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New Advantage: Ichor[edit]

While Sheol measures the connection to one's primal power, the manifestation of that power is Ichor, the divine blood of the Tribe. Ichor fuels the powers of the Tribe, and seals the Leviathan's position as a supernatural being. Gleaned from the expression of that divine lineage, access to sufficient Ichor is often the difference between survival and death for younger members of the Tribe, while the colossal amounts of divine power that elder Leviathans and maddened Typhons can bring to bear serves to separate them from the limits of this restricted world.

Ichor is difficult to quantify, even for the Tribe. It is blood but not quite blood, flesh but not quite flesh - it is simply the force of the Tribe's divine nature, which expresses itself in the physical body of the Leviathan. It is Ichor that the Marduk Society covets, but they can only retrieve it from the flesh of its true inheritors.

Spending Ichor[edit]

  • Shapechanging: Ichor is expended to make a shapechanging roll voluntarily.
  • Echoes: Ichor is expended to make use of certain powers bestowed by Echoes.
  • Birthrights: Ichor is expended to activate Birthrights.
  • The amount of Ichor that a Leviathan can safely expend in a turn is limited by his Sheol score. He may expend up to two points beyond this limit, but must undergo an Outburst check if he does so.

Regaining Ichor[edit]

  • Resonance: Leviathans can recover Ichor by harmonizing with the lingering connection that all water holds to the Primordial Sea. If the Leviathan spends at least two hours submerged in a body of water with at least the volume of a large tub, they will recover a point of Ichor. Multiple Leviathans can benefit from a large body of water, provided that it has at least the minimum necessary volume for each member of the Tribe. Unless the water is flowing naturally (such as a lake, river, or ocean), a given body of water can only provide this power once per day. Conversely, every two hours spent without water in an environment in which dehydration is a threat - such as a desert - the Leviathan bleeds off a point of Ichor.
  • Immersion: A Leviathan that is travelling the Depths recovers one point of Ichor per hour.
  • Worship: A Leviathan with a Cult recovers one point of Ichor each morning as a natural consequence of being deified. He may direct his Cult to spend time partaking in more elaborate rituals in his honor, but doing so requires considerable time and poses potential problems regarding detection and interference in cultist's daily lives. If the Cult is directed in this fashion, the Leviathan will regain additional Ichor equal to their Zeal upon the next morning.
  • Degeneration: Upon degenerating due to failing a Tranquility check, the Leviathan regains Ichor equal to its previous Tranquility score.
  • Havoc: Members of the Tribe can, in a pinch, use destruction to attempt to assuage their bloodline and re-connect with their lost nature. If a Leviathan purposefully destroys an inanimate object of Size 5 or greater or injures or kills a living creature (outside of the bounds of combat), he may attempt a Havoc roll. The Leviathan must directly cause the destruction to feed off of it - he cannot benefit from arson or a cush job in demolitions, for instance. If the Leviathan recovers more Ichor from a Havoc check than his Composure, he must make an Outburst check.
      • Dice Pool: Resolve + Sheol
      • Action: Instant
      • Roll Results
        • Dramatic Failure: No Ichor is recovered - instead, the violence forces an Outburst check.
        • Failure: No Ichor is recovered - the Leviathan is unappeased by his act of violence.
        • Success: Ichor is recovered. The Leviathan recovers one point, plus -
          • Inanimate objects: An additional point for every 5 points Size above 5 that the object is (round up).
          • Living beings: An additional point is recovered if the creature is killed or maimed.
        • Exceptional Success: As below, plus an additional point of Ichor.
      • Suggested Modifiers
        • -1: The object is flimsily constructed (Durability 0)
        • -1: The object or creature is already heavily damaged.
        • +1: The Leviathan owns the object or is responsible for the welfare of the creature.
        • +1: The Leviathan has made another Havoc check within the same scene.
        • +2: The subject is living and sentient.

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