Session 137

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Chapter 15

[INFO] Now logging to <file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/>.
<Knockwood> did you guys see I started a Who's Who page on the Wiki?
<Angelo> no

  • Angelo run to the wiki!!!!!

<lazarus> we have a wiki? :p
<Knockwood> the Wiki, Laz. Honestly, I swear nobody sees the thing...
<Knockwood> Actually... any chance you still have the old logs around somewhere?
<Angelo> we have an AP 3ad too
<Knockwood> We're missing the session where we landed in Mexico and fought off the first Shard there
<Angelo> that have way more visibility
<lazarus> unfortunately not. I did send them to RN before my computers toasted back then.
<Knockwood> Angelo: a what?
<Angelo> AP= Actual play 3ad= thread
<Angelo> AP page:
<lazarus> hi beth!
<BethE> Hi guys! *HUGS* How are you?
<Angelo> Hi Beth
<BethE> Sorry we're late. RN was on Warhammer and I was on Warcraft.  :)
<Knockwood> Hiya Beth
<lazarus> been better x_x ... just woke up half an hour ago x_x
<Angelo> Me fine
<Knockwood> I'm OK
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<Knockwood> Hiya RN
<Angelo> Hi RN!
<Knockwood> I was telling them that I put together a Who's Who page:
<BethE> Ooo!
<Knockwood> ...and also that we're missing the session where we first landed in Mexico, and fought the first Shard
<Random_Nerd> The freemind relationship map is about 1/3rd done.
<BethE> Holy cow , you even alphabetized...
<Knockwood> Well, that's actually the output of a database
<Angelo> great RN!
<lazarus> I'm terrified to see what the relationship map will show us.
<lazarus> ... by the way, in-setting, would that be the kind of thing the Aides could make and update?
<lazarus> "Sir, Noble X wants to speak with you" "Who's he again?" "preppy guy. You hate him." "Oh yeah! That guy!"
<Random_Nerd> They keep theirs in their oracle, but yeah.
<BethE> They probably have something like that downloaded into their brains...
<Angelo> I'm sure the Aidee and the cams have better that this rel maps
<Knockwood> RN, Beth, think you can locate that session log, though? It would be #61
<Random_Nerd> Let's see, what was happening in that one?
<BethE> I'll look. That might be one that got lost in computer crashes.
<Knockwood> RN: we landed in Mexico, met the locals, and fought the first Shard, apparently
<Angelo> the one bee storyline full of bee?
<BethE> THe Snow storyline, I think. Her intro.
<Knockwood> Beth's got it. And I just noticed a blooper in the Who's Who... Lesson is listed as the 'De fecto' leader of the Bureau
<Angelo> ohhh, ok
<Random_Nerd> Also, you spelled Tpyo wrong. Even before his apotheosis, he was a Tpyo Fairy, not a Typo Fairy.
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, we should get going. I think I've found my copy of the log, as does Beth.
<BethE> So it needs to be sent to you, Knock, or put up on the wiki?
<Random_Nerd> Oh, no, this is the log for my other Nobilis game, years ago.
<Knockwood> put it on the Wiki, then I'll continue the list from there
<Knockwood> oh
<Random_Nerd> But Beth found hers.
<Knockwood> oh, good...
<Knockwood> is it the right one, though? You've got a different one posted as #61
<BethE> Hmm, I'll check while we set up.
<Knockwood> and 'Typo fairy' is more of a title, really...
<Random_Nerd> Okay, now, let's see.
<Random_Nerd> Was there anything you guys wanted to do before you get summoned by Ha'Qadosh?
<Random_Nerd> Other than get a hot dog?
<Angelo> stay away from Gnomely?
<Random_Nerd> (And, my tip is that you do not buy any food that was cooked by ogres.)
<Random_Nerd> (ESPECIALLY sausages.)
<Knockwood> wonder what the heck's with Ftisk :)
<Angelo> lol
<Angelo> why do you wonder?
<BethE> (Crap, I am missing it. And thus why it's not in the wiki. *pokes around* Maybe I can email Sara...)
<Knockwood> (Did wonder if there was a translation issue...
<Knockwood> (I wonder if romantic love and familial love are different words in Italian?)
<Angelo> no is one word in Italian
<Angelo> and translate with love in the dictionaries I searched
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Theresa> Makes for great drama.  :)
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Angelo> but I like bloodhand (re)actions to the L word...
<Theresa> (Plus, it's very possible that an Imperator might not tell his Nobles all of Entropy's rules.)
<Random_Nerd> And now Gnomely's poor little mechanical heart has been broken.
<Random_Nerd> And filled with locusts.
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<Angelo> <g>
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> __________START__________
<Ftisk> (ah, Dante, Gnomely ask you to live a bit into your place, is this clear?)
<DanteE> (Live in the Tower, you mean?)
<Random_Nerd> (So, where will you be waiting for H'Q, where you were, or looking for a more comfortable place?)
<Ftisk> (Yes, where Dante stay)
<Ftisk> (in the antechamber is ok for me)
<Theresa> (Where we are is good for me.)
<Brian> (here's fine)
<Brian> (doesn't do too well to get too comfortable when Entropy's nearby)
<Random_Nerd> Since you're no longer in line, one of the ogre servants has led you to a few piles of cow skulls, surrounding a table.

  • Gnomely look around absorbing all the new exciting details of the place

<Theresa> (Are they cleaned cow skulls?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah. Polished, even.)
<Theresa> (Snazzy.)

  • DanteE sits on a skull...

  • Ftisk float to a seat

  • Theresa will take a graceful seat on a pile of bones. "Well, we survived another Council meeting."

<Random_Nerd> The piles are the most comfortable piles of skulls you've ever sat on.
<DanteE> "Yeah, but we have more Duties now."

  • Brian remains standing

<Ftisk> "There is ever this... fallout?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "From the locust thing?"
<Brian> "no one gets out of the council unscathed."
<Ftisk> "The locust, the duty... yes"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "You got him in a good mood."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Or, at least, a lazy mood."

  • Gnomely ignore the snail being and stay near DanteE

<DanteE> "Ftisk, you basically canNOT say you love anyone or anything in front of Entropy.

  • Ftisk ponder "And this is a good mood for Entropy..."

  • Ftisk float a bit lower

<Ftisk> "I know... but... is complicated with him"
<Theresa> "The last time we were in front of the Council, we later got a bunch of people out of Hell and into our Chancel. I'm not sure where this ranks versus that."
<Brian> "Or in front of anyone that Entropy might ask"
<Brian> "Better: we don't have any dead mouths to feed. yet."
<DanteE> "Give it time..."
<Ftisk> "So 'till now I pursued a dangerous way to live in your chancell. I apologize for that"
<Theresa> "It's okay. You're a Noble. Did your Imperator ever talk to you about Entropy?"
<Random_Nerd> A nimblejack dressed as a waiter scuttle-flickers over to the table, and puts several menus on the cow-femur surface in front of you.
<Gnomely> "So am I a fault then? Do you need to apologize for ME?"

  • DanteE reads a menu...

  • DanteE makes sure no one else is around...

<Brian> "I'll just take a red wine."
<DanteE> to Gnomely: "He can love, he just can't show or admit it."
<Ftisk> @Gnomely "We'll speak of this later... please G"
<Random_Nerd> They have things that are made out of dead cows, and other things that are made out of dead cows, and that's about it.

  • Theresa scans the menu. "I'll have a plate of the sliders, please."

<DanteE> "Got some pieces of dead pig to top the dead cow with?"
<Random_Nerd> Each of you, except Gnomely, feels a tugging sensation, as if invisible hands were trying to pull you up and to the left of where you're sitting.
<Random_Nerd> The nimblejack shakes its head (Well, its head seems to be facing one way, and then the other, in rapid succession) and points at the menu.
<Theresa> *to Gnomely* "To Entropy, love is a false thing. A weakness. And we're in a War. And he's In Charge. Which means that if he finds he did...of loving feelings tween a Noble and anyone else...he takes actions. And they are usually messy.
<Random_Nerd> The tug happens again, a little stronger.
<Brian> "I think we're being summoned"

  • Theresa thanks the waiter and heads toward the tugging.

<Ftisk> "I believe we are called"
<Random_Nerd> It happens a third time, yanking each of you up through the bone ceiling. The ribcages and spines making up the ceiling splinter as you're pulled through them.
<Gnomely> "But but"
<DanteE> "That was ... efficient..."
<Random_Nerd> The last thing you see before you're pulled away is the nimblejack waiter shrugging and handing Gnomely the menu.
<Brian> "That ... was an interesting experience. I doubt I want to recreate that sensation..."
<Ftisk> "is a good travel method"
<Random_Nerd> You find yourselves in a dark area that smells like a sweaty predator.
<DanteE> (What are HQ's domains?)
<Random_Nerd> The smell of musk and damp fur fills the air. Anyone with Aspect 1 or better can see the dead-dog shape of Ha'Quadosh on the floor.
<Ftisk> (pun, travel, ???)
<Random_Nerd> (Not a matter of public record.)
<Theresa> "You summoned us, m'lord?"
<Random_Nerd> (Ananda's and Entropy's are known. H'Q and Surolam don't have nobles, so it's harder to tell.)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Yes."
<DanteE> "You know, you could have just rang."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "You have a private matter to discuss with me?"
<Random_Nerd> He ignores Dante, but the damp panther smell grows stronger.
<Brian> "Dante, don't prod the predatory Imperator..."
<DanteE> (Who wants to take the lead?)
<Ftisk> (I wasn't there )
<Brian> (not me: brian's holding his tongue on "you're the one that wanted to meet with us...")
<DanteE> "Well, two now."
<Theresa> (What were we going to talk to him about?)
<Ftisk> (Theresa maybe? /poke Theresa)
<DanteE> "First... Barakiel's familia has asked us to speak with you about his plan for the end of the age...
<Brian> (oh yeah!)
<Ftisk> (/me take COVER!)
<DanteE> "Specifically... he wants to bring a motion before the Council to have Attaris executed."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "If it was possible to recreate the world in such a way that I would be shocked and surprised by that, I would do so now."
<DanteE> "And he asked us to discuss it with you."
<DanteE> "...beg your pardon?"
<Theresa> "You're incapable of being surprised? Wow..."
<Brian> "I believe this is better than his other plan, which also involved killing an Imperator. I think the guy's bloodthirsty."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "And he thinks I'll go along with this? Angels. They think that just because the Wild does not value sanity in the way they do, that we have no problem with stupidity."
<Brian> "For what it's worth, I think the guy doesn't have much grip on reality..."
<Brian> "but we agreed to talk to you about it."
<DanteE> "It's born of desperation."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "And, let's see. Does he have Entropy on his side?"
<DanteE> to the others: "Does he have anyone on his side in this?"
<Theresa> "I don't believe so. I think he thought the Code of our Imperator might make you more favorable to listening to us."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Surolam will never accept it. Entropy might, and Ananda, who knows?"
<DanteE> "You should also know: a fragment of Attaris told us the events starting the End of the Age will begin (whenever), or immediately if Ananda dies. And we _can't_ go into details, we have none."
<Brian> (weren't we supposed to make up some cool story about that?)
<DanteE> (_if asked_.)

  • Ftisk aspect listen!

<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "So, let's see. If I support it, it would probably pass. Even if Ananda doesn't like it, he wouldn't vote against Entropy. Likewise, if I don't, it won't get through unless Entropy /and/ Ananda support it."
<Random_Nerd> The smell shifts from panther to bear.
<DanteE> (I can't lie, but when necessary I can weasel.)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "So, is it a good plan?"
<Brian> "I think it's a foolish plan"
<DanteE> "I think Barakiel is desperate, and doesn't see any other possibility.
<Theresa> "It's killing the Imperator of an Age. That's all we know about it, not specific details. In the thought that in killing her, it will prevent the coming of the next age or of someone worse becoming Imperator of the age."
<Brian> "Time is meant to march on, ages are meant to change, and killing Attaris will keep us locked in this War forever."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "If I oppose this, and make it clear that I am doing so, what is he likely to do next?"
<DanteE> "Though that was before Sakharoth's reappearance..."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "His type always has another plan."
<Brian> "I suspect his next plan would be to kill either us or you. Or possibly some uninvolved third party."
<DanteE> "Well... if you do so publicly, Attaris might ... react."
<Theresa> "We're not sure. His Nobles work well and hard for him. He could go after Ananda anyhow. He could defect. He could kiss Entropy in the middle of a Council meeting and cause Creation to implode."
<Theresa> (Why kill us?)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Now, Lords of the Ages have died twice. Neither was within their own age, but Ebrot Appeka was on the very edge of his."
<Brian> (we failed him, and his plans involve killing people without thinking that through?)
<Theresa> (He kills us, he's going to get Kudzu in his grill.)
<Random_Nerd> (Mmm! Kudzu steaks!)
<Ftisk> (@Brian: these are good reason!)
<Brian> (that's the not thinking it through part)
<DanteE> (Attaris also said whoever breaks open Entropy gets mad cosmic power...)
<Brian> "I won't lie: I don't know what he would do next, and I don't know if we can handle him if he completes his break with reality."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Does he have some reason to believe that Attaris will be replaces in her turn, just as she replaced the original Ebrot?"
<Brian> (... ok, that might not have been the safest wording in the world for Brian to use, but... yaknow...)
<DanteE> (Hey, _I'm_ supposed to talk without thinking! :) )
<Brian> (far as I-theplayer- know, just hope to answer that question)
<DanteE> "Don't think so. Didn't mention any."
<Theresa> "Don't know. He's very against the War and losing more of the people he is connected with."
<Brian> "Just hope."
<DanteE> (Who's missing.)
<Theresa> (*cough*)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Tell him... that I will take this under advisement, but have not yet made up my mind."
<DanteE> (Any chance of Etheric coming back?)
<Random_Nerd> (Not that I know of, but I haven't asked in a while.)
<Brian> (... so that's why Hope disappeared. Barakiel needed Imperial-class Hope, so had to absorb the Noble x_x)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Imply, if you can, that I favor it, but will turn against him if he pressures me."
<Brian> (I've seen Etheric online a bunch, but haven't chatted, haven't asked)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "If you can, tell this to Barakiel himself, and not the Power of Consequences."
<Theresa> "Got it."
<DanteE> (Attaris's rule pretty much coincides with the entire War, right?)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Stall him long enough for me to work out a way to discover what his next plan would be."
<Brian> "We'll do what we can."
<Random_Nerd> (The War started at just about the same time as Attaris replaced the original Ebrot as Imperator of the Third Age.)
<Random_Nerd> (But about a year before Attaris' Age actually began._
<DanteE> "I think his logic is, since Attaris' rule coincides with the War, eliminating him might stop it."
<Brian> (It coincides enough that at least one of our PCs believe the end of the Age to be the end of the War)
<Theresa> (eliminating her)
<Brian> "My belief, which you're free to ignore of course, is that the Age corresponds to the War, not the ruling Imperator per se."
<DanteE> "What... ah... happened... between Attaris and Eprot Appeka?
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "We don't know. I wasn't actually there, but I was active in Imperial society when it happened."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Attaris had been around for a while. We knew she was an Imperator, but not the type, and she didn't have any Nobles."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Ebrot Appeka, the Angel, had been around for Ages. We all knew that he was the Imperator of the Third Age."
<Ftisk> "can't be Attaris a mimic?"
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Then Attaris says she's a Wildlord. Reasonable enough, she showed up at about the right time for that. But she calls herself Attaris Ebrot Appeka."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "And the original Ebrot just crumbles."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "If she's a mimic, then there is no Third Age."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "The Estates that a Mimic had before it died are lost."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "So, in a very real sense, if she's a Mimic, then we are not having this conversation."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "And all of you do not exist, nor did you ever."
<Brian> "Dreams of a Lost Age"
<DanteE> "... but Mimics can create pseudo-Estates that are 'close' to the originals. Could this be a near-Third-Age?"
<Brian> (... sorry ...)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "It could be. We don't know what that would mean, or how we would be able to tell."
<Brian> "Hm."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Maybe that's why the Excrucians can come in. Maybe they aren't."
<Ftisk> "Can be a twisted 3th age this then."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Maybe they never were, and we've been Out There ever since the start of the Age."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "But it wouldn't be twisted, it would in a very real sense be nonexistent."
<Theresa> "But who could _tell_?"
<Brian> "From what I gather, the Excrucians want the Domains for themselves, which causes the Domains to be Outside. They'd be having a Third Age if Attaris is a Mimic."
<Brian> "... I guess the answer comes to Go Outside?"
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "That's the problem! If it's true, then there's no way to tell because there's no one who /could/ tell. Maybe, if the Fourth Age starts, we'd be able to tell in retrospect."

  • Brian hopeful puppy eyes

<DanteE> "Which leads to the second thing. Now that we've been 'deputized', what do we do?"
<Random_Nerd> H'Q, to Brian: "Yes, most likely. Perhaps there should be some powerful Imperator attempting to investigate the Outside."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "It'd probably help if he was in a position of great authority. And he'll need dupes, pawns, intelligent but expendable servants to send into danger."

  • Brian does a grin "that sounds like fun"

<Ftisk> "We are already investigating outside"
<Random_Nerd> He waves a rotting paw.
<Ftisk> on outside
<DanteE> "Of course, Entropy just bugged our probe..."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Indeed."
<Random_Nerd> (That, to Ftisk.)

  • Theresa wants to smack Brian on the back of the head for wanting to go Outside but there is just no stopping Brian...

<Ftisk> (/me puppy eye defense!)
<DanteE> (Puppy eyes on stalks don't really work, Ftisk... :) )
<Ftisk> (/me sadddddd)
<Ftisk> ( :-P )
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "So, really, what you're telling Barakiel for me isn't even false."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "If the conspiracy theory situation is true, then we need to kill Attaris now, or preferably five thousand years ago."
<Brian> (I /almost/ wanted to say FANTASTIC!)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "But if it's false, then there's a pretty good chance that we'd be destroying the world."
<Theresa> (I can see puppy eyes on stalks working. They would be really big and sad.)
<DanteE> "It's desperation. Stop the War at all costs."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "So I need information. Information about Attaris, about the Outside, and how it works. About what happened at the end of the Second Age. You aren't the only ones I have looking into these things, but you don't need to know the others."
<Ftisk> (*IF* we destroy the world will it reboot?)
<Random_Nerd> (Only one way to find out!)
<Ftisk> (let's try then!!!)
<DanteE> (That's UA, Ftisk)
<Theresa> (Luc G. is the Comte de Germaine?)
<DanteE> (Y'know, that would make sense...)
<Brian> (I wonder how much power it takes to make a Creation?)
<Random_Nerd> (All of it.)
<DanteE> "To that end, then...
<DanteE> "The day Sakharoth reappeared and Jeris was attacked, there were other signs about information crossing the Wall...
<Theresa> "I guess we should meet Attaris in person, then."
<DanteE> "Including something like a 'dream' from our own resident Wildlord.
<DanteE> "On that day... did you 'receive' anything?"
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "I did not. Nothing unusual, at least. I believe that, because of whatever happened with the possibly-false Urbanization, he is in a unique situation."
<DanteE> ((Ding!) What if you get that from contact with something from Outside?)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "If we don't get answers on this, it could be the end of the world. Or worse, it could be that the world ended a long time ago, and we'll get a chance to bring it back."
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "And the only people working on it are crazy. Barakiel and his lot. Me. You."
<Brian> "Hey. I resemble that remark."
<Theresa> "Sanity is a crutch, sir."
<Random_Nerd> Ha'Qadosh's rotting canine body rears back and howls.
<DanteE> (That's it, we'll get all the Wildlords together and have them hash it out. Granted, we'd probably get nothing more than an amazing production of Rocky Horror, but still...)
<Theresa> (Don't dream it, _be_ it!)
<Ftisk> (wake up neo)
<DanteE> (OK, Greater Creation of Brilliant Idea time...)
<Theresa> "The Ash exists. That's enough for me at the moment."
<Brian> (Dante: that just leads us to What Would the Doctor Do? ... and that's just not a good thing)
<Ftisk> (well we have a lead . Time to warp up to next scene? To Barakiel chancell)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q, calming down: "The Ash existed, at one point. We know that."

  • Theresa wonders if we are the equivalent of a bad pepperoni pizza to said dreaming deity.

<DanteE> (Waaaaait a minute... if Theresa fires off a Greater Div at Yggdrasil...
<Brian> (Let's do the Time Warp again...)
<Theresa> (The Ash isn't in my domain.)
<Brian> (then T will get back likely what she's expecting anyway)
<DanteE> (Oh yeah.)
<Ftisk> (hey! I just finished pizza: broccoli, pepperoni, gorgonzola and salami!)
<Theresa> (The Ash is the mother of Imperators. The Ash can fry my butt and toast marshmellows for baby Serpents on it.)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "I've given you a little authority. Use it well, and I'll back you up. Use it poorly, or waste my time, and... I don't even really have to punish you. Anything that worsens our chances..."
<Brian> (oh right, we get to name-drop H'Q when hunting for Outside Information now! We're like Acolytes of the Inquisition, but with more power, and more likely to be brain-fried)
<DanteE> (Ftisk: You're in Italy. You have corn-flake pizza for breakfast. :) )
<DanteE> (Did we get Badges?)
<Ftisk> ( :-P nooo just pepperoni pizza for the breakfast)
<Ftisk> (we get a tattoo)
<Random_Nerd> (He marked you on your hands, with his heraldic design.)
<Brian> (so we do have a rosette of sorts)
<DanteE> "Other than the Great Quest, any specific orders? Guidance on the next step?"
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "You know what I need, you know the stakes. Serve me in this, not because of the power I have over you, but because I'm right."
<Theresa> "We will do our best...not because you demand it of us, but that is what we owe to the Universe."
<DanteE> (Anyone else want to say something?)
<Ftisk> (none)
<Random_Nerd> H'Q: "Then you do your job, and I'll do mine."
<DanteE> "By the way... if we send Gnomely back across the wall, what will the locusts do?"
<Brian> (gotta run Sara's wrist-braces to her)
<Random_Nerd> His bloated corpse starts inhaling deeply, until you can hear its lungs bursting inside it, and then he exhales with great force.
<Brian> (back in roughly 10-15 minutes)
<Ftisk> (good question, but I was planning to remove the locust)
<Random_Nerd> (See you then.)
<Random_Nerd> In some ways, it's the normal huff-puff-blow-house-down routine, except that doesn't normally come with a spray of tiny bits of rotting canine flesh.
<Random_Nerd> It does the same job, though, and blows you all with great force back to your table.
<DanteE> (Don't think you can, Ftisk. They were placed there by an Imperator-plus-level being...)
<Ftisk> (I'll try a lest)
<DanteE> "Check please."
<Random_Nerd> ('You can try.')
<Ftisk> (Sure! Go to destroy an anchor!))
<Theresa> (Shall we do so back at Amyra or are you going to eviscerate him on the table?)
<Ftisk> "We return to Amyra or go directly to Barakiel's chancel?"

  • DanteE gets into a proper sitting position...

<Theresa> "We'll probably have to go back home to get to Jupiter anyhow."
<DanteE> "Maybe... we can go somewhere where we can get a decent view of The Wall.
<Ftisk> "Ok, back home, I want to try to fix Gnomely"

  • Gnomely cold eye "..."

<DanteE> "Either that, or go and get ourselves loaded for bear. Or just loaded..."
<DanteE> (Possibly spend some char points)
<Ftisk> (sure gift: survive turning of an age.... points 666)
<Theresa> "How much alcohol would it take to get you drunk, Dante?"
<DanteE> "No idea."
<Theresa> (Scene change?)

  • Ftisk lc video device inside Gnomely to see the locusts + lc video receiving panel

<DanteE> (Sure.)
<Ftisk> (ok for me. the lc can be done in the new scene)
<Random_Nerd> The locusts buzz and shiver inside him. In the part of his body they were stuck in, there's only barely room for them.
<Random_Nerd> (Cut to the meeting room?)
<DanteE> (OK)
<Ftisk> (OK)
<Theresa> (Ok.)
<Random_Nerd> They aren't really locusts, not the insects of that name. They resemble them, in the same sort of way that a nimblejack resembles a human or a crab.
<Ftisk> (but they are confined into a restrict place. not spread into all the body, right?)
<Random_Nerd> Each one has, on its back, a raised welt, like a blister that somehow appeared on its hard and shiny shell. At the middle of this welt is a dried drop of blood.
<Random_Nerd> (Correct.)

  • Ftisk pass around the visor to anyone that want see

<DanteE> (Can we do any sort of Div on them?)
<Ftisk> "I want try to create a new body. Do a memory registration and then dump it into the new body"
<Random_Nerd> (Only Ftisk can, since they're inside the body of his anchor.)
<DanteE> "What will happen to your Anchor-bond?"
<Ftisk> "uhm... I believe the anchor property is metaphysical and will pass to the new one..."
<DanteE> "Well, you can rebuild him. You have the technology. Actually, you are the technology.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "The machine, the one I worked for a while. Is your anchor here, now, or there, as well?"
<DanteE> "I'd say make him better, stronger, faster... definitely tougher, because he's going across the wall."
<Ftisk> "If you transplant a head from one anchor body to another not anchor body...the anchor who is?"
<Ftisk> "Sam, Will, maybe can have some info on this"
<Ftisk> "Right Dante a Gnomely upgrade is indeed a good idea"
<Random_Nerd> Will: "The memories aren't the same thing as the soul. Souls are real. I've seen them."
<Random_Nerd> Will: "But where is the soul in a mechanical gnome located? I don't know."
<DanteE> "Did you give Gnomely a soul, Ftisk?"

  • DanteE goes over and opens Gnomely up...

<Ftisk> "Don't know... I created it as a IA, but then anchored him. Can a soul develop from anchoring?"

  • Gnomely trust Dante

<Random_Nerd> William: "Maybe one developed, or maybe one showed up. Some soul not pure enough for Heaven, or cruel enough for Hell."
<DanteE> Describe the inside of Gnomely's torso?
<Random_Nerd> (What does the inside look like, Ftisk?)
<DanteE> "One of you... gimme a sample dish from the Science department. We might have a few lying around, actually.
<Ftisk> there are electrical components, some pistons and idraulic things
<Ftisk> a pair of status leds... like a cross between a pc and a car
<DanteE> (and a cage of locusts... with just a touch of the blood from Entropy's hands)
<Ftisk> (like a mini gundam)
<Ftisk> (the cage is visible? or is a metaphor/spirit thing?)
<Random_Nerd> (You don't see something visible that looks like a cage, when prosaically viewing the inside.)
<Theresa> "Don't try to take out a locust to study it, Dante. He might not be happy about the change in environment. Or worse, he might mate."
<DanteE> "Not a locust. Blood.
<Random_Nerd> Sam scurries off.
<Brian> (b)
<DanteE> "Think about it: what's the biggest tangible wild card in Creation?"
<Gnomely> "All my high order processors are in the head, maybe just moving the head into another body will suffice..."
<Ftisk> "Entropy?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Ymera Attaris Ebrot Appeka."
<Theresa> "A Wildlord that just doesn't _care_."
<DanteE> "Ftisk got it."
<Ftisk> (/me take cookie)
<DanteE> "At least, Entropy is the biggest wildcard who's left blood in our gnome."

  • Gnomely look at Dante "?" in the eyes

<Ftisk> "and...?"

  • DanteE takes a sample...

<Random_Nerd> William: "Entropy worries me less. Entropy is... consistent. Reliable."
<Theresa> "I don't wanna clone Entropy..."
<DanteE> "Who volunteers to find out where it came from?"
<Random_Nerd> (Takes a sample how?)
<DanteE> (Entropy's hands were on and in the Gnome. There should be at least some drops of blood either on or in him.0
<Ftisk> "I can analyze the blood, the physical properties a least"
<Random_Nerd> (But are you cutting Gnomely open to get at the blood, or what?)

  • Gnomely shouting at Ftsik "Just because I let Dante touch me don't mean _you_ can do that!

<DanteE> (I've already opened up his torso)
<Ftisk> (the drop aren't dried on Gnomely's shell?)
<Ftisk> the external shell is removable (with some screw+screwdriver)
<Random_Nerd> Getting blood from the outside, or from the locusts?
<DanteE> Wherever I can get it.

  • Ftisk lc a screwdriver, pass it to Dante and explain where to use it

<DanteE> "If you think about it... the start of the age was heralded by two things: the appearance of Attaris Ebrot Appeka, and the rise of Entropy."
<Random_Nerd> The blood not on the locusts is easier to get at.
<DanteE> "I'm thinking, we need to know about both to understand the age's end."
<DanteE> "Ftisk, can you get any information on these bugs?"
<Brian> "I think that's dangerous ground, Dante"
<Ftisk> "I can try"
<DanteE> "Brian, we _live_ on dangerous ground.
<Gnomely> "How if it (Ftisk) will ever _care_"
<Theresa> "But Entropy was already around. And if he wasn't powerful at that time already, who would have allowed him on the Council?"
<Brian> "Yeah, but most of it will just kill us outright, not torture us for a thousand years for fun, then forget about us"
<DanteE> "And we'll be traipsing all over dangerous ground for our new mission.
<Random_Nerd> Sam arrives with the dish.

  • Ftisk ldiv anything I can on the locust inside Gnomely

  • DanteE takes the dish, and puts whatever blood he can collect in it.

<Random_Nerd> (LDiv of Data, or Machinery?)
<DanteE> (How long have Sam & William been with us IC?)
<Ftisk> to Will: "Before I forget, can you do a research for all the wild Imperator the Aidee know of that have exit the creation?"
<Random_Nerd> (Month and a half, two months.)
<Ftisk> (both)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I can give you that list right now."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "There. Done."
<Ftisk> (no one on the list?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yep.)
<Ftisk> (... :-( )
<DanteE> "Creation seems to have appeal..."
<Brian> (the Wildlords check in ... but they don't check out *glasses*)
<Ftisk> to Sam: "Know mimic or deceiver then?"
<DanteE> "OK, how about Wildlords either we or the Aides are on good terms with?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Define 'good terms.'"
<Random_Nerd> (What did Ftisk mean, when asking that?)
<DanteE> "That we can talk to without getting eaten, disintegrated, or turned into dessert tortes?"
<Ftisk> (If the Aidee know any info on some named deceiver or mimic)
<DanteE> (Imperator-level?)
<Ftisk> (well shard is better but...)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "We don't have anything on known Mimics."
<DanteE> (What kind of Shard did we meet in NY?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Known Mimics... tend not to last very long."
<Ftisk> (was a warmain I think)
<Random_Nerd> (Warmain.)
<Ftisk> "and on Deceivers?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "As for Deceivers, we have some records on them or their shards, when they've run into Nobles that we work for."
<DanteE> (jinx)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But our files on them are patchy."
<Ftisk> "Can I have a copy of these? I think will be help full outside"
<DanteE> (What about Ftisk's Div on the bugs?)
<Ftisk> (right! I forgot I do this!)
<Random_Nerd> (They do not fall under either estate.)
<Random_Nerd> (They are not machines, and contain no meaningful information.)

  • DanteE puts the collected blood on the table...

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, you can tell that they don't have DNA, with the Data divination.)
<Random_Nerd> (And you can tell that it isn't that they have anchorlike immunity, they just aren't part of either estate.)
<DanteE> "Let's see, does your Gnome have a detachable head?"
<Ftisk> "As all good design Gnomely is modular"
<DanteE> to Gnome: "Brace yourself..."

  • DanteE pops his head off.

  • Gnomely shout close the eyes!

<DanteE> "Sorry." closes his eyes.
<Ftisk> "with brute force? not unlocking it!?!"
<DanteE> (Ah, I assumed I took proper care not to actually damage Gnomely?)
<Random_Nerd> One of the locusts walks through Gnomely's metal flesh, and onto Dante's right arm.
<Ftisk> (and the other 6?)
<DanteE> (uhoh...)
<Random_Nerd> The other ones follow, and stare at him. Their eyes, as all can see, are not insectoid.
<Random_Nerd> Rather, they look like a very tiny version of human eyes.
<Theresa> "Uh, hi?"
<Theresa> (Are we going to have the Sad Locust Look now?)
<Brian> "I'm going to my office now..."
<Ftisk> "(lol!)

  • Brian does so.

  • Brian quickly.

  • Ftisk stare with disbelief

<Ftisk> (DanteE is sacrosanct?)
<DanteE> (Yep...)
<DanteE> (Did I disturb the cage?)
<Ftisk> "H... Hi"
<Random_Nerd> (There wasn't a visible cage, they were just inside a particular hollow inside Gnomely. Now, although the hollow is intact, they've walked through his flesh and onto your arm.)
<DanteE> (they?)
<Ftisk> (there are 2 locusts)
<DanteE> (Wait, all of the locusts are on my arm?)
<Random_Nerd> (All of them followed the first one.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yep.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Nobody say the word that begins in L and ends in us getting eaten by locusts, please."
<DanteE> ... following the head?
<DanteE> "... We're allowed to say Entropy is a sneaky bastard, right?"
<Ftisk> "Weeeeeel, now I do a new body for Gnomely"
<Random_Nerd> The locusts continue to stare at Dante.
<DanteE> "It won't help, Ftisk.
<Ftisk> "I think they are following the head
<Ftisk> "

  • DanteE puts the head back on the body...

<Random_Nerd> One of them makes little chittering noises.
<Random_Nerd> They crawl down, onto the surface of the head, but continue to watch Dante with their incongruous eyes.
<Theresa> (Have I mentioned how much I love Sam? ^^ )

  • Ftisk GrDis to make the strongest body possible for Gnomely (is a word)

<Random_Nerd> (Doing a greater divination to make a body in what way?)
<DanteE> "The locusts will follow the head, Ftisk. And they can probably eat the new one just as well as the old one."
<Ftisk> "Is to better resist outside the weirding wall"
<DanteE> "Tell you what... who volunteers to make sure Ftisk is familiar with The Rules?"
<Ftisk> (Greather Distruction )
<Ftisk> (Machinery 4 + 4 DMP)
<Random_Nerd> One of the locusts, the one that moved first, looks at Dante once more, makes a 'click-click' noise, and then stares at Gnomely.
<DanteE> (you want a Greater Creation, Ftisk, unless you intend to wipe Gnomely out)
<Random_Nerd> (Ah, a Greater Destruction with included Creation?)
<Random_Nerd> (To remove the old body, and make a new one, as one act?)
<Ftisk> (i believe I can use a greather level miracle to strengthen the creation)
<Ftisk> (yes RN)
<Random_Nerd> (And I'll assume that you're throwing in an included Greater Preservation, too.)
<DanteE> (Does he need a Greater to make the body, though?)
<Random_Nerd> (Depends on what he wants it to be like.)
<DanteE> (Oh, wait, this came up when he was first created.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, he needs at least Lesser Change power to make him.)
<Ftisk> (when he was created I used a change to make it sentient)
<Random_Nerd> (And this way, it'll add to the miracle level that would be needed to remove the Preservation.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, what do you want Gnomely's new body to look like?)
<Ftisk> (uhm)
<DanteE> (Don't forget it's also sort of a diplomat)
<DanteE> (so, no spikes, skulls, et cetera. :) )
<Ftisk> (same layout as before, but more finely done)
<Brian> (stronger? better? faster?)
<Ftisk> (chiseled plates, face more expressive.. so on)
<Ftisk> (yes, yes, yes)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay. But still the same size, and general aesthetic?)
<Ftisk> (same size and esthetic will be ok)
<Random_Nerd> Gnomely shimmers for a moment, and seems to almost blink out of existence, and come back looking better.
<DanteE> (What'll happen to the cage?)
<Random_Nerd> (There wasn't a literal physical cage in the old body when last you looked.)

  • Ftisk look inside Gnomely

<Random_Nerd> When the new and improved body shows up, the locust start to re-enter him.
<Random_Nerd> But, while they make progress, they have to push and shove their way in, inch by inch.
<Random_Nerd> (What are you looking for?)
<Ftisk> (for the locusts)
<DanteE> "Of course. Entropy is a sneaky bastard. He's not going to let you get away with defying his decision by something as simple as changing his body."
<DanteE> "Sam, William, did you guys see the locusts?"
<Random_Nerd> (You can see the locusts slowly shoving their way in. They aren't damaging Gnomely's body as they go, but they do seem to be having to exert a lot of force, whereas previously they just sauntered through like the parts they were moving through were just air.)
<Random_Nerd> William nods.
<Random_Nerd> Sam shivers.

  • Brian is still in his office.

<Theresa> (Makes sense. Ftisk 'loved' the previous body. This one doesn't have as much association.)
<DanteE> "Well, the new body is definitely tougher..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But even if this doesn't stop the locusts, it looks like it'll at least slow them down. Huh. I wonder what happens if you bring Entropy's Locusts outside Creation."
<DanteE> to Gnomely: "How do you feel?"
<DanteE> "Considering that's our probe, that's a damn good question.
<Gnomely> "I fell good"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Huh. I just had a weird idea."

  • Gnomely close and reopen a hand

<Theresa> "Oh?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Do you think Entropy knew that Gnomely would be going Outside again?"

  • Gnomely search a mirror

<DanteE> "We told him he did so... and we did mention further tests."
<Ftisk> "I say that Gnomely will go outside"
<Gnomely> "I _want_ to go outside!
<DanteE> "Those locusts might eat Shadows' fetch."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I think he may not have just been being nice, when he didn't kill Ftisk or Gnomely on the spot."
<Ftisk> "It's wicked... as ... well, entropy!"
<Theresa> "Never accuse Entropy of having a soft side before you accuse him of being a devious manipulative...person?"

  • Brian calls out "are the Locusts gone again?"

<Ftisk> "sure"
<DanteE> "They're housed in the new body."

  • Gnomely shout: "I'm alive"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Of course, maybe he just thought it would be funny."

  • Brian will come back to the room. "Observing those things is an experience I never want to duplicate"

<DanteE> (Who among us has the highest Realm?)
<Ftisk> "We live in interesting days"
<Brian> (R2)
<DanteE> "Brian... look at this. (the blood in the dish).
<Brian> "Hm?"
<Brian> "I presume I don't want to touch that blood?"
<Random_Nerd> (I think we should stop soon. That work for you guys?)
<Brian> (sure)
<DanteE> "Do you think you can find out where it came from, and why?"
<Brian> "Probably not through Numbers. And it's likely too dangerous for our Biology department to handle?"
<Random_Nerd> W: "It came from Ymera Entropy's hands, didn't it?"
<DanteE> "It's in our Realm now, can you do it that way?"
<Brian> "Um. It probably will take a lot of power for that."
<Brian> (... how much for a Greater Divination again?)
<DanteE> "Yeah, but it can't be his, he'd be a skeleton."
<Theresa> "I believe it's from his hands. Or was it when his eye threw up?"
<Random_Nerd> W: "I was, quite deliberately, not watching that part."
<Ftisk> "I can create a machine to exam the blood"
<Random_Nerd> (Greater Divs are Level 5.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, for Realm 2, 4 points, because of the Powers of Two rule.)
<DanteE> (It's a Deep miracle for both of us)
<Brian> (First off, I should be able to get a Lesser Div for free, right? Second off, I can siphon in some Spirit MPs? ... oh, wait, we have the MP-cap is MP-cap rule)
<Ftisk> (I have only 1DMP remaining...)
<Brian> (and far as I remember, I haven't used any RMPs this story)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes, lesser div for free.)
<Ftisk> (yes, you can use 4RMP)
<Brian> (then start off with a Lesser Div of Origin on the blood. See how much that gets me)
<Ftisk> (for the deep miracle I mean)
<Random_Nerd> (And one other approach is that, if you step into Jim's head and act through him, you can use Spirit MPs to do a div.)
<Brian> (can Spirit duplicate Realm? I thought it was just Domain?)
<Ftisk> (me too)
<Random_Nerd> (I believe so, but let me check.)
<DanteE> (Jim's in California, isn't he?)
<Random_Nerd> (It can be for any type of miracle, but remember that Aspect works poorly.)
<Brian> (Currently yes, and ok. Would he need to be here to perform the Realm Divs?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes, he is. But if you're using Realm through him, you can check stuff in Amyra from there.)
<Brian> (ah!)
<Random_Nerd> (Just like how when you're out-of-chancel, you can check things and tell people things using Realm.)
<Brian> (so, start with a Lesser Divination of Origin, then?)
<Random_Nerd> (The blood came from Lord Entropy's hands.)
<Random_Nerd> (Or, rather, his left hand.)
<Brian> (lesser divination of ... um. Trying to think up something better than destiny - where it's going)
<Brian> (goals?)
<Brian> (goals)
<DanteE> (What about _before_ that?)
<Random_Nerd> (Before that, it was part of Entropy, and as such immune to divination.)
<Brian> (... huh.)
<DanteE> (So, Entropy is continually bleeding?)
<Random_Nerd> (...say that he's constantly producing bloood.)
<DanteE> (bloood?
<Random_Nerd> (BLOOOOOOOOOOD!)
<Brian> (ghost blood)
<Ftisk> (much blood)
<Random_Nerd> (How similar this is to the processs of bleeding, is unclear.)
<Random_Nerd> (In some ways, it seems closer to sweating, except with blood instead of sweat.)
<DanteE> (... resequencing the DNA in the blood would fall under Data, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Now, as for the divination. The blood has no goals, or purpose.)
<Random_Nerd> (If it had DNA, then yes, it would.)
<Brian> (ok. Would a GDiv of Origin tell me more about the blood?)
<Random_Nerd> (It depends on what you would want to know.)
<Random_Nerd> (If you wanted to know anything that happened when it was inside Entropy's body, then no.)
<Ftisk> (remember that when the blood was into entropy was immune to miracle)
<Brian> (I'm thinking kind of the origin of the bleeding on Entropy's hands, but I guess that's Auc-covered.)
<Random_Nerd> (If you wanted to know things that had happened when it was on his hands, but not inside him, you would need to beat his Spirit with Penetration.)
<Brian> "Well, that's Entropy's blood, and it came from his left hand, and its goal in life is to sit there and be blood."
<Brian> (... and that's not likely to happen.)
<Random_Nerd> (The issue of why Entropy constantly bleeds is covered by immunity to direct miracles.)
<DanteE> (How about: could Ftisk tell what someone with this blood should look like? ISTR blood does have DNA...)

  • Ftisk ld data on the blood: have entropy dna?

<Random_Nerd> (Nope. In many ways, as Brian can tell, it's not exactly the blood of a living creature. It's just more like blood than it is like anything else.)
<Ftisk> (so is a near/not quite blood)
<DanteE> (Ah... can Brian tell what it symbolizes?)
<Random_Nerd> (For instance, there are red blood cells, or things that look like them, but no genetics to tell them how to be formed.)
<Brian> (something almost but not quite entirely unlike blood?)
<Random_Nerd> (That's easy. The blood symbolizes corruption.)
<Random_Nerd> (In many ways, it's basically a reification of how Entropy taints everything he touches.)
<Ftisk> (this is the reason he hate love...?)
<Random_Nerd> (Maybe!)
<Theresa> (Nah, there's an entire book of rumors as to why he hates love.  :) )
<Random_Nerd> (Anyway, my brain is melting. Any last words or actions before we stop?)
<DanteE> (OK, I need to hear that IC in order to mouth off... I mean theorize. :) )
<Brian> (I like the prophesy one best :p)
<Ftisk> (we can stop)
<Brian> "I'm going to paraphrase from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: this blood is a substance that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike blood."
<Brian> "Sure it's got the structure, but it doesn't have the purpose."
<DanteE> "This is Hollywood blood?"
<DanteE> "Oh...
<Brian> "... pretty much."
<Brian> (/now/ we can stop :p)
<Random_Nerd> (It's more like... okay, you know how they're trying to make synthetic blood for transfusions? It's a lot like that.)
<DanteE> "And Entropy spreads it everywhere because?"
<Ftisk> "He is showy"
<Brian> "Corruption. Probably. Not too sure about that point, but that's probable."
<DanteE> "So, it's liquid corruption, but not actually blood?"
<Brian> "No, it's blood. It's just not alive blood."
<Brian> "Look at it through not-prosaic."
<Ftisk> "Maybe is just a symbol and we are over reacting"
<DanteE> "Sam, what does this do to your big Unanswered Questions list?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Dunno. It doesn't exactly match any of the big ones. But it'll go in the pile, for if anyone wonders about it later."
<DanteE> "Wonder if he's doing it deliberately."
<DanteE> (Can stop here)
<Brian> "Doubt it."
<Ftisk> "Out inside the locust reaction to the body change... just in case"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "/That/ is on the list."
<Random_Nerd> ___________STOP________________
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<lazarus> I should get some food :p.
<Angelo> last part was Gnomely too soft to Ftisk?
<Knockwood> (AFK a minute)
<Random_Nerd> Eh. I think Gnomely knows that Ftisk doesn't really hate him, and is just trying to protect him.
<Angelo> He now is MAD at him... but is cooling
<Angelo> slowly
<Angelo> and the new body fascinate him (dear here is a new diamond ring... just don't be mad at me honey)
<Angelo> well, the talk to HQ was interesting
<lazarus> Every session, I get a tighter feeling of "we're hanged."
<Random_Nerd> Really, HQ is the Council-member I've changed the most from the canon.
<Angelo> and the summon method is really nice
<Random_Nerd> What do you think of my version of him?
<lazarus> (... ok, my metaphor didn't quite work for me :p) He's good. Scary. But good.
<Angelo> I like him. Same as Laz
<Random_Nerd> From the Nobilis book, he's supposed to be just selfish and greedy.
<Random_Nerd> But I thought it'd be more interesting if he had some noble goals, but had absolutely no scruples about how he pursues them.
<Angelo> this version is more live-ly
<Knockwood> back
<Angelo> and you do the scruples-less well :-P
<Knockwood> Well, the Anchor-bond covers a multitude of sins...
<Angelo> Gnomely have the HQ tattoo right?
<lazarus> I should really get food. So, g'night guys. See you next week.
<Angelo> night Laz!
<Random_Nerd> Hmm! I actually don't know. I'll have to go back to the log and see if he raised his hand.
<Random_Nerd> But if he did, then he does.
<Angelo> yes he raised, but now have a new body...
<Knockwood> g'night laz
<Random_Nerd> G'night.
<--| lazarus has left #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Okay, then he at least originally had it.
<Knockwood> and I really hope someone can find that missing session. It's Kinda Important.
<Angelo> the new body have the tattoo or only the locust moved?
<Random_Nerd> In that case, Ftisk could chose to remove it, or keep it, depending on which he preferred.
<Angelo> Keep it
<Random_Nerd> Okay. Then it's kept.
<Angelo> Gnomely can refuse to be possessed by Ftisk?
<Knockwood> I doubt it, otherwise the Anchoring has problems
<Random_Nerd> He can't.
<Random_Nerd> Unless Ftisk has that one Limit.
<Angelo> I reformulate the question: outside Gnomely can refuse to be possessed by Ftisk?
<Random_Nerd> Which you can choose to add, if you want.
<Random_Nerd> You don't know to what degree anchor-possession works between worlds.
<Random_Nerd> You can check, the next time he's outside.
<Angelo> sure!
<Knockwood> Assuming we even can send him outside, with those locusts...
<Angelo> but he need to be pissed with Ftisk that time
<Knockwood> You may need to make another gnome
<Angelo> Ftisk will want to risk and Gnomely want too
<Angelo> he(gnomely) was made to go outside
<Knockwood> Yeah, but imagine the destruction if those things go nuts when Gnomely is next to alt-Shadows
<Theresa> Brain smush. Game good. Sleep now. Night.  :) *HUGS*
<Angelo> night Beth
<Knockwood> oyasumi-nasai
|<-- Theresa has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<Knockwood> It really depends on what Entropy was thinking...
<Knockwood> he probably knew we'd be sending him back...
<Random_Nerd> G'night, guys.
<Knockwood> g'night RN
<Angelo> night RN
<Knockwood> You too Angelo..
<Angelo> then, I let entropy know we'll send Gnomely outside
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<Angelo> and I want to try anyway
<Knockwood> You think that'll change what he does?
<Angelo> is unlikely
<Knockwood> never assume Entropy will be reasonable.
<Angelo> yes but I will accept the consequences
<Angelo> Ftisk, in the worst case scenario will be a mop for some week
<Knockwood> yeah, but you may be endangering Alt-Shadows, and indirectly Shadows' crown
<Angelo> and if you take HS?
<Angelo> or was Laz that want to learn HS... you know to take all into 'family'
<Knockwood> hm... you know, this would be a good reason to take Summoning for the Chancel
<Angelo> right, but we need to discuss this with the others
<Knockwood> Right. Remind me next week...
<Angelo> ok
<Knockwood> Good night... well, morning, Angelo
<Angelo> well, good night Knock
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5/20090624025744])
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 15