Rainmaker PL8
Alternate Identity: SARAH RAINMAKER Group Affiliation: GEN13 First Appearance: STORMWATCH #8 Power Level: 8 (120pp)
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 15 (+2) Con: 13 (+1) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 15 (+2) Cha: 14 (+2) Total: 17
Base Attack Bonus: 5 Melee: +7 Ranged: +8 Total: 15
Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +10 Initiative: +2
Cost: 14
SAVES Damage: +1 Fort: +1 Ref: + 2 Will: +2
Weather control +8 [extra: air control, extra: flight, extra: fog, extra: lightning; half-flaw: braces* ; cost: 44pp; source: mutation]
- She concentrates by the use of an electronic device on her wrists. Without it her weather control power is at level 4
Total: 44pp
Attack finesse, Attack focus (lightning), Attractive, Endurance, Track, dodge, Surprise Strike
Cost: 14pp
Skills: Balance +3, Bluff +6/+3 (attractive), diplomacy +6/+3, Knowledge (Apache lore) +3, Language +1 (apache), Medecine +3, Move silently +3, Ride +3, Survival +4, Swim+2. Total: 15 pp
Grand total: 120pp