Flash, The PL15

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The Flash, Wally West; PL 15 (225)

Init +20; Defense 30 (+5 dex, +15 dodge); Spd 105 ft; Base Attack +9; Atk +14 melee (+17S Mach-One-Punch), Atk +14 ranged (+5S or L, Thrown Item); SV Dmg +20, Fort +3, Ref +20, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14 (51 total)

Skills: Taunt 14/+16, Search 8/+10, Escape Artist 1/+21, Computers 3/+5, Disable Device 4/+6, Move Silently 2/+7 (16 total)

Feats: Rapid Strike, Expertise, Move By Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Trance (by speeding up Heartbeat), Throwing Mastery (whipping stuff at high-speeds), Surprise Strike, Rapid Healing, Instant Stand, Evasion, Dodge, Attack Finesse, Fame, Iron Will, Heroic Surge (30 total)

Powers & Equipment: JL Communicator (1 ppr, Source: Super-Science), Super-Speed +15 (Power Stunts: Spinning, Wall Run, Water Run, Whirlwind, Speed Force (Allows Extra Effort to up rank in Super-Speed, normally unallowed for a Movement power), Vibration (Adds Super-Speed to Escape Artist), Extras: Mach One Punch, 7 ppr+12, 127 total, Source: Mutation) (128 total)