Warlock, Adam

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Adam Warlock (PL 23)

Init +18; Defense 29 (15 flat-footed); Spd 30ft.; Atk +8 melee (+13/5’ reach/crit 20 punch/kick) or Atk +9 ranged (none); SV Dmg +17, Fort +17, Ref +16, Will +7 (+17 w/Gem); HP: 12; Str 16, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 20, Cha 16. [74]

Skills: None.

Feats: Attractive, Durability, Endurance, Fame, Great Fortitude, Heroic Surge, Hero’s Luck, Improved Initiative, Indomitable Will, Inspire, Iron Will, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Rapid Healing, Toughness, Sidekicks (Pip, Gamora, etc.) [32]

Powers: Cosmic Power +10 [Effects: Energy Blast, Force Field (Extras: Triggered: Regeneration; Flaws: Only Triggered), Flight (Power Stunts: Space Flight, Super-Flight), Immunity (Aging, Disease, Energy [Cold, Heat, Gravity, Radiation], Exhaustion, Poison, Starvation, Suffocation), Sense Cosmic Forces; Extras: Boost-Physical (Extras: Slow Diminish; Flaws: Uses (1/day); Dimensional Travel (Extras: Action-Free; Flaws: Limited-Gem’s Dimension), Innate, Regeneration (Extras: Resurrection, Flaws: Resurrection Only) , Super-Constitution, Super-Dexterity, Super-Strength: Source: Alien; Cost 20pp; Total: 204pp] [204]

Equipment: Soul Gem +15 [Effects: Comprehend, Dimensional Travel (Extras: Disembodying, Others; Flaw: Others-Only, Gem-Dimension Only), Mind Blast +10 (Flaws: Obvious; Power Stunts: Energy Blast, Neutralize-Transmutation), Super-Wisdom (Extras: Super-Intelligence +10, Super-Charisma +10; Flaws: Non-Stackable [substitutes for Adam’s ranks]), Variable Effect (Extras: Expanded Powers x2 (60pp), Flaws: Feats & Skills Only, Requires Spirits to be imprisoned in Gem); Extras: Eternal; Flaws: Arcane Aura, Corrupting Influence, Willful Personality; Source: Arcane/Cosmic; Cost: 5pp; Total: 60pp]

Weaknesses: Driven – He’ll resurrect himself from the dead to proliferate “good” or save the universe, he’ll give up supreme power to balance the cosmos… when it comes to being driven to “do the right thing”… this guy takes the cake. Antagonists (Major) – Thanos, Magus, Her… he’s got foes that stretch the limits of non-entity level power.

Naïve (Moderate) – He can be duped… and though wise has a tendencies to lack common sense and pay the price for it. His “perfect” nature combined with the Soul Gem’s ability to grant him the knowledge and skills of those held inside also precludes him ever actually learning much. [-25]