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Name: Maer (most commonly used alias to protect the guilty and avoid embarrassing friends)
Age: Old enough to drive a car, young enough not to avoid Social Security checks.
Bio: Artist. Writer. Happily married. Mom. All else subject to change without notice, and often does. Easily distracted by shiny things.
Birthday: 31 March


Q. Why RPG gaming?
A. Why not? It's a great way to make up a story and share it. It's a way to act out all those bathroom mirror fantasies that would otherwise have you hogging the sink when others in your household have to brush their teeth or pee. It's a great reason to step away from your laptop and get out of the house. I'd call that a solid win.
Q. What attracted you to this particular game?
A. Science fiction. Western. Guns. Spaceships. Blowing stuff up. Oh, and the chance to play a paranoid scrappy underdog who's a mechanical wizard and can do complex mathematics in her head. What's not to love?
Q. Where did you get the idea for your character?
A. A little Princess Leia, a little La Femme Nikita (Luc Besson's movie, not that regrettable Peta Wilson vehicle), a little Allistair MacLean, a little Tom Clancy, a lot of wish fulfillment. I basically made up someone that I'm not, yet would still like to be. I mean, really. Have you seen my car? Good mechanics are hard to find, and interesting characters even harder.
Q. Name one way your character is not like you.
A. Only one? Geez, tough crowd tonight. Hmm, if I had to pick only one, I'd have to say rape survivor. I'd had a safe and comfortable childhood and she's from a hard knocks background.
Q. Name one way your character is like you.
A. Men. In effect if not in action.