Catwoman PL11

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Catwoman: PL 11;

Init +15 (Dex, Super-Dexterity); Defense 30 (15 flat footed); Spd 30 ft; Atk +10 melee (+3L Claws), +10 ranged; SV Dmg +17, Fort +3, Ref +17, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 18

Skills: (synergies and super bonuses counted. +2 to Climb, Move Silently in Catsuit. +3 Open Locks with lock picks) Acrobatics 22, Balance 23, Bluff 9, Climb 4, Computers 4, Diplomacy 8, Escape Artist 16, Forgery 4, Gather Information 4, Handle Animal 9, Intimidate 6, Jump 8, Knowledges (all untrained) 5, Listen 3, Move Silently 22, Open Lock 21, Sciences (Archaeology, Psychology, Zoology) 6, Sciences (all others untrained) 5, Search 4, Sense Motive 7, Taunt 6

Feats: Assessment, Attack Finesse, Attractive, Dodge, Evasion, Lightning Reflexes, Photographic Memory, Talented (Move Silently, Open Lock ) Powers: Super Dexterity +10 [Extras: Innate; Source: Training; Cost 5 pp]

Equipment: (all devices, all super science) Scientific Genius +3 [Extra: Utility Belt; Cost 2pp]