Mole, The

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The Mole (PL 6)

Init +3; Defense 14 (15 flat-footed); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +2 melee (-1/5’ reach/crit 20, punch); Atk +2 ranged; Dmg -1, Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +4; HP/VP 3; Str 8, Dex 9, Con 8, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 16

Skills: Bluff +11, Computers +13, Knowledge (Current Events, Super-Heroes/Villains, Trivia) +13, Sense Motive +11

Feats: Assessment, Expertise, Headquarters, Improved Initiative; Iron Will, Leadership; Technical Analysis

Powers: Super-Intelligence +2 [Innate, Super-Charisma, Super-Wisdom; Source: Training]

Equipment: Decoder Ring – Comprehend +6 [Flaws: Device, Pride Book Only; Source: Super-Science] Pride Book – Super-Skill +6 (Knowledge-Pride) [Flaws: Device, Encrypted; Source: Mundane]

Weaknesses: Quirk: Driven (as it proved a fatal flaw -10 weakness)