Darkhawk PL10

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Darkhawk Power Level 10

ABILITIES (Total: 36) Strength 20 (+5) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 20 (+5) Intelligence 12 (+1) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 12 (+1)

Melee Attack Bonus: +6 (+1 base, +5 Str) Ranged Attack Bonus: +6 (+1 base, +5 Dex) Initiative: +5 Defense: 20 (+5 base, +5 Dex)

SAVES Damage +9 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +1

SKILLS (Total: 9) Jump +3, Knowledge (law) +3, Taunt +3

FEATS (Total: 22) Aerial Combat, Darkvision, Identity Change, Immunity (Aging, Disease, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot

POWERS (Total: 80) Amazing Save (Fortitude) +5 [Extras: Damage, Reflex; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 3pp] Energy Blast +10 [Extras: Force Field; Flaws: Energy Blast cannot be used while Force Field is used; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 2pp] Flight +5 [Source: Super-Science; Flaws: Gliding; Cost: 1pp] Healing +10 [Extras: Regrowth; Flaws: Self Only, Must use Identity Change; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 2pp] Natural Weapon (claws) +5 [Extras: Snare (Removeable), Swinging; Flaw: Natural Weapon cannot be used while Snare or Swinging are used; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 4pp] Telescopic Vision +3 [Cost: 1pp]

WEAKNESSES Device (Using the Darkhawk body requires the Darkhawk Amulet, which can be taken away from Chris Powell and used by others).