Mick McGrath

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Mick McGrath is fresh out of high school and ready to get a degree in biology, being a doctor is cool and all but looking at the human genome or creating a vector virus was too cool to pass up. He had a girlfriend in high school but they recently broke up and now he is single and looking again.

Mick's Skills

Biology- Mick hasn't been in school a long time but he is a good study at his favorite subject. This also translates into some rough anatomy skills, Mick could point out several vital spots on the human body that when pierced would cause pain or death.

cramming- sometimes it's not enough to know the subject, you have to know what the teachers want and how they want it, in those situations mick just stays up late reading and re-reading what he needs to know.

acrotabtics- Jumping has always come naturally to Mick but the fancy flips and rolls he can perform now are new. This skill was taught by the same homeless person teaching Mick parkour. The fee is fast food.

stealth- this skill developed more out of pranks than anything. However combined with Mick's jumping, contortionist, and acrobatic abilities Mick's modest stealth skills become formidable allowing him to jump down ladders or out from under cars to scare his friends.

Botany- Siraj keeps a small rooftop garden on the top of his apartment building as a hobby to pass the time; pretty flowers and good produce.

fencing- Mick is an amateur fencer, having just started when he got into Arion U but he is picking it up fast and may surpass many of his classmates soon.

contortionist- Mick was born naturally flexible, much to the chagrin of those around him when he gets a cramp. He has been known to pull things out of their proper place to satisfy his cramps.

Parkour- the art of getting around shit in as awesome a way as possible. Including running through traffic and hurdling benches. Mick is being taught these skills by a homeless person.

jumping- mick did some high jump and hurdling in high school so he is better than average at jumping.

Mick's Powers

Mick has recently developed super strength though why and to what extent is unclear. He can now jump further than an Olympian. Mick may also be developing some sort of mental or sensory power judging from his recent bout of migraines.

Experience Points

Mick currently has no experience points.

Character Sheet


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