Mister Sinister PL20

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INIT: +6, DEF: 17/15; Base Speed 30/60/120; MELEE +7(7S Fist), RANGED +7(10S Energy Blast), MENTAL +10.

SAVES: DMG +5, FORT +5, REF +2, WILL +12;

ABILITIES: STR 14 (+7), DEX 14 (+2), CON 20 (+5), INT 20 (+10), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 20 (+10)

SKILLS: Bluff +15/5, Diplomacy +16/4, Disguise +17/5, Gather Info +15/5, Innuendo* +12/0, Intimidate +12/3, Knowledge: History +15/5, Listen +8/3, Medicine* +10/5, Scientist +10/5, Repair* +13/3, Science: Science: Genetics +22/12, Science: Engineering +15/5, Science: Chemistry +15/5, Science: Cloning +22/12, Science: Psychology +20/10, Sleight/Hand* +4/0, Taunt +12/.

FEATS: Accurate Attack, Assessment, Connected, Durability, Headquarters, Iron Will, Leadership, Minions, Photographic Memory, Power Attack, Psychic Awareness, Surprise Strike, Into thin Air, Confuse, Imp. Initiative, Immunity[Aging], Immunity[Disease].

POWERS: SUPER STRENGTH +5, [extras:Protection, Super Intelligence, Will Power, Super Charisma, Regneration, Regrowth; source: Super Science. TELEPATHY +10; [Mind Control, Memory Alteration, Neutralize, Nullification, Energy Blast, Force Field; source: Super Science. SHAPESHIFT +10; source: Super Science.