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Supergirl, "The Maid of Might"; PL 15 (225)

Init +9; Defense 22 (+3 base, +3 dex, +6 dodge): Spd 60 ft, 60 ft Fly; Base Attack +10; Atk +13 melee (+15S Punch), +16 ranged (15L Heat Vision); SV Dmg +7 (12 Protection, Durability), Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16 (68 total)

Skills: Taunt 10/+15, Search 4/+13, Spot 4/+13, Listen 4/+13, Diplomacy 4/+9 (+12 for those Attracted), Sense Motive 4/+5 (15 total)

Feats: Attractive, Dodge, All-Out Attack, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Power Attack, Fame, Durability, Toughness, Talented (Taunt+Diplomacy) (20 total)

Powers & Equipment: JL Communicator (1 ppr, Source: Super-Science), Super Speed +6 (Power Stunts: Whirlwind, Tunneling, Flaws: Ineffective under Red Solar Radiation, 5 ppr+4, 24 total, Source: Alien), Super-Strength +12 (Power Stunts: Lifting, Extras: Protection, Flaws: Ineffective under Red Solar Radiation, 4 ppr+2, 50 total, Source: Alien), Flight +12(Stunts: Super-Flight, Flaws: Ineffective under Red Solar Radiation, 1 ppr+2, 14 total, Source: Alien), Energy Blast +15 (Flaws: Ineffective under Red Solar Radiation, 1 ppr, 15 total, Source: Alien), Super-Senses +8 (Power-Stunts: Penetration Vision, Ultra Hearing, Extras: Telescopic Hearing, Telescopic Sight, Flaws: Ineffective under Red Solar Radiation, 3 ppr+4, 28 total, Source: Alien) (136 total)

Weakness: Susceptable to Kryptonite, Vulnerable to Magic