Mad Hatter, The PL7

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THE MAD HATTER PL: 7, Wonderland's Mind Controller, Name: Jervis Tetch, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +2, DEF 16/14; SPEED 30; MELEE +8, RANGED +7, MENTAL +6, SV: DMG +1, FORT +1, REF +2, WILL +3; STR 10, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 18, WIS 13, CHA 8.

SKILLS: Computers* +9, Craft: Electronics +11, Diplomacy +2, Disable Dev* +11, Disguise +3, Gather Info +3, Hide +3, Innuendo* +2, Literature +6, Listen +3, Medicine* +3, Move Silent +3, Scientist +3, Repair* +13, Science: Biology +6, Science: Biochemistry +6, Science: Robotics +6, Sense Motive +6, Sleight/Hand* +6, Spot +3.

FEATS: Attack Focus, Imp. Grapple, Talented, Iron Will, All-Out Attack, Assessment.

POWERS: MIND CONTROL EQUIPMENT, Mind Control [+7], Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Touch Range, Flaw: Device, SUPER INTELLIGENCE [+4].

COST: abilities 15, combat 23, skills 32, feats 14, powers 21, weakness 0, total 105.