Maul PL10
Alternate Identity: Jeremy STONE Group Affiliation: WILDCATS First Appearance: WildC.A.T.S vol1 #1 Power Level: 10 (150pp)
Str: 10 (+10, growth) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 18 (+4/-1 when using growth) Wis: 12 (+1/-4 when using growth) Cha: 13 (+1) Total: 20
Base Attack Bonus: 8 Melee: 7/8 (without growth) Ranged: 7/8 (without growth) cost: 24
Base Defense Bonus: 6 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +5 cost: 12 Initiative: +1
SAVES Damage: +2 Fort: +4 (great fortitude) Ref: +1 Will: +1
Growth +10 (extra; continous, extra: shockwave, flaw: lose of mind*, source: alien, cost: 60)
Horns + 5 (natural weapon, source: alien, cost:10)
- The transformation into a larger being causes Jeremy to turn purple and to grow large horns from his back. As Jeremy gets larger, his intellect decreases and he develops a natural resistance to telepathy. At the size of a large building, Maul's brain is purely autonomic.
Total: 70pp
Attack Focus (unarmed), Power Attack Great Fortitude, Identity change.
Total: 8pp
Skills: Computers +10, disable device +7, science (biology, physics, engineering, mathematics) +12.
Total: 16
Total: 150pp