Electro PL-10

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Electro: PL10 ;

Init +2 (Dex); Defense 17 (15 flat footed); Spd 80ft Electric Bridge; Atk +6 melee (+11S lightning field), +7 ranged (+10L lightning bolt); SV Dmg +2, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14

Skills: (synergies and super bonuses counted) Bluff 7, Craft (Elextronics) 7, Diplomacy 6, Intimidate 4, Sense Motive 5, Taunt 9

Feats: Immunity: Electricity

Powers: Energy Control: Electricity +10 [Extra: Absoption, Animation (Horde), Boost, Energy Field, Healing, Run; Limited: Can absorb only electricity, Can animate machines only, Can heal only if connected to a power source; 8pp]