Willy Kit PL8

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Willy Kit: PL8; Init +9 (Dex, Improved Initiative); Defense 20 (14 flat-footed); Spd. 30ft; Atk +6 Ranged (+5S, but also varied effects, see below); SV Dmg +0, Fort +0, Ref +10, Will +0; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12

Skills: Acrobatics +6, Balance +3, Bluff +5, Climb +5, Craft (Pellets) +5, Gather Information +2, Hide +6, Jump +10, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Taunt +7

Feats: Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Evasion, Improved Initiative

Powers: Amazing Save (Reflex) +5 [Source: Alien; Cost: 1pp; Total: 5pp] Swinging +3 [Source: Alien; Cost: 1pp; Total: 3pp]

Equipment: Pellets +5: Range: Normal; Effects: Dazzle (Sight) (Extra: Area) +2, Obscure (Sight), Slick (Instant), Energy (Electricity); Flaws: Device; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 4pp; Total: 20pp.