Doctor Strange PL20
Doctor Strange: PL 20;
Init +2 (Dex); Defense 17 (15 flat footed); Spd 100ft Levitate; Atk +6 melee (+1S hand to hand), +7 ranged (+20S Eldritch Blast); SV Dmg +2, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 14
Skills: (synergies and disturbing counted) Bluff 2, Concentration 10, Diplomacy 6, Gather Information 4, Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Occult) 10, Medicine 10, Sense Motive 10, Sleight of Hand 9, Taunt 4
Feats: Assessment, Connected, Detect (Magic), Expertise, Headquarters, Leadership, Trance
Powers: Sorcery +20 [Energy Blast, Force Field (shield others), Levitate, Mind Control, Telepathy; Extra: Astral Projection; Stunt: Obscure; Flaw: Focus; Source: Training; Total Cost 202pp]
Equipment: see notes
Weakness: Disturbing
I notice when doing research on him, that many of his powers actually require focuses... and I don't want to seperate the magician from the magic so these should not be device flawed off.. but rather focus dependant. If the cape is in his possession he can levitate.. if the eye is there he can mind control, dimensional travel, etc. All these things help him to become the sorcerer supreme. Make no mistake though... the power is HIS. A typical focus would have like Arcane Lock, Eternal, or Spirit Bond... and maybe the Mystic Knowledge flaw. Mix it up. Doc Strange has a library full of crazy stuff... and due to the broadness of Sorcery itself he can cast a multitude of spells. Thing is to determine which ones carry what focuses if any.