Elegant Terror Colt Derringer

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Colt Derringer

Ship's lookout and gunman

PL 8 120 pts


STR: 14 (+2) DEX: 20 (+5) CON: 18 (+4) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 18 (+4) CHA: 12 (+1) Pts: 32


Toughness: +4 (+6) Fortitude: +4 Reflex: +9 Will: +6 Pts: 6

Attack: +1 Defense: +1 (+10) Pts: 4


Acrobatics 8 (+13) Climb 8 (+10) Craft (Firearms) 8 (+8) Craft (Artistic-- Carving with Bullets) 8 (+8) Diplomacy 4 (+9) Knowledge (Philosophy) 4 (+4) Medicine 3 (+7) Notice 12 (+16) Stealth 3 (+8) Survival 3 (+7) Swim 3 (+5) Pts:16


Attractive, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 9, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Throw, Ranged Pin, Uncanny Dodge 1 (Sight), Luck 2, Set-Up, Quick Draw 2, Equipment 2 (10 pts) Pts: 26


Eyebrows Too Damn Bushy: Immunity (Visual Effects) 5 [5]

Gunslinger's Inner Eye: Super-Senses 9 : Radius Sight (2), Extended Sight 2 (2), Counters Obscure (5) [9]

The Gun Meditations: Damage 8, Range: Perception (+2), Special: Must have a gun (-1) [16]

Alternate Power: Damage 8, Area: Radius (+1), Selective (+1), Gun (-1) [1]

Alternate Power: Trip 16, Range: Perception (+1), Gun (-1) [1]

Alternate Power: Trip 16, Range: Melee (-1), Gun (-1), Area: Radius (+1), Selective (+1) [1]

Alternate Power: Stun 8, Range: Perception (+2), Gun (-1), Daze only (-1) [1]

Alternate Power: Stun 8, Daze only (-1), Gun (-1), Area: Radius (+1), Selective (+1) [1]

Alternate Power: Deflect 5 (All ranged), Range: Perception (+2), Gun (-1) [1]

Pts: 36

Equipment: Heavy Pistol (Damage +4, range 40 ft)(8 Equip. pts) Masterwork Medical Tools (1 Equip. pt) Masterwork Gunsmithing Tools (1 equp. pt)


It has been twenty years since the The Monk With No Name founded the OK Monastery. The monastery never attracted many students, in no small part because the Monk With No Name hardly ever speaks, let alone teaches.

What students there are are taught by Brother Sanmiguel, who is a bit short-tempered, but quite dedicated to the teachings of the monastery.

There were three students who were generally regarded as the best in the monastery-- Colt Derringer, Hemp Ligature (a student of the Lariat Meditations), and Goad Buckaroo (who studied the Spur Meditations.) All three were orphans raised in the monastery as siblings, with Hemp and Goad often working their feminine wiles on naive Colt to get him to do their chores for them.

Things progressed for many years as the three got older, each mastering their own field of study. However, Colt's lack of study of the deeper philosophical teachings annoyed Brother Sanmiguel, and one day, that worthy had had enough.

"If you can't spend more time reading the works of Leone, Stevens, and Sturges, why are you even here?" he screamed at Colt. "Why don't you just leave the monastery and go be a pirate?" He then stomped away, leaving Colt to ponder his words.

Well, I'm really not that good at reading that kind of thing, reasoned Colt. I'm fairly good at the Gun Meditations, but maybe I'm really not cut out to be a monk here. I suppose Brother Sanmiguel must be right. I guess I have no choice. Taking his gun with him, Colt left the monastery immediately, setting out for his piratical career.

The Monk With No Name wasn't happy with this development (as far as anyone could tell-- a corner of his mouth twitched down), and neither were Hemp and Goad, when they eventually found out. What were they going to do with Colt out of the picture? Clearly, the only reasonable thing to do was to go and drag him back, so they set out in pursuit, over the continued objections of Brother Sanmiguel. But Colt had a head start, and despite Goad's ability to ride anything, they had a great deal of ground to cover...


Colt is good-natured, friendly, and incredibly sheltered. Goad and Hemp trained him well to never question what other people told him, and so he has almost no suspicion in him at all. He's also inexperienced with things like women (Goad and Hemp were working up to that method of persuasion) and alcohol (The Monk with No Name doesn't share.)

He doesn't particularly like hurting people, and will usually attempt to dissuade enemies from attacking by tripping, disarming, or stunning them, rather than simply shooting them.

Description: Hemp is tall and rangy, with bony features. His hair is a faded brown-blond, and short, but unkempt. He has incredibly bushy eyebrows and his eyes are just thin slits underneath them. He wears boots, jeans, a battered hat, and a patterned sarape (poncho), as well as, of course, a gunbelt with a revolver in it.

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