Shadow of the Long White Cloud/House rules

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House Rules[edit]

Shadow of the Long White Cloud main page

Character Creation[edit]

  • Each character gets 30 dots of Merits, rather than the normal seven. These can be exchanged for extra Rote dots on a 1:1 basis.

In Play[edit]

  • A Vulgar spell is automatically vulgar if caught by Sleepers, and may also be Vulgar if caught by Sleepwalkers or any other supernaturals who are unaware of your status as a Mage.
  • Improbable spells are only ever affected by Sleepers.
  • All Mages automatically have sympathetic connections to their Familiar(s), whether embodied or twilight, and can use the familiar's body as an extension of their own, including the ability to cast as if the Mage was there in person.