King of Clubs

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King of Clubs

Power Level: 10 Concept: Playing card Pyro Dual Identity: unknown Base of Operations: mobile Group affiliation: Royal Flush Gang Nationality: American occupation: supervillain height: 5'9" weight: 175 lbs eyes: green hair: black

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14 ( 23 total)

Init +7; Defense 16 (+3 base, +3 dex); Spd 30 ft; Base Attack +4 ; Atk +6/9 melee (+), Atk +9 ranged (+); SV Dmg +2/3, Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1;

Skills: (44 total) acrobatics +8, balance +8, jump +6, listen +6, sense motive +4, spot +6, taunt +6

Feats: (24 total) assessment, attack finesse, Attack focus (armed, Attack focus (energy blast), Attractive, dodge, evasion, improved initiative, leadership, point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot, multishot

Powers & Equipment: (41 total) Amazing save: reflex + 5 (source: training, 5 pp) Energy blast (fire) + 10 (source: mutation, 20 pp) weapon: Royal sceptre + 8s (source: science, 8 pp) hovercard vehicle (effect: flight +7; power stunt: move-by attack; flaw: device; source: superscience, 8 pp)