Wonder Woman - PL18

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Wonder Woman, Princess Diana; PL 18 (270)

Init +3; Defense 25 (+10 dodge, +5 dex); Spd 30 ft, 60 ft Flight; Base Attack +13; Atk +17 melee (+18S Unarmed) or +18 ranged (Snare Lasso) or +18 ranged (+19S Tiara); SV Dmg +4 (17 Protection), Fort +4, Ref +15, Will +5; Str 18, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 (105 total)

Skills: Knowledge (Greek Mythology) 5/+6, Intimidate 4/+6, Move Silently 1/+16, Hide 1/+16, Pilot 1/+16, (6 total)

Feats: All Out Attack, Power Attack, Dodge, Attractive, Iron Will (10 total)

Powers & Equipment: Super-Strength +14 (Extras: Protection, 5 ppr, 70 total, Source: Mystic), Super-Dexterity +10 (Extras: Flight, 5 ppr, 50 total, Source: Mystic), Deflection +10 (Power Stunts: Effective vs Bullets, Extras: Automatic, Flaws: Device (Bracelets), Restricted (only Projectiles), 1 ppr, 10 total, Source: Mystic), Golden Lasso +14 (Snare & Mind Control, Flaws: Device, Only one Command (Speak the Truth), 1 ppr, 14 total, Source: Mystic), Armor +3 (1 ppr, 3 total, Source: Mystic), Weapon +1 (Tiara, Thrown) (Extras: Mighty Thrown Weapon, 2 ppr, 2 total, Source: Mystic) (149 total)