Killer Frost PL11

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Killer Frost

Power Level: 11 Concept: sociopathic heat vampire Dual Identity: Crystal Frost Base of Operations: mobile Group affiliation: the Secret Society Nationality: american occupation: supervillain height: 5'8 weight: 120 lbs eyes: blue hair: blue

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 13 (16 total)

Init +2; Defense 17 (+5 base, +2 dex); Spd 30 ft; Base Attack +6; Atk +6 melee (+), Atk +8 ranged (+); SV Dmg +7, Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1;

Skills: (28 total) acrobatics +8, taunt +5, profession (research scientist) +5, spot +5, listen +5

Feats: (16 total) aerial combat, attack focus (energy blast), dodge, expertise, move by attack, point blank shot, rapid shot, immunity: fire

Powers & Equipment: (102 total) Amazing save(reflex) +4 (source: training, 12 pp) extras: damage, fort Absorption (healing) + 10 (source: mutation, 30 pp) extra: boost (energy blast) flaw: limited- fire/heat only Energy control (cold) +10 (source: mutation, 60 pp extras: energy blast, ice shapes, flight, snare

weaknesses: Disturbing