Crush, The

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The Crush

Concept: Love em and leave em girl. PL 10; PP 150 ; HP 5

Abilities: [15 pp] Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13

Saves: Dmg +7 (2 + 5 Amazing Save) (+0 Prt), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will -1

Combat: [44 pp] Attack: Melee +10, Ranged +11, Mental +7 Defense: 23/20, Mental 19 Init +3; Run 30/60/120; Size Medium

Skills: [24 pp] Bonus: Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +0, Wis -1, Cha +1 Bluff +1 (0) (+8 against men), Computers +4 (4), Diplomacy +5 (4) (+12 against men), Innuendo +5 (4) (+12 against men), Innuendo +5 (4) (+12 against men), Sense Motive +3 (4), Taunt +5 (4) (+12 against men)

Feats: [14 pp] Attractive, Dodge, Evasion, Headquarters, Indomitable Will, Leadership, Point Blank Shot

Powers: [52 pp] Amazing Save (Damage) +5 [Source: Training; Cost 1 pp; Total 5 pp]

Drain +10 [Extras: Area, Range (Normal), Second Attribute (Wisdom), Second Attribute (Wisdom); Flaws: Limited (One Attribute - Str), Limited (Only against men), Limited (Only against men); Source: Mutation; Cost 3 pp; Total 30 pp]

Mind Control +10 [Flaws: Only against men; Source: Mutation; Cost 1 pp; Total 10 pp]

Super Charisma +7 [Flaws: Only against men; Cost 1 pp; Total 7 pp]

Devices: [11 pp] Custom Blaster +5 [Effect: Weapon (Ranged); Cost 1 pp; Total 5 pp]

Kelvex Body Armor +5 [Effect: Armor; Extras: Immunity (Fire) +1; Source: Super-Science; Cost 2 pp; Total 6 pp]

Weakness: [10 pp] Quirk (Flirt) (Major)