Batman - PL15

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Batman: PL 15;

Init +7 (Dex, Super-Dexterity); Defense 22 (15 flat footed); Spd 30 ft; Atk +13 melee (+3S unarmed), +13 ranged (+2L, shurikens); SV Dmg +7, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +7; Str 16, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 14

Skills: (synergies and super bonuses counted. +2 to Cha skills in Batsuit) Acrobatics 11, Bluff 7, Climb 5, Computer Use 9, Craft(Mechanical) 9, Diplomacy 8, Disable Device 9, Drive 10, Gather Information 10, Hide 13, Intimidate 12, Jump 10, Move Silently 13, Pilot 9, Repair 6, Science (criminology) 6, Sense Motive 12, Swim 5

Feats: Assessment, Attack Finesse, Connected, Dodge, Evasion, Expertise, Headquarters, Improved Disarm, Infamy, Instant Stand, Multishot, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Quickdraw, Rapid Shot, Rapid Takedown, Sidekicks (Alfred and Robin), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Startle, Super Vehicles, Suprise Strike, Takedown Attack, Talented (Move Silently, Hide)

Powers: Super Dexterity +2 [Extras: Super Wisdom, Innate; Source: Training; Cost 6 pp]

Equipment: (all devices, all super science) Commlink[Radio Hearing; Cost 1pp], Gadgets +8 [Cost 1pp], Shuriken [Weapon +2, Stunts: Obscure, Snare; Extra: Multifire; Cost 2pp], Armor +2 [Extras: Super Charisma, Intimidating Presence; Cost 3pp]

Weakness: Quirk (Driven): Batman's lifelong quest to avenge his parents' deaths leaves him without options for a normal life. If he is helplessly or otherwise idle while innocents are put in jeopardy he becomes brooding and dispondent.