Batman PL19

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Batman, "The Dark Knight" ; PL 19 (285)

Init +11; Defense 23 (+5 dex, +6 dodge, +2 base); Spd 30 ft, 30 ft swing; Base Attack +14; Atk +18 melee (+10S Punch), +19 ranged (+8L Batarangs); SV Dmg +11, Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +15; Str 18, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 14 (94 total)

Skills: Knowledge (Criminology) 1/+15, Science (Chemistry) 1/+15, Spot 1/+16, Listen 1/+16, Move Silently 7/+20, Hide 7/+20, Gather Information 4/+16, Bluff 3/+15 (+18 those attracted), Disguise 2/+14, Taunt 3/+15 (+18 when Infamous nature apparent), Diplomacy 1/+13 (+16 for those attracted), Sense Motive 3/+18, Concentration 1/+16, Knowledge (Underworld Culture) 3/+17, Knowledge (High Society) 1/+15, Knowledge (Corporations) 1/+15, Science (Mechanics) 1/+15, Disable Device 2/+16, Science (Electronics) 1/+15, Search 1/+15, Perform (sing) 1/+13, Intimidate 4/+16 (+19 when his Infamous nature is apparent), Drive 2/+13, Repair 1/+15, Escape Artist 2/+15, Pilot 1/+12 (25 total)

Feats: Rapid Strike, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Evasion, Rapid Shot, Ricochet Shot, Asessment, Hero's Luck, Surprise Strike, Expertise, Talented (Move Silently/Hide), Power Attack, Connected, Blind Fight, Startle, Headquarters, Infamy, Attractive (34 total)

Powers & Equipment: JL Communicator (1 ppr, Source: Super-Science), Super-Dex +6 (Extras: Strike, Combat Sense, 6 ppr, 36 total, Source: Training), Super-Charisma +10 (Power Stunts: +2 Intimidating Presence vs the Cowardly or Superstitious, Extras: Intimidating Presence, Super-Wisdom, Super-Intelligence, 6 ppr+2, 62 total, Source: Training), Gadgets +15 (1 ppr, 15 total, Source: Super-Science), Weapons (Batarangs) +4 (Mighty Thrown Weapon, 2 ppr, 8 total), Swinging +6 (Flaw: Device, 1 ppr, 6 total) (127 total)

Weakness: Quirk (Driven to fight crime, guilty about his parents, eternally angsty and mysterious)