Backlash PL13

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Alternate Identity: Mark SLAYTON Group Affiliation: WILDCORE / PSI First Appearance: STORMWATCH Power Level: 13 (195pp)

Str: 15 (+2) Dex: 20 (+13, super dexterity +8 ) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 15 (+2) Total: 28pp

Base Attack Bonus: 8 Melee: 14 (attack finesse, attack focus) Ranged: 13 cost: 24

Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +21 cost: 14 Initiative: +13

SAVES Damage: +4/+13 (evasion, toughness) Fort: +2 Ref: +13 Will: +2


Alternate form (gaseous) +6 [extra: psy-whisps* (Telekinesis (Extra: Grapple, Energy Blast, Mental Blast (Flaw: Only in Grapple, Heroic Effort); Flaw: Range-Touch, flaw: no lifting capacities, Power Stunts: Reach (from Crooks))) ; flaw: limited flight (gliding); source: mutation (gen-factor enhanced by alien origins); cost: 44pp]

  • Psy-whips : Marc has telekinetic psi-whips that extend from his hands and the ability to transform his body and clothes into mist

All effect comes from his psy-whips, range for attacks (energy and grapple) is 10 feet.

Super-dexterity +8 [extra: combat sense; source: training (in fact 3000 years of training  ; cost: 40pp]

Total: 84pp


Attack Finesse, Attack Focus (psy-whips), Chokehold, Dodge, evasion, Leadership (ex-Stormwatch trainer, leader of Wildcore), Rapid Healing, Toughness, Mental link (team 7) Immunity: aging

Total: 18pp

Skills: Acrobatics +18, balance +16, Climb +4, Craft (marksman) +2, Drive +14, Escape Artiste +15, Gather Information +3, Hide +15, Intimidate +3, Jump +5, Move Silently +15, Open Lock +15, Profession (soldier) +4, Spot +3, Survival +3. Total: 25 pp