Maelstrom PL16

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PL 16 (240PP); Init +5; 30ft (Run); Defense 22/17 (7 Base, 5 Dex); BAB +5; +9 Melee (6S Punch+Boost+5 Fatigue), +10 Ranged (Varies w/ Boost); SV Dmg +6 (13 Absorbtion), Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 18, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14 (Total 69PP)

Skills: Computer 2/+11, SC: Engineer 4/+13, SC: Genetics 4/+13, SC: Bio-Chemistry 4/+13, SC: Physics 4/+13, Craft 4/+13, Repair 4/+13, Search 1/+10, Spot 4/+5 (Total 31PP)

Feats: Leadership, Headquarters, Minions, Toughness (Total 8PP)

Powers: Absorbtion +13 (Source: Alien; Effect: Physical Absorbtion; Extras: Boost [All Attributes (Physical)], Energy Blast [Kinetic Blast], Increased Capacity) (Cost 7 / Total 91PP) Anti-Life Feild (Fatigue) +5 (Source: Alien; Extras: Duration to Continuos [x3]; Flaw: Resstricted [Range Down to Touch], Permanent) (Cost 3 / Total 15PP) Super Intellegince +5 (Source: Alien) (Cost 2 / Total 10PP) Super Strength +2 (Source: Alien; Extra: Super Constitution) (Cost 8 / Total 16PP)