Warblade PL10

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Alternate Identity: Reno Bryce Group Affiliation: Wildcats First Appearance: WildC.A.T.S #01 Power Level: 10 (160pp)

Str: 14 (+2) Dex: 15 (+2) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 12 (+1) Total: 18

Base Attack Bonus: 8 Melee: 11 Ranged: 10 cost: 24

Base Defense Bonus: 8 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +12 cost: 24 Initiative: +6 (improved init)

SAVES Damage: +2 Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +0

Powers: Metal form +10 [shapeshift, extra: continous, extra: elongation, extra: natural weapon, extra: protection, partial extra: Regenration +5; flaw: metal form only; source: alien; cost: 55pp]

Total: 55pp


Attack Focus (claws), All out attack, Improved initiative, Move by Attack, Power Attack

Total: 10pp


Computers+3, Disable device +5, Escape artist +3, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (kherubim lore) + 4, language (kherubim) 1, profession (painter) +4, science (cybernetic, biology) +6, survival +3 Total: 23

Moderate Weakness: Berserk (-5pp)

Grand Total: 155