the "Wait, Barakiel was Lesson's old boss? Crap." moment.
[Random Nerd] I mean, I'm not about to pull a "You forgot to mention that you were covering the /whole/ box with the thermoptic camo you smelted from old gravel? Well, a guy sees you! He's a ninja! With an Abhorrent Katana that's also a focus for a Lesser Destruction of Tanks! Roll initiative, monkeyboy!"
[BethL] If you said that, I would check your caffeine intake.
[BethL] What problems do you think that we have the minimal amount of info necessary with which to solve/tackle the problem?
[Random Nerd] Like, what sort of problems?
[BethL] Well, like you had said before we didn't have enough info to tackle the Maple well.
[Random Nerd] Yeah. I'm going to have to introduce more information for that.
[Random Nerd] Following up on some of the other loose ends might provide some, though.
[Knockwood] Let's summarize the loose ends: Monty's still growing... the Maple's still a mystery... Math may be fuXX0red due to Brian's miracle... we never did determine who our icy adversary was…
[BethL] The Cams haven't been paid/contracted yet.
[Random Nerd] Luc's previous Nobles.
[Random Nerd] Lesson and Barakiel, Consequences' trustworthiness and by extension that of the Aides, who the "angel" John saw was, The Mystery Cult.
[Knockwood] What the Cams are doing.
[BethL] Brian's making evil not having to have a form. The missing soldiers.
[Random Nerd] Kudzu's past.
[Knockwood] And, oh yeah, the beings from beyond who want to eat reality. Little things like that.
[Random Nerd] The issue of what's up with the Ark and the Grail and the Lance.
[BethL] Kudzu's past Chancel....if Amyra was someone else's Chancel a long time ago.
[BethL] (That would explain why some folks thought PJ's kingdom was in Asia and then in Ethiopia...)
[Random Nerd] Mmm... is there something we're forgetting?
[BethL] I can't think of anything else we're forgetting but then again, that would make sense...
[Random Nerd] There're some minor ones, of course, like the floral graffiti and such.
[BethL] Ahh, yes, the floral graffiti... And why the Diplomacy grove is so good.
[Knockwood] Have we gotten any angels visiting the holy relics?
[Random Nerd] John says he hasn't seen any angels, himself, but some of his ancestors have. Perhaps they were just /ninja angels/ that he didn't see, though.
[BethL] If they showed up now, would they automatically ring the Chancel defenses?
[Random Nerd] Hmm. Do you /have/ anti-angel defenses?
[Random Nerd] You've got Protector's Blessing, but that's the one that shields chancel inhabitants against hostile magic, right?
[BethL] No, but the Aides rang the doorbell. *thinks* Come to think of it, we probably don't have anything. If we did, we would have known that the problem that turned out to be a pushy Kudzu was Chancel-based, not outside.
[Knockwood] We can do a Creation of Evangelion and recruit 8th-graders.
[BethL] Knock - I don't want to create a Rei in my own image... [G]
[BethL] (Have you seen the Lilith tableware, though?)
[Knockwood] No I haven't.
[Random Nerd] They brought the "doorbell" with them. That was just a politeness thing, plus a "we're not sneaking in, don't incinerate us" thing.
[Random Nerd] If any of you do a Lesser Creation of Shinji, you will all die. As will your characters.
[BethL] I haven't even seen to the end of the series... No one's even _died_ yet...
[BethL] Knock -
[BethL] Hmm..I wonder if a Lesser Creation of Shinji would be an attack on Hope or Courage or both?
[Random Nerd] I think you could create Shinji with a Lesser Destruction of Courage. You know, how Destructions can create "negative images" of their estates.
[Knockwood] Every now and then I like to think of how Eva would look if Shinji just had some fucking guts...
[BethL] True...his 'attacks' of frenzy and insanity aren't quite courageous, per say.
[Knockwood] "Son, we need you to pilot that Eva." "Dad, I need you to bend over and bite me."
[BethL] He tried that in the episode I watched two Thursday nights ago. Didn't work. And then the cannibalism!
[Knockwood] The one where Eva-1 eats the engine from that Angel?
[BethL] Yeppers. I'm looking forward to hearing the backstory on the redhead soon, though.
[Random Nerd] Yes, that's what this game needs. More cannibalism.
[BethL] We've had _some_...
[Random Nerd] Oh, we have? When?
[Knockwood] Beth eating basil.
[BethL] Kudzu eating the bunnies.
[Random Nerd] Oh, yes.
[Random Nerd] But still, this is less than half as much cannibalism as my previous Nobilis game.
[BethL] How much cannibalism was in that one?
[Random Nerd] A couple Imperators got et.
[BethL] Whoa. That's hardcore BBQ.
[Random Nerd] Well, one of them was an Excrucian. Still counts in my book.
[Knockwood] Did his estates disappear?
[Random Nerd] The Imperator's?
[Random Nerd] No, they got absorbed by the Imperators eating him.
[BethL] I think he meant if the Excrucian's estates disappear...
[BethL] Or maybe not. That's a weird thought.
[Random Nerd] Excrucians don't have estates.
[BethL] So if an Excrucian gets killed, the estates he absorbed don't come back?
[Knockwood] I meant the Imp.
[Knockwood] The one that got et by an Excrucian, what happened to his estates?
[Random Nerd] No, it got eaten by two Imperators. Like a cross between the Redtooth Rite and the "absorbing" scenes in Voyage to Arcturus.
[Knockwood] Ah, so the Excrucian got the Imp's estates, then the guys that ate him got them?
[Knockwood] "Attention NObles, I'm (burp) your new boss..."
[Random Nerd] No, no. There was one Excrucian, and one Fallen Angel. They ended up getting eaten in a confrontation in the Spirit World by a Lightlord (the PCs' Imperator) and a True God that the PCs had recruited.
[Random Nerd] The Excrucian didn't eat anyone.
[Knockwood] Oh, I misread what you typed.
[BethL] ( know the statements about our Estates? What do you think about the statement "Plants have purposes.")
[Random Nerd] (Hmm. What, exactly, do you mean by that?)
[BethL] (Well...I know the comment about Theresa eating plants, Bad! But Theresa thinks that plants should have a purpose...a reason. Maybe they're medicinal, or food or just pretty. They grow, they get old, they die. Just because they die doesn't mean it was in vain or a horrible thing. If they were fulfilling a purpose.)
[BethL] What is with the devouring theme in your Imperators, RN?
[Random Nerd] Imperators are supposed to be creepy at least some of the time.
[Random Nerd] Spiritual cannibalism is creepy. Besides, magical cannibalism is established as an element of the Nobilis setting.


Chapter 6