Midnighter PL13

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Alternate Identity: None Group Affiliation: The AUTHORITY First Appearance: STORMWATCH Vol2 Power Level: 13 (205pp)

Str: 15 (+6, super strenght+4) Dex: 16 (+7, super dexterity+4) Con: 18 (+8, super constitution+4) Int: 13 (+9/+1, super intelligence+ the super Intel applies only on tactical purpose Wis: 13 (+1) Cha: 13 (+1) Total: 30pp

Base Attack Bonus: 8 Melee: 10 Ranged: 11 cost: 24

Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +15 cost: 14 Initiative: +11 (improved initiative)

SAVES Damage: +8/+9 (evasion) Fort: +10 (great fortitude) Ref: +9 (lightning reflexes) Will: +3 (Iron Will)


Super tactical computer +8 [combat sense, extra: feats*, extra: super intelligence+8 (flaw: tactical and combat only), extra: deflection, extra: telescopic sight; source: science; cost: 36pp]

  • Feats extra: for each rank in the power, you can add a new feat.

Super Strenght+4 [extra: feats , extra: super dexterity (extra: feats), extra: super constitution (extra: feats, extra: regeneration (extra: back from the brink); source: science; cost: 60pp]

Total: 106pp


Radio-telepathy [mental link x 5 (other members of the Authority), flaw: device; source: science (Engineer); cost: 5pp]

You can add shurikens and tonfas


Dodge Evasion Great Fortitude Iron Will Startle Fame Throwing mastery combat reflexes (from the ANNUAL) Headquarter

From super intelligence: Expertise, Assesment, Move by Attack, Rapid Strike, Surprise Strike, Penetrating vision, Heat vision

From super strenght: Power attack, Takedown attack, Rapid Takedown, Improved grapple,

From super dexterity: Improved Initiative, Lightning reflexes, Talented (acrobatics and balance), Improved critical

From super constitution: immunity (disease), immunity (poison), immunity (starvation), immunity (exhaustion)

Total: 18pp


Acrobatics +12, balance +12, Craft (marksman) +10, Drive +9, Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +5/-1 (Fame), hide +9, intimidate +13, Knowledge (secret world) +9, move silently +8, Spot +2, survival +3 Total: 20


Quirk: Sadic. He enjoy to beat vilains and nothing can stop him kicking butts

Grand Total: 205pp