Burnout PL8

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Alternate Identity: BOBBY LANE Group Affiliation: GEN13 First Appearance: GEN13 miniserie #1, Deathmate Black Power Level: 8 (120pp)

Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 15 (+2) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 13 (+1) Total: 14

Base Attack Bonus: 6 Melee: +7/+8 (aerial combat) Ranged: +9/+10 (aerial combat) Total: 18

Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +10 Initiative: +2

Cost: 14

SAVES Damage: +2/+10 (evasion) Fort: +2 Ref: + 10 (amazing reflexes) Will: +0


Fire Control +8[fire blast; extra: energy field, extra: amazing reflexes, extra: propulsion; extra: telepathy +4, cost: 44pp; source: mutation]

Total: 44pp


Accurate Attack, Aerial combat, Attack focus (fire blast), Immunity (fire), Move by attack, Point blank shot, Precise shot, dodge, evasion

Cost: 18pp

Skills: Acrobatics +5, balance +7, disguise +2, perform (guitar, "Rock'N Roll" ) +4, Spot +2 Total: 12 pp

Grand total: 120pp