Beholder PL18

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PL 18; Init +4 (Imp. Init.); Defense 15; Spd 5 ft. (20 ft. flying); Atk +8 melee (+4L bite), +8 ranged (+11L energy blast); SV Dmg +18, Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +21; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 15.
Skills: Hide +7, Listen +15, Search +18, Spot +20.
Feats: All-Around Sight, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Move-By Attack, Point Blank Shot.
Powers: Amazing Save (Damage) +17 [Extra: Will; Source: Mutation; Cost: 2pp; Total: 34pp], Energy Blast +12 [Extras: Disintergration, Fatique, Mind Control, Slow, Telekinesis, Transformation (Only Into Stone); Source: Mystical; Cost: 8pp; Total: 96pp], Flight +4 [Extra: Continuous; Source: Mutation; Cost: 3pp; Total: 12pp], Natural Weapon (fangs) +5 [Source: Mutation; Cost: 2pp; Total: 10pp], Neutralize +10 [Extra: Sustained, Neutralizing Field; Flaws: Only Mystical Sources, Only From Central Eye; Source: Mystical; Cost: 3pp; Total: 30pp], Super-Senses +2 [Flaw: Limited - Vision Only; Source: Mutation; Cost: 1pp; Total: 2pp].
Disturbing: It’s a giant, floating mass of fangs and eyeballs. ‘Nuff said. -5 penalty to Bluff and Diplomacy checks with humans.
Disabled - Paraplegic: With no legs or arms, the Beholder can only move effectively through flying. If denied it's flight power, it can only inch along the ground at 5 ft. per round as a full round action. Quirk - Xenophobic: Beholders hate all creatures not like themselves. They feel the need to avoid, kill or subjegate others. Their intolerance only allows them to regularly deal with others they have enslaved